Part 21

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"You shouldn't let him get to you Arabella

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"You shouldn't let him get to you Arabella."

The voice comes from behind me just as I locate Sam propping up the bar across the terrace and I turn to see Lucy standing there with a sweet but knowing smile.

"Who do you mean?" I ask, although it occurs to me that it's probably quite obvious, I'm just not sure how Lucy knows anything about my recent altercation with Van.

"Van of course!" She laughs, leaning in close like she's about to divulge a secret. "Gossip travels fast around here!"

"You're not kidding! I've literally just left him."

I let myself be steered across the decking to where Lucy's been sitting with Bob and Benji.

"Johnny wasn't best pleased with Van when he stepped out," she explains. "You know you maybe ought to be careful there."

"And why's that?"

I take a seat opposite Lucy, realising with embarrassment that I still have my underwear tucked away in my hand. I quickly and sneakily shove them down between a gap in the cushions, hoping Lucy doesn't notice, but I don't need to worry. She's too busy glancing at Bob and Benji who appear to be deep in conversation. Then she turns back to me with that knowing smile still evident.

"Van doesn't like sharing, you know. He makes out he's not the jealous type but he is."

I'm not even Van's for him to be concerned about 'sharing' me. Irritation flares in me at her words, but it's swiftly overshadowed by a sense of satisfaction as it sinks in just how much he obviously wants me to be his, and his alone.

I sit back in my seat, aware a smug grin has found its way on to my lips and not bothering to try and hide it. "Maybe it's about time Van didn't get his own way for once. A bit of friendly competition never hurt anyone did it?"

I assume Lucy will react negatively, try and talk me around, tell me that it isn't fair to be playing games, but to my surprise she leans forward even further in her seat, her eyes sparkling with conspiratorial mischief.

"It's Leos."

This means nothing to me. "Huh? What do you mean?"

She giggles, loud enough for Bob to break away from his conversation and look over.

"Leos," she repeats. "I don't think I've ever met a more typical Leo than Van!"

"You're not going on about that astrology crap again are you?" Bob chips in with a laugh, then he looks at me. "Don't listen to her Arabella, it's a complete load of rubbish!"

"Hey!" Lucy exclaims, eyes wide as Bob raises his eyebrows at me pointedly. "It's not rubbish at all. It can tell you a lot about a person if you must know. What they like, what they don't like, what makes them tick... what winds them up..."

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