Part 24

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"Where did ya disappear off to? Been looking for ya everywhere

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"Where did ya disappear off to? Been looking for ya everywhere."

I realise that I'm holding myself tensely, expecting some kind of confrontation from Van, although to my surprise his voice and features are soft as he approaches me. In fact he looks relieved.

It catches me off guard, my defences already raised and ready to launch a scathing attack at him, telling him in no uncertain terms that he doesn't own me and I can spend the night wherever and with whoever I like. His wide eyes and searching expression stop me in my tracks and I falter, unsure how to play this.

"Oh, I was just tired, that's all... knackered in fact. Had way too much to drink, think it all just caught up with me. I've been asleep for a little while..."

I fake a yawn, covering my mouth with the back of my hand, hoping it looks convincing. Van's eyes narrow slightly, slipping down to Sam's t-shirt that I'm wearing. It was baggy enough on Sam and it absolutely drowns me, slipping off my shoulder and hanging loosely around my thighs, covering me almost to the knee. It's probably just as well as the longer I stand there the more I can feel the wet trail of Sam's cum dripping down my inner thigh.

I feel my whole body stiffen in anticipation of Van realising what I've been up to, part of me nervous but a tiny part of me bristling with a wicked kind of excitement. In a twisted way I realise that I actually want Van to know that I've hooked up with Sam. I'm sure that he won't be able to stand the competition and he'll be falling over himself to try and prove that he's the better man.

"Benji said you'd probably gone to bed but I didn't believe him. Larry reckons you're a right party animal, usually the last one standing. I thought you'd gone off clubbing with Fender and his lot..."

"Nah..." I start to reply but Van starts talking again like he's thinking aloud, his eyes leaving mine to trail off down the corridor towards my room.

"... although I didn't see Sam leaving. Only saw Dean, Dru and Joe going out the door. Maybe Sam didn't go after all..."

His eyes are fixed on a point behind me now, a small frown creasing his brow, and I'm almost certain that when I turn around I'm going to see Sam emerge from the doorway in a state of undress. I shrug nonchalantly, glancing around quickly to see that no one's there, thankful that I'd shut the door behind me.

"I didn't see him leave either, but he's not here is he so he must've sneaked out. Anyway... I'm just off to the toilet so..."

I shrug, going to walk past him but he catches me by the elbow, fingers curling around the crook of my arm, bringing me to a standstill.

"Bob says he saw you and Sam heading back in 'ere earlier."

I tense again, ready for a fight but I don't let it show. Not yet. Despite the exhilarating thought of the boys' potential rivalry over me there's also the worrying notion of Sam causing a scene if he thinks that Van's harassing me.  I wrench my arm out of his grasp, letting a small amount of annoyance show for effect.

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