Chapter Eighteen

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I stayed at Caleb's while I waited for Andrew to come home. Jenny, Caleb and I hung out watching tv together until then. After a couple of hours he finally walked in.
     "Hey!" he smiled when he saw I was here, "I was gonna call you."
     I got up to meet him, "I figured I haven't spent much time here in a while."
     "Yeah Casey!" Caleb shouted from the couch.
     "Well let me change and I'll be right back" he kissed me and headed towards his room. I followed, not really wanting to spend time with him while Caleb and Jenny were in the room.
     "Casey!" he blushed when I walked into his room. I realized I've never seen his room before. I was impressed how clean it was. He had his bed in the corner, and a desk opposite of that. There were some shelves with books and other things, but the room overall was minimal.
     "What? I just spent all evening with Caleb, I want to be alone with you" I explained.
     He rolled his eyes, "okay, but you're sitting there" he pointed to his desk chair. I smiled, but then walked past him and sat down on his bed. The blue flannel comforter he had was soft.
     "I don't remember you being so feisty" he laughed.
     "That's because I was always afraid to be myself around you" I quickly replied without thinking.
     He thought about that for a moment, "I need to change."
     "I'm not stopping you" I leaned back on my hands.
     Andrew let out a breath and looked down, "Casey?"
     "Ugh fine!" I laid down on my back and covered my eyes.
     Andrew shuffled around for a minute and then slid his closet door closed. "Okay, all done."
     He changed from his jeans and black t-shirt to a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I couldn't decide if I liked him more in white or black. Either way, Andrew always seemed to look good no matter what.
     I sat back up on my hands, "So, what's the timeline when taking things slow?"
     Andrew sat down on his desk chair, "I don't know, I just figured we could see how it goes."
     "Will you please sit next to me?" I pouted. Andrew groaned and then sat as far from me on the bed as he could.
     "So how was work?" I asked him, inching closer.
     "It was okay, Monday night football gets crazy" he answered looking straight ahead.
     "Yeah?" I asked moving closer.
     "Andrew" I moved so that our legs were touching. He looked up at me and smiled. His dimples weren't exactly  helping the situation. I reached for his hand and intertwined our fingers. "I've spent the last two years thinking I was going to be alone. Can you blame me for wanting to be closer to you?"
     Andrew looked down and smiled, "you seriously don't play fair." He stood and walked to the door and my heart dropped. I appreciate that Andrew wants to take things slow, but it didn't make it any easier. I was about to follow him when he turned the lock on his door.
     Andrew turned around and with in a few steps was next to me. He lifted me back further on the bed and then laid down next to me, our faces were only an inch apart. I smiled at the way he handled me so gently.
     I kicked my shoes off and intertwined my legs with his. Andrew put his hand on the small of my back and pulled me closer to him. My breathing hitched as his hand slowly slid from my back down to the side of my leg and then all the way up to my neck.
     "This doesn't mean we are gonna do anything" he whispered.
     "I know" I breathed, running my fingers up the back of his neck and through his soft dark hair and he let out a moan. I couldn't help but smile at the sound as I continued to play with his hair.
     "How was your day?" Andrew asked quietly.
     "It was okay" I replied breathlessly.
     "Just okay?" his fingers continued trail along my side.
     "I missed you"
     "I missed you too"
     "Have you had enough yet?" he smiled, when my breathing grew heavier.
     I closed the small gap between us, kissing Andrew fervently. I was relieved when he didn't pull back. I decided to push my luck a little more and slowly ran my hand under his shirt.  He didn't stop me. I reached my hand up to his chest and then around to his back. Loving the feeling of being this close to someone again, it was almost addicting.
     Andrew moved from my lips to my neck, the scratchiness of his face tingled. I was surprised when he pulled back, I thought maybe he was done. But then he slowly slid his hand under my shirt, grabbing my waist with his hand.
     The small touch made my whole body shiver. I pressed against him in response and he stopped kissing me.
     "You can't do that Case" he whispered.
     "Do what?" I whispered back and kissed his neck.
     "We should stop" he pulled away.
     I rolled onto my back and tried to slow my breathing back to normal. I forgot how fun this is. I remembered Scott and I spent years only making out with each other for hours, before we were ready to taking things to the next level.
     "Are you okay?" Andrew asked.
     "No" I laughed and turned around to lay on my stomach. "I can't believe I was ready to give all this up."
     "What do you mean?" Andrew turned to his side so we were facing each other.
     I thought a moment while I tried to choose my words. "I convinced myself that I deserved to be alone. I was okay with it, or at least I thought I was. But now you're here and I can't even imagine it."
     Andrew propped himself up on his arm, "so you're telling me all I had to do was kiss you and I could have avoided months of you hating me?" he sounded incredulous.
     "Probably not, but you definitely wore me down" I teased.
     "Is that what you're trying to do to me now? Is this payback?"  I grabbed his pillow and tossed it at him.
     "Hey!" he laughed and then put the pillow under his head. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.
     "Thanks for not giving up on me" I said softly.
     "I'll never give up on you Casey"
     I laid with Andrew until I fell asleep. He held me the whole night, which couldn't have been comfortable but he held me anyways. When I woke it was still dark. I slowly moved out from under him and climbed off his bed to find my phone. It was only five in the morning, but I felt like I slept longer than that.
     "Hey" Andrew sat up, his voice was groggy. "Are you okay?"
     "Yeah, I was trying to see what time it was" I assured. He rubbed his eyes, then reached over and grabbed his phone off his nightstand, "are you leaving?"
     "No, I have a couple hours before I have to get ready for work."
     "Then come lay down" he whispered and moved the blankets. I smiled as I climbed back into bed. Andrew pulled me into him and then tucked us under the covers.
     "I thought maybe you were sneaking out. Leah used to always sneak out in the morning, I hated it" he confessed.
     "I would never do that to you" I promised. He seemed to like that. I kissed his forehead while running my hands through his hair until he fell back asleep. I wasn't tired enough to sleep anymore, but I didn't mind if it meant laying here with him.
     The sun started to shine through Andrew's window and I felt him stir in my arms. "What time is it?" he mumbled.
     "I don't know, I left my phone on the desk."
     "Can you check mine?" his voice was still thick with sleep. I reached over to his nightstand and clicked his phone on. My heart skipped when I saw the background of his phone. It was the same as mine, both of us asleep when Rachel and Jack got back Sunday morning.
     "Oh, it's uh six forty five" I replied and set his phone back down.
     Andrew stretched out and sat up. "Are you hungry?" he asked rubbing his eyes.
     "Kind of" I admitted.
     He climbed over me and stretched out again. "Give me a few minutes and I'll make you something."
     "You don't have to do that Andrew, you should get more sleep" I argued.
     He leaned in and kissed me, "stay here."
     "Okay" I agreed and laid back down, wanting to give him what he wants. Especially knowing Leah would sneak out on him. After about five minutes, Andrew came back into the room with a mug of coffee and sat on the bed next to me.
     "Here" he handed me the mug.
     "Thank you" I took a sip and handed it back to him.
     He smiled at me, "so what would you like to eat?"
     "You really don't have to make me breakfast, I can just grab something on my way to work" I tried to argue again.
     "Come on" he stood and grabbed my hand. Andrew led me into the kitchen. He set the mug down and then lifted me on to the the counter. He began taking out eggs, bread and milk from the refrigerator.
     I sipped on coffee while watching Andrew work. I can't deny that I wasn't enjoying every bit of this. I've never been taken care of like this before, unless you count my mom and I definitely don't count that in this situation.
     "So is this something you've done for all your girlfriends?" I teased.
     Andrew smiled, "No, just you."
     "What about Leah?" I pressed, surprised at his answer. To be honest, I don't know how someone like Andrew hasn't had a parade of girls in here. He worked at a bar where women were constantly throwing themselves at him. He could have anyone.
     He set down his whisk and moved over to stand in front of me. I spread my legs so he could get closer and wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed his hands on my thighs, "just you" he reiterated.
     "I have trouble believing that" I admitted.
     "Because you're like, perfect and I know so many girls who would kill to be with you." I sounded jealous, I didn't like it.
     Andrew just laughed at my crazy rant, "first off, I'm not perfect. Second, I don't care about any other girls, and third, I love you Casey" he finished by placing a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled and let him get back to work.
     Soon the whole kitchen smelled of the French toast he was cooking which caused Jenny and Caleb to wake up.
     "What smells so good?" Caleb came in first.
     "French toast!" I exclaimed
     "Casey, you stayed the night?" Jenny came from behind Caleb.
     I blushed, "Um, yeah I fell asleep."
    "I made some for you guys' too" Andrew reassured. He grabbed me from the counter and set me down. I laughed at his constant need to man handle me. I probably should be annoyed by it, but personally it made me feel loved. He handed me a plate and we sat down at the table. Jenny and Caleb filled their plates and joined us.
     "Andrew it's official" Caleb said between bites, "you can never move out."
     "I'm pretty sure you and Jenny will want me out someday" Andrew laughed.
     "No I'm cool with it" Jenny interjected with a mouth full of French toast.
     "This is really good, thank you Andrew" I complimented.
     He smiled, "I'm glad!"

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