Chapter Twenty

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On our drive home we discussed all the pros and cons of where we could live. We figured Andrew's place was out because Caleb would be proposing soon and they would want to have their own space.
     My place was good because I had my own bathroom, but it meant living with Jack.
     We decided we will look at apartments after the holidays. But until then, Andrew will stay the night at my place. When we got home, he went and packed some of his things to bring over while I went to tell Rachel the news.
     "Hey!" Rachel cheered from the couch when I walked in, "did Andrew finally make a women out of ya?" she teased.
     "Ew Rachel" I blushed.
     "Details Casey, I want all the details" she demanded as she turned off the tv.
     I sat down next to her and pulled Lola onto my lap. "Later, but first I have something to tell you."
     "Okay, what's up?" She asked hesitantly.
     "So I know this is kind of sudden, but..." I hesitated feeling nervous now that I was going to tell her.
     "But...?" she prodded.
     "Andrew is gonna be staying here for a little while" I confessed.
     "So you two are moving in together" she stated like she already knew.
     "We are taking about it" I hesitated again, trying to understand what she thinks about it.
     "You know, living together is a lot different. Boys go to the bathroom, like a lot" Rachel informed me.
     I laughed, "I know, I live with Jack too you know."
     "I'm just making sure you know all the facts. You and Andrew are still pretty new" she explained.
     "I know" I hung my head, "but after Scott, I just don't wanna waste any more time you know?"
     Rachel pulled me in for a hug, "I know Case. I'm happy for you two."
     "Yeah?" I pulled back to see her face.
     "Yeah! Plus, maybe now he will make us food too so we don't have to keep eating out" she teased.
     "That's one way to look at it" I laughed.
     Andrew came in with a bag in his hand. He changed from his suit, to jeans and a sweatshirt.
     "Okay, well I'm gonna let you guys get settled" Rachel stated and headed towards her room. "Just remember, the walls are kind of thin here."
     "Oh, I'm fully aware" I retorted. Jack and Rachel aren't exactly the quietest. I've spent way too many nights sleeping with headphones. Rachel winked and then closed her door. I stood up and reached my hand out to Andrew.
     "Come on, I wanna change out of this dress".  He just smiled and followed me to my room. Well, our room now. I was giddy at the thought of no longer sleeping  alone.
     Andrew set his stuff down and laid on the bed while I stripped off my dress and put on yoga pants and a sweater. Andrew no longer looked away, and I loved knowing his gaze was on me. I curled up with him on the bed. I know we just spent almost a whole day in one, but I felt exhausted.
     "Are you tired" Andrew seemed to read my mind.
     "Kind of" I breathed out and laid my head on his chest.
     "You should sleep" he encouraged.
     "Okay" I breathed out again as started to nod off.

     I woke up and Andrew was gone. I looked for my phone to check the time and saw it plugged into the charger on my night stand. I don't remember doing that, but knowing Andrew, he did that for me.
     It was just after eight o'clock at night. I rubbed my eyes and walked out to the living room to find Andrew. I heard him and Jack in the kitchen talking.
     "No you can't do it like that" Andrew was saying.
     "But your way is dumb" Jack shot back.
     "Real mature Jack"
     "Real mature Jack" Jack mocked Andrew.
     I peek over to see them both behind the counter starting to wrestle over what looked like tin foil. I decided to make myself known, to break them up.
     I cleared my throat and they both stopped, Jack's arm was around Andrew's waist and Andrew had his arm around Jack's neck.
     "Hey!" Andrew exclaimed and released his brother.
     "Casey can you please get your boyfriend in line?" Jack adjusted his shirt.
     "Shut up Jack" Andrew shoved. I didn't say anything, I just sat down at the breakfast counter.
     "How was your nap?" Andrew sweetly asked, walking over to me.
     "It was nice, but you left" I pouted.
     He wrapped his arms around me, "I'm sorry I made dinner, but you were still sleeping and I didn't want to wake you yet."
     "So, is this what I have to look forward to now?" I gestured to him and Jack.
     "Not if Jack would just learn how to wrap up his food and not leave it on a plate in the refrigerator" he gave Jack a pointed look.
     "Hey I've been doing it for years and haven't had any problems" Jack raised his hands in defense.
     Andrew just rolled his eyes, I have never seen this side of him. He was always so, put together almost. Never confrontational unless you count the many times he tried to get me to open up to him. But watching him wrestle his brother in the kitchen was funny. It made him more human and less perfect if that makes sense. I was beginning to think Andrew had no flaws, especially after last night.
     I pulled him into me, and kissed his perfect full lips.
     "What was that for?" he whispered.
     I shrugged, "it's kind of adorable watching you and Jack."
     He laughed, "I can go pin him down until he says 'uncle.'"
     "Yeah I'd like to see you try" Jack provoked.
     Andrew smiled mischievously, "you don't think I can still do it?"
     "Oh I know you can't, you've grown soft over the years big brother" he defended.
     Andrew released his hold on me and went after Jack, chasing him into the living room and tackling him to the ground. The front door opened and Rachel walked in, her jaw dropped as she took in what was happening on our living room floor.
     "I'm sorry did I miss something?" she asked me from across the room.
     I laughed and shrugged.
     "Say 'uncle'!" Andrew yelled as he sat on top of Jack, pinning his arm behind him.
     "Babe! Help!" he yelled. Rachel stepped over Jack's legs and joined me at the breakfast counter.
     "You want some ice cream?" I offered as the guys continued their game.
     "Sure ice cream sounds good!" she exclaimed and hopped off her chair to go get it.
     "No you have to eat dinner first" Andrew lectured, still holding Jack down.
     "Why don't you go make her?" Jack teased.
     Andrew seemed to consider that for a moment and then looked back to me, "Casey?"
     Rachel handed me a spoon and removed the lid off the ice cream, "I'm just gonna have a little bit" I argued. Andrew huffed and released Jack who stayed laying on the floor. He then grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.
     I screamed in protest as he tried to carry me to the table. I wiggled until he let me down and then I tried to run away. But he was too quick and wrapped his arms around me, pinning my own arms under him.
     "That's not fair, I said it's adorable when you fight Jack, not me" I laughed, before I dropped all my weight and brought Andrew down with me. He twisted to avoid falling on me and I pinned him down on the ground.
      "Wow babe, you must be pretty weak if Case can take him down but you can't" she teased. Jack and Andrew looked at each other before Jack quickly grabbed Rachel and pinned her down on the ground too.
     "I'm not sure I like this new living arrangement" Rachel laughed as she tried to squirm her way out of Jack's hold.
     "I don't know, it's been pretty nice so far" I bragged as I held Andrew's arms down.
     "That's just because you never play fair" he gestured to me sitting on top of him. I looked down and he quickly flipped around so that he was on top of me, he held my wrists in his hand above my head.
     "What? That wasn't fair you tricked me!" I accused.
     "See, it's not so fun is it?" Rachel mocked.
     "It's pretty fun to me" Jack laughed and gave Andrew a high five.
     "You're right Jack, this is fun. Maybe I might come around after all" she changed her tone to be more seductive as she grazed her hands up Jack's waist.
     "Okay and we are out" Jack grunted as he picked Rachel up and carried her over his shoulder to their room. She just laughed at her win.
     Andrew stared down at me as they left the room, waiting for the door shut before leaning down and kissing me. He wouldn't release my hands no matter how hard I fought. He just kept leaving trails of kisses from my lips and down to my neck.
     I let out a small moan as his he shifted his hips towards mine. He let go of my wrists and then pulled me up to him, kissing me again. We backed into our room, our lips never separating, even as he closed the door behind him.
     Andrew set me back on the bed and resumed the same position we were in earlier. He held my wrists in one hand and gripped my waist with the other. He went back to kissing down my neck, but instead of returning back to my lips, he lifted my shirt and trailed down my chest to my stomach.
     I giggled as the stubble from his face tickled me. He smiled and pulled my yoga pants down just a little, continuing his trail of kisses. My heart raced as he let go of my wrists and slowly moved lower and lower.
     I ran my hands through his hair and shivered as his warm breath caressed me. I squeezed my eyes shut, enjoying every touch. Andrew has always made such a point to make me feel like I was the most amazing thing, even before we were intimate. With him, I have never felt more alive.
     He brought out a side to me that I never knew existed.

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