Chapter Twenty Five

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Jenny and I went home so we can get ready for tonight. I walked into my room just as Andrew was getting out of the shower.
     "Hey" I said nervously as I quickly hid his gift under the bed before he can notice. I wanted to give it to him tonight after the party. I was going to leave it on his desk as a surprise.
     "Hey!" Andrew smiled, "why do you look nervous?" he walked out with the towel wrapped around his waist.
     Damnit that man reads me too well. "I was just surprised to see you were still here" I tried my best to lie.
     "Oh yeah, I'm gonna leave soon" he stood against the door frame of the bathroom.
     "Well I'm glad I ran into you!" I sat down on the bed.
     "Yeah?" he smirked.
     I laid down on my stomach, I think I could use this to my benefit. Throw him off my trail so to speak. "I've missed you" I pretended to pout.
     Andrew laughed, "you are insatiable you know that!"
     "Are you complaining?" I looked up at him through my lashes. I may or may not have batted them for emphasis.
     "Not even a little" he smiled and walked towards the bed. I sat on my knees and met him at the edge of the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck.
I rubbed his hair, sprinkling water everywhere. "You need to dry your hair better" I lectured him.
     Andrew grabbed his towel from around his waist and handed it to me. My heart skipped at the forwardness of his action. I draped the towel over his head and dried off his hair.
     "Better?" he asked.
     "Much better!" I threw the towel across the room, away from his reach.
     He scooped me up and laid me further back on the bed, "you know we are gonna talk about what made you nervous later right?" he smiled against my neck.
      I giggled as his warm breath tickled, "I can't get anything past you."
     "Mmm nope" he continued to kiss down my neck.
     "You know Jenny says the longer we're together the more things won't be like this."
     Andrew's head popped up, "do you believe her?" his eyes were searching mine.
     "I don't think I do" I said softly.
     "So we won't let that happen, deal?" he returned to kissing my neck and then unbuttoned my jeans.
     "Deal" I said breathlessly.

     Andrew left soon after and Rachel began to work her magic in getting us all ready. Dani, Jenny and I were all set up in Rachel's room as she directed us on what to do.
     "Dani don't use that eye shadow, it clashes with your eyes" she pointed out.
     Dani rolled her eyes, "Josh loves this color!"
     "I don't care, he's a boy. He doesn't know better" Rachel insisted and grabbed the pallet from Dani.
     "Geez, grumpy much?" Dani muttered.
     "What's wrong Rach?" Jenny decided to ask.
     "Nothing, I'm just tired" she retorted.
     "Okay" Jenny decided to not push.
     "How are things with Josh?" I asked Dani trying to distract them from pushing Rachel. I don't know what's going on with her, but pushing only makes it worse.
     "Oh sooo good!" she gushed. "He's been so sweet and that man can wear a suit!"
     "Yeah I've been meaning to ask you about that. Does the man own any other clothes?" Jenny teased.
     "Yes!" Dani exclaimed, "you guys just only see him after work."
     "Well he looks happy, and so do you!" I encouraged her.
     "Thanks Case! I am happy. He's one of the few guys I know who's not afraid of a commitment. It's refreshing actually" she beamed. I smiled for my friend. Happy that she was happy.
     "What about you? How are things with Andrew? You know Josh kind of reminds me of Andrew with those dimples"
     "We are great" I tried not to sound too excited.
     "I'll say" Rachel muttered as she added some approved eye shadow to Dani.
     "What does that mean?" Jenny inquired.
     "It means if these two don't stay off each other sometime soon, I'm gonna lose it" she snarked.
     "Rachel!" we all exclaimed in unison.
     "Hey, don't think I forgot about the time when Jack first moved in. Or the time I caught you guys in my room!" I argued.
     "Rachel? Her room?" Dani was shocked.
     Rachel laughed, "I still remember the look of horror on your face."
     I threw a make up brush at her, "yeah I was horrified. I had to see Jack in all his—" I shuddered at the memory.
     "But why her room?" Dani was still trying to understand.
     "We did it everywhere else" Rachel shrugged like it wasn't a big deal or anything.
     "Rachel!" we all exclaimed again.
     "You guys keep yelling my name, I—" I grabbed a pillow off her bed and threw it at her this time to stop her soon to be inappropriate comment.
    "Prudes" she mumbled and went back to Dani's face.
     "I'm glad you're so happy Casey" Dani added to our earlier conversation before Rachel interrupted.
     "Thanks Dani! I never thought I'd be this happy again" I gushed.
     "Alright ladies! It's time to get out of here" Rachel cheered, sounding much happier than she did moments ago.
     I rode with Jenny and Caleb to the bar. I would be riding home with Andrew so it made no sense to drive. But once we got there I realized I forgot Andrew's gift under the bed.
     "Shoot, Caleb could I borrow your car real quick?" I asked frantically.
     "Why what's wrong?"
     "Nothing, I just forgot something at home. I wanna go grab it real quick" I pleaded, not wanting Caleb to know the truth and let it slip.
     "Okay, just be careful" he tossed me his keys.
     "Let Andrew know I'll be back soon" I yelled as I climbed into the driver's seat.
     I rushed back home as fast as I could to retrieve the watch. Thankfully, the lights were all green. I ran into my apartment leaving the front door open and quickly grabbed the box from under my bed. I gave Lola a quick pet and then ran to the door. I was locking up when I heard my name quietly being called.
     My heart froze and I dropped my keys. I couldn't move to pick them up. I had to be imagining things, because there was no way.
     "Casey" my name was being called again, this time louder. I slowly turned around, and gasped when I saw him. He looked slightly older, and bigger somehow, but it was him, standing right in front of me. Tears immediately flooded my eyes and I felt like my lungs were going to collapse.
     "Scott" I whimpered.

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