Chapter Ten

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  "Oh girls, I'm so excited!" my mom squealed as she climbed into the white limo in front of my apartment building.
"We are gonna have fun tonight Ms. Miller!" Jenny exclaimed.
"Please, call me Hannah. Ms. Miller makes me sound old!"
"Okay Hannah, let's party!" Dani shouted. We were celebrating my mom's bachelorette party tonight. I recruited Rachel for this one because I had no idea where to begin. Plus, I figured she at least wouldn't bail out on this task.
My mom and Peter requested for a combined party, so we decided we'd take all the girls out for a limo drive around town, and then meet up at Lucky's where Andrew offered to host the party.
"We can party, but I'm not calling you Hannah" I teased my mom.
She giggled, "thank you sweetie I'm just so excited!"
"Me too mom!" I beamed.
I loved seeing my mom so happy. She deserved all of this. My mom wasn't like me, she gave up everything for my dad and he left her. I, on the other hand wouldn't give up everything. I still stand by my decision less than two weeks ago that I won't have the second chance my mom is having now, but I'm thankful she got hers.
"So tomorrow's the big day! How excited are you to be Mrs. Ferguson?" Dani asked my mom. My mom's smile was ear to ear when Dani said "Mrs. Ferguson" I thought she would get stuck that way.
"I'm just thankful to marry the man of my dreams" she gushed.
"Let's toast!" Rachel exclaimed and passed around champagne glasses.
We each filled our glasses with the sparkling champagne and raised them up, "to Mrs. Ferguson!" I shouted.
"To Mrs. Ferguson!!" everyone cheered.
We rode around the rest of the hour blasting music, drinking and laughing. By the time we reached Lucky's, we were all a little tipsy.
The bar was full of Peter's cop friends and some of my mom's work friends. Jack and Caleb were sitting in the back booth avoiding some advances from the older women.
"Whoa, some of these guys are pretty cute" Dani said quietly as she surveyed the room.
"Eye on the prize" Rachel reminded her, pointing to Andrew behind the bar. He was smiling, that devastatingly handsome smile where it meets his big brown eyes. You almost feel bad for the girls that throw themselves at him, they never really stand a chance. Andrew has a way of making you swoon the moment he smiles at you.
I shoved down the jealousy that was rising inside of me over Dani pursuing Andrew, and headed towards Caleb and Jack. My mom joined Peter as soon as we arrived, so I figured she wouldn't need much babysitting tonight.
"Hey, how was the limo ride?" Caleb asked when I sat next to him. I had to hold my dress down, Rachel was always convincing me to wear dresses that are way too short. The one I had on tonight was an olive green scrunched tank top dress. I paired it with a pair of sparkly silver heels Dani let me borrow. I will admit, I felt prettier than I have in a long time. But I was definitely out of my comfort zone.
"It was fun! How's it going here?"
"Good! Just trying to ward off advances from some of your mom's friends" Caleb pointed to a group of older ladies who look like they've had too much to drink already.
I laughed, "what's wrong with a mature woman?" I teased. Andrew appeared with a pitcher of beer and the usual clear bottle of Smirnoff. He sat down next to me and smiled.
Dani was there two seconds later, "scoot over!" she said to Andrew.
I moved closer to Caleb to make room, but Andrew just moved even closer to me. I grabbed my drink and began to chug it down, I'm gonna need more of these if I have to sit next to Andrew and Dani all night.
"So Andrew, are you gonna save me a dance tomorrow or what?" Dani cooed. I looked straight ahead, afraid to see Andrew's expression.
"Um yeah, sure!" he said politely. I know he was just being polite, but jealousy continued to rear its ugly head. It's okay, I had to remind myself. Having two of your friends find happiness with each other is okay. I took another big chug of my drink, this time emptying the bottle.
"Damn Casey, you better slow down there!" Jack teased and finished his own drink.
"I'll go get more" Andrew quickly responded and gathered the empty drinks.
Once he left, Dani scooted close to me. "So what do you think Case? Does it look like Andrew is interested? I've been trying to not throw myself at him but he isn't making it easy. I mean look at him!" she spoke, barely taking a breath.
I laughed as I followed her eyes to the bar. Andrew was behind the counter talking with Peter. He had on a white t-shirt that contrasted well with his dark hair and tan skin in all the best ways. He looked over at us, and smiled. Dani and I immediately turned to each other.
"Ugh he kills me with those dimples" Dani sighed. I just smiled, I would never admit that they had the same effect on me. "So what do you think?" she asked me again.
"Um, I don't know, have you tried actually asking him out?" I suggested.
"Ask who out?" Caleb chimed in.
"No one" Dani quickly replied, "C'mon Casey let's go" she pulled my arm. We walked to the bar where Rachel and Jenny were about to take a shot.
"Hey!" Rachel shouted, "get in in this!" she held up her glass. Andrew poured two more shot glasses with a yellowish liquid.
"What is this?" I held up my glass when Rachel handed it to me.
"Tequila!" Rachel and Jenny sang. I've never taken a shot before, and Rachel must have sensed my confusion. She knew my knowledge of alcohol was limited.
"Here, you just shoot it back in your mouth as fast as you can. Like this!" she explained and took her shot. She scrunched her face up like it was sour before breathing out like it burned.
"See? Easy!" Rachel gestured to Andrew for another one.
"Okay, cheers!" Jenny yelled and held up her glass.
"Cheers!" we all chorused. The tequila burned my throat as I tried to drink it as fast as I could. I see now why Rachel scrunched her face up.
"How was it?" Dani asked.
"Gross" I admitted, "why do you guys like this?"
"Give it a few minutes" Rachel laughed.
"Case, how at twenty four years old, have you never had a shot before?" Jenny asked in disbelief.
I shrugged, "I don't know, getting drunk never looked fun." It really didn't. Rachel would always come to my house after a party and she could barely walk. Her make up would be smeared and I'd be stuck holding her hair if she threw up. Then there's the hangover. Nothing about a hangover sounds fun.
"Wait, you've never been drunk?" Dani asked.
I laughed, "why is that so weird?"
"Because it is! And we are changing that tonight!" Dani wrapped her arm around my shoulders.
"Another round Andy!" Rachel yelled out. Andrew walked back over, "I thought we discussed you weren't gonna call me Andy."
"You discussed. I listened, and overruled" Rachel teased. "C'mon, we're getting Casey drunk for the first time."
Andrew gave me a concerned look, furrowing his brows. "Are you sure?"
My first mistake of the night was looking Andrew in the eyes. Every time I look into those deep brown eyes of his, I don't think straight. My second mistake was what I said next:
"Yeah, why not!"
Andrew poured another round of tequila, then another, and another. With each shot, I felt my inhibitions slowly fade away. I don't think I have ever felt so comfortable before and my whole body felt like it had loosed up after being tense for so long.
Some guys moved tables and chairs out of the way, creating a makeshift dance area. All of us moved and danced along with each other. Even my mom and Peter were out there, smiles from ear to ear.
Dani convinced Andrew to come out from behind the bar to dance. I can't say that it was easy to see them together, but I reminded myself again that it was for the best. I need to just enjoy my night. It felt good not having the guilt and hurt looming over me. But if I'm gonna keep enjoying my night, I need more alcohol.
"Can I have another shot of tequila please?" I slurred to Amber who was now manning the bar. She smiled, and I thought about how pretty she is. I'm surprised Andrew wasn't attracted to her, and her pretty hair and pretty face. Okay, I might be pretty drunk now.
"Here you go!" Amber set the glass on the counter. I went to grab it when I was intercepted. I looked up, of course it was Andrew. It was always Andrew, I thought to myself.
"What" he looked confused.
"Huh?" I was just as confused.
"You said 'it's always Andrew'" he explained.
"Oh" I began to giggle, "I did not mean to say that out loud". I tried to grab my drink back from him, but he held it up above me.
"Don't you think you've had enough?" he lectured. I tried to reach for it, my heels giving me height advantage I wouldn't normally have. Unfortunately, being drunk took away my balance and I fell into Andrew.
He quickly wrapped one arm around my waist to keep me from falling, then set the drink back on the counter. My face was inches from his as he held me tight against his chest.
"See? You're already too drunk to stand" he teased quietly, the smell of his cologne enveloped me and this time I took a deep breath, taking it all in.
I couldn't speak for a moment, I could only think about how good it felt to be held. The warmth of Andrew's body against mine made my heart race and I felt like the room was spinning.
"I'm, um I'm okay, really" my voice was thick. I needed to get away from him I quickly realized.
I could feel my walls crumbling every moment I spend with him. Andrew released his grip and I tried to stand on my own, but failed. I reached for his shoulder to try and stabilize myself instead.
"Okay, maybe you're right" I admitted once I felt like I could stand without falling.
"Let me get you some water" he offered.
"No, I think I'm just gonna go home now" my self control was too weak to be here. I needed to go home and sober up.
"Okay, I'll take you" he insisted.
"No!" I exclaimed, "I can do it!"
Andrew didn't listen, he just smiled. The smile that makes his eyes crinkle and reveals his dimples. "I'm sure you can" he laughed.
I must look ridiculous, I feel ridiculous as I tried to walk on my own. Andrew still hovered next to me as I stumbled my way through the crowd.
"This is why I don't get drunk" I muttered to myself.
He laughed, "why's that?"
"Because I can't walk" I was annoyed. I stopped and held onto Andrew's arm while I unbuckled the straps on my heels and took them off. "There, that's better!" I exhaled. "I can take it from here" I assured him. Now that I could walk a little better, I can get as far from him as I can.
Andrew just smiled, "I'm not letting you go alone Casey."
"Ugh" I groaned like a child. "You're impossible."
"Yeah, but so are you" he argued.
"Let me say good bye to my mom" I said walking away, hoping maybe I could ditch him. Unfortunately, he was still right there behind me. I found my mom cuddled up with Peter in one of the booths, and I stopped walking.
"Aww she's so happy" I beamed.
Andrew stood close behind me, "she is."
"I want to go home" I announced again. I didn't want to interrupt my mom's night by telling her I was leaving. She would worry and that's the last thing she needs now.
"Come on" Andrew reached out his arm.
"I can't" I replied.
Andrew sighed, "Casey it's just a ride home." He's right. It's just a friend helping a friend. Plus, it beats waiting for an Uber.
We got outside and the cold November air felt amazing. I didn't realize how hot it was in the bar. Andrew helped me walk to his black Dodge Charger, and opened the door for me before getting into the driver's seat.
Music played as soon as he started his car. "Hey, I love this song!" I cheered when "Dancing In The Moonlight" by King Harvest sounded.
I started singing and dancing to the song. It reminded me of when I was little and my mom used to play songs like this one. We would dance all over the house together, and she would swing me around until we were both dizzy.
I looked over at Andrew who's smile was radiant. "Come on you sing!" I commanded.
"No, I'll leave that to you" he laughed.
"Fine, but that's no fun" I teased.
Andrew insisted on walking me to my door once we got home, no matter how much I argued. Apparently it's not gentlemanly to let a women leave without making sure she got inside safe.
I stumbled my way to my door and tried to find my key. After searching for what felt like minutes, Andrew grabbed my purse and found the key within seconds.
He unlocked the door and opened it. I walked in and threw Dani's shoes on the floor, ready to be done with them. Andrew gently laid my purse on the coffee table while I flopped onto the couch and let out a loud sigh. It felt good to get off my feet, and the room wasn't spinning as much when I sat.
"Are you okay?" Andrew asked, he stood by the couch with his hands in his pocket.
"You always put your hands in your pocket when you're nervous" I pointed out.
He blushed and looked down. "Why do you say that?"
"Cause it's true. Why are you nervous?" Apparently alcohol makes you blunt. I've always thought these things, but never thought I'd say them out loud.
Andrew took a breath and sat down on the couch next to me, "you."

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