Part 7

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My triumph at getting one over on Van is short-lived as his sulky demeanour when he comes back to the table with our victory drinks means that the good mood around the table quickly dissipates

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My triumph at getting one over on Van is short-lived as his sulky demeanour when he comes back to the table with our victory drinks means that the good mood around the table quickly dissipates. Even Johnny who's come across as easy-going and fun so far is acting uncharacteristically quiet, sitting there looking shiftily between Van and Larry like he's committed some heinous crime and he's awaiting punishment. Maybe the public kiss wasn't such a good idea. I make a mental note to be more surreptitious in my seduction next time.

"Come on guys, it's shit in 'ere, let's go," Van says glumly as he drains his pint glass.

Larry and Johnny nod eagerly and I go to protest, but realise that three against one doesn't make for very good odds. Everyone gets to their feet and it's only then that I realise that actually, it's definitely a good idea to leave. It soon becomes quite obvious that I've massively overindulged when I sway unsteadily as I try to navigate my way through the crowds. And when the fresh air outside hits me my head's spinning and my legs are wobbly. I take a few shaky steps, then my heel gets caught in a crack in the pavement and I end up in an ungracious heap on the floor.

"What did I tell ya?" Larry sighs, and him and Van rush over and grab one of my arms each, gently hauling me on to my feet.

"I can manage!" I slur, but as soon as the lads release me I'm keeling over to the side again, straight into Van's outstretched arms.

"Are ya falling for me love?" Van quips as he wraps a steadying arm around my waist.

"In your dreams," I giggle back, but actually... it does feel rather nice being this close to him, tucked tightly into his side.

There's a taxi rank right outside the club and Van steers me towards it. We all clamber in and Larry takes the front seat leaving me, Johnny and Van to get in the back. Now Van's been cuddling up to me he doesn't seem to want to let go. He drapes an arm around my shoulder and I lean into his side, lulled by the motion of the taxi, and the next thing I know I'm being roused from sleep by a hand gently stroking my cheek. My eyes flutter open and I'm looking straight up into a pair of baby blues.

"Alright sleeping beauty, good to see ya back in the land of the living!" Van beams down on me, and I realise that I've sunk right down on to him, my head resting in his lap.

I groggily pull away and sit upright, a little disoriented, looking out the taxi window to check where we are. It's hard to tell in the dark and it's been so long since I was last in Llandudno.

Johnny's sitting with his head turned away, looking out the window, and I wonder what he's thinking. One minute I'm snogging his face off in the club and the next I'm cuddling up to one of his closest mates. Subtlety has never been one of my strong points but even so, maybe I do need to rein it in a bit.

I move away, intending to create a little gap between me and Van, but he closes it quickly, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "Fancy coming back to mine?"

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