Part 13

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As the venue starts to fill up I'm caught between wanting to stay and watch the show or storming out in a huff, but I don't want Van to know exactly how much he's riled me up

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As the venue starts to fill up I'm caught between wanting to stay and watch the show or storming out in a huff, but I don't want Van to know exactly how much he's riled me up. I'm feeling mad. Really mad. Seething in fact.

The crowds spill in and I soon find myself pressed up against the barrier. There's excited chatter all around me and I glance behind to see an ocean of faces all wearing smiles, some stretching up on tip-toes to get a better view. A group of exuberant girls around my age take the spot to the left of me and I can't help but overhear their comments they're talking so loud.

"If Van comes out to meet fans after the show I'm going to slip him my phone number!"

"As if he'd be interested in you Donna!"

"Shut up Amy, when he came out after the gig last week he made a point of speaking to me. And he signed my t-shirt!"

"I'm surprised you didn't ask him to sign your tits!"

Raucous laughter erupts at this comment, then one girl announces, "Anyway, I reckon he's got a girlfriend. Did you see that girl he arrived with? She was gorgeous!"

There's murmurs of agreement and a few sighs.

"Shhh... keep your voice down... she's standing right next to you!" One voice hisses, and there's some jostling in the crowd as the girls all take turns to crane their necks to give me the once over.

I just stand there with a smug grin painted on, flicking my hair back and trying for a modelesque pose even though it's hard to do so with all these teenage girls jostling to get to the front. It's looking more and more like Van's quite the heartthrob which annoyingly just makes him all the more desirable. But there's no way he's getting one over on me. No way at all. I'm used to calling the shots.

The venue lights suddenly dim and the crowd surges forward and I find people pushing and shoving, trying to battle for the coveted barrier spot on all sides. I'm determined not to give up my prime position, my grip claw-like on the cool metal, my body pressed up against it.

Through the gloom I can just make out four figures coming on to the stage and taking up their places. Even though it's just the guys I find that my tummy is churning with excitement.

The lights gradually go up and Van steps up to the mic. "Hello Manchester, we are Catfish and the Bottlemen. Thank you very much for having us!"

The crowd erupt into cheers, whistles and screams and it's deafening but exhilarating at the same time. Pride blooms like a warm glow inside me as I take in the impressive impact the band have on the fans. As soon as Van starts to sing the crowd join in as one and to my complete surprise they know all the words. Every single one.

I got mislead, mistook, discard
Anything that I said
See I'm not the type to call you up drunk
But I've got some lies to tell

I'm With The Band (Catfish & The Bottlemen/Sam Fender)Where stories live. Discover now