Part 28

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Before I've stepped too far away a thought occurs to me and I quickly dart back into my room, smiling to myself at Van's fleeting look off dismay which evaporates as soon I emerge with my phone in hand, urging him to lead the way

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Before I've stepped too far away a thought occurs to me and I quickly dart back into my room, smiling to myself at Van's fleeting look off dismay which evaporates as soon I emerge with my phone in hand, urging him to lead the way.

He does, back to the master bedroom where I steal a glance at his bed as I cross the threshold, memories sparking in me of what I was doing there with him just last night. My cheeks immediately tinge pink as I recall how easily he'd coaxed a climax from me, and the fact that just a few hours later I'd led Sam back to my room for more of the same. It certainly wasn't the first time that I'd seduced two guys in the same evening and usually I'd be glowing with a smug kind of satisfaction, but Sam's hurt and angry face keeps appearing in my mind, an unwelcome reminder of how every action causes a reaction... and not always in a good way.

I excuse myself under the pretence of using the bathroom and perch on the side of the tub, opening up my phone, my heart sinking when I see a ridiculous number of missed calls and texts on the screen. A quick scroll through shows none from Portia since her texts from earlier last night but plenty from my other so-called 'friends' and assorted hangers-on who I'm sure are only too eager to ingratiate themselves to me now they think I'm probably part of Sam's inner circle.

I ignore them, scrolling down the list and bringing up Portia's contact, placing the call and anxiously listening to it ring and ring, the answerphone eventually picking up. I try again and again, even persisting when it's quite obvious that Portia is either asleep or still partying or blatantly ignoring me, only giving up when I hear a gentle rap on the door and Van's tentative voice asking if I'm okay.

"Yeah, I'll just be a sec!" I call out, before I'm dropping my voice down low as Portia's answerphone picks up yet again, hissing my words out in hushed, clipped tones.

"Portia! What the fuck d'ya think you're playing at? I've got the whole bloody world trying to get hold of me and Sam Fender hates my guts! Take those photos down... please! And call me when you get this."

I flick my phone on to silent just as I see my friend Dominic's cocky grinning face pop up on the screen as he tries to connect to me through FaceTime. It's the first time he's tried to call me since I've been away. In fact it's the first time any of the others have. Well fuck him and the rest of the London gang!

I swallow down the bitter feeling that's clawing its way up my throat, pushing back through into the room and flopping down on to Van's bed face first with a deep groan. A moment later I feel the bed dip down under his weight as he climbs on, then I feel a large warm hand on my back, soothing touches moving down across my shoulder blades.

"C'mon Bella, it ain't that bad... you'll see. It'll all blow over soon enough. Things like this always do. They'll be gossiping about somebody else in a few days."

Jeez, I wish I had Van's optimism. He's always been like this, not dwelling on the bad stuff, trying to cheer people up when they're down. Even though he used to tease me relentlessly during my childhood summers he also made it his mission to try and make me laugh, cracking a daft joke or pulling a ridiculous face or tickling me until I begged for mercy. He usually succeeded as well, much as I tried to hide it and act aloof. Maybe I just need to switch off for a while and indulge in a bit of his laidback goofiness.

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