Chapter Sixteen

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     I felt like a kid again as my date with Andrew continued. After batting cages we went for a ride on the Go-Karts. We raced and bumped into each other as we made our rounds on the track. I couldn't stop laughing as we finally pulled to to the finish.
     "You're a terrible driver" Andrew teased, grabbing my hand.
     "Not uh! You kept crashing into me!" I argued. We went back to the front desk to get clubs for mini golf next.
     "Have you played this before?" Andrew asked.
     "Actually yes! Scott and I—" I cut my self off. I didn't want to compare relationships.
     Andrew smiled, "it's okay Case, I told you I don't mind."
     "Um, well Scott and I used to go all the time. It was one of the few places my mom approved for our dates" I explained.
     He seemed to think about what I said, "So, what your saying is, I shouldn't take it easy on you then?"
     I laughed, thankful he really didn't seem bothered. "I wouldn't" I teased.
     "Okay, I'll go first then" he decided. I watched as his ball sunk into the hole and cheered for him.
     "My turn" I readied myself and sunk the shot.
     "Okay" he seemed surprised I made it.
     "What? Did you think I was lying about my skills?" I pretended to be offended.
     "Well I mean, after seeing your baseball skills I couldn't be too sure" he looked away then smiled.
     I laughed, "alright I mean, I was gonna take it easy on you but now I'm gonna have to kick your butt."
     "Bring it on Miller" he provoked, his smile was from ear to ear and my knees still went weak when he flashed those dimples.
     We played through the course taking turns. I would try to startle Andrew into missing and he would try to intercept my ball. We messed with each other so much, it took us twice as long to finish the course. After I won, we returned our clubs.
     "Are you hungry?" Andrew asked, taking my hand in his.
     "Yes!" I exclaimed. It was almost eight o'clock and my stomach was growling. He led me to the food counter and ordered pizza, fries and drinks. We found an empty table outside and ate our food. Now that we weren't playing and running around, it started to feel cold.
     Andrew must have noticed because he excused himself for a minute. When he came back he had the grey sweater he was wearing earlier this morning, and handed it to me.
     "Thank you!" I beamed and pulled the sweater over my head. I hugged myself as I breathed in the scent of Andrew on the sweater.
      He sat down next to me, straddling the bench and pulled me between his legs to help warm me up. "Is that better?"
     "Yes, much better, thank you!" I cooed.
     He turned to his food and we both finished eating cuddled up to each other. It amazed me how natural all this felt. I remember thinking the same thing before I heard the news of Scott. When I told myself I had no plans of dating, even if it always felt easy with Andrew. After two years of fighting my feelings, it was like nothing changed.
     "Are you ready to go?" he asked, breaking me from my thoughts.
     "Yes!" I stood up, instantly missing the warmth of him being so close.  Andrew threw our trash away and then grabbed my hand as we walked to his car. He was about to open my door when I pulled him back to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. Our faces inches apart. Andrew smiled, "what are you doing?" he asked quietly.
     I didn't answer, I just pulled his lips to mine. My fingers griped his hair as his hands pulled me closer. We drifted backwards until his back was against the car.
     His hands felt amazing as they moved along my back, but never lower. I wanted him closer. I reached my hand under his shirt, but he quickly stopped me without releasing my lips. He pulled my hands back up and held them between us.
     I don't know how he has all this self control. I don't know why I seemed to not have any. It was like the flood gates have been opened and I can't seem to get enough.  I could feel Andrew's smile as I tried to remove my hands from his. "Casey, you're not making this easy on me" his voice was gravelly.
     The sound excited me. I kissed him again. This time he picked me up and opened the car door before sitting me down on the seat. I pouted while he came around his side and buckled himself in.
     "Seat belt" he pointed out, ignoring my childish behavior. I rolled my eyes and obliged. Then crossed my arms over my chest. "You're cranky when you don't get your way" he smiled and started driving. Once we were back on the road, Andrew turned up his music and pulled my arm down so he could hold my hand.
     It didn't take long for me to stop my pouting and just enjoy being with Andrew. I sang a long to the song "Shotgun" by George Ezra and he just smiled the whole time.  When we got home, he walked me to my door.
     "So what did you think of our first date" he asked. I could feel he was about to shove his hands in his pockets but I held my grip on his hand.
     "It was... perfect?" I sounded unsure.
     "Are you asking?" he laughed.
     "No, I'm just surprised is all. I didn't know what to expect" I admitted.
     Andrew lifted his hand and ran his fingers through my hair, pushing it behind my ear, "I just thought it would be fun to do something.... fun."
     "It was" I reassured him, "it was amazing actually." He bent down and kissed me softly. "Did you want to come inside for a little bit?" I asked, not ready for him to leave.
     He looked at the door and then back at me, "I think it's better if I go home."
     "Oh" I deflated. I was starting to feel confused as Andrew kept trying to ward off my advances. I never had that with Scott. It was usually the other way around.
     I think Andrew sensed something was wrong, he lifted my chin so I was looking into his deep brown eyes. They sparkled from the porch light. "It's not that I don't want to Casey, believe me I want to" he explained.
     "So why don't you?" I pushed.
     "Remember that whole 'being respectful' thing we talked about earlier?" he reminded me.
     "Yeah?" I still didn't know where he was going with this. It's not like we have to be on my bed.
     "I just want to take things slow" he sounded embarrassed.
     "Oh, okay" I tried not to sound rejected. He leaned down to kiss me again, but this time his mouth parted and the kiss deepened. Our breathing quickened as he held me tight in his arms. I couldn't take this anymore, I couldn't get enough of him.
     I pulled back to calm myself, "if we're gonna take things slow, you can't do that to me."
      Andrew smiled at the thought, "fair enough."
     I leaned my back against the door and Andrew leaned in, his hands in his pockets now. "Good night Casey" he said quietly.
     "Good night Andrew" I whispered. He gave me a quick kiss on my forehead before walking backwards towards his door, waiting for me to go inside.
      I felt like I was gliding instead of walking as I entered my apartment. I had no idea I would be able to feel this good again.  I jumped when I realized Rachel and Dani were sitting on the couch.
     "Fun night?" Rachel's brow was raised in a perfect arch. I blushed which caused Dani to pounce.
     "Okay I want all the details! I've been going crazy over here ever since Andrew told me. What happened? Are you two official then?" she didn't breath through that whole thing.
     I laughed and plopped down on the couch next to them. Lola came and curled up in my lap.
       "What are you wearing? That's not really a first date outfit." Dani added, taking in my usual jeans and t-shirt.
     "He took me to this family arcade place"
     "What? So you guys just played games? Maybe I dodged a bullet with that one."
     I laughed at Dani's compulsive chatter. "No, we played mini golf, rode go-karts and hit baseballs" I explained.
     "And you enjoyed that?" Rachel spoke up.
     "Surprisingly, it was the best date I ever had" I lamented. It wasn't that I didn't love the dates I went on with Scott, but we were in high school and our options were limited. We didn't go out too much when he was here during his enlistment because we were too busy making up for a lost time. I rubbed my tattoo when I realized I was still wearing Andrew's sweater. I pulled my phone out to text him:

     Casey: Hey :) I have your sweater, do you want me to bring it to you?
     Andrew: No, you keep it. It looks better on you anyways.
     Casey: well now I know you're lying!
     Andrew: Never. I love you Casey
     Casey: I love you too!

      I couldn't help but smile as I sent my last text.
      "Aww Casey! I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before" Dani squealed.
     "So you're not mad at me? You know after I told you to ask him out?" I asked nervously.
     "What? No! I mean, once he told me it all made sense."
     "What did he tell you exactly?"
     Dani smiled, "well, when I asked him out, he very kindly explained that he couldn't because he was in love with you. And he doesn't believe you should go out with one person when you are already in love with another. That it's just not fair to me if he did that."
     "Oh Andy, such a hopeless romantic" Rachel mocked, batting her eyelashes.
     "Don't be jealous Rach" I teased.
     "So, I'm dying to know!" Dani gushed, "Is he a good kisser? He looks like he'd be a good kisser."
     "Uhh" I blushed, not comfortable answering that question.
      "Oh look at her blush, he's totally a good kisser" Dani raved.
      "To be fair, I've only ever kissed one other person" I pointed out.
     "So, how does it compare?" Rachel asked.
      I blushed again, "it doesn't. It's just... different" I started to bite my nails.
     My phone beeped and my heart fluttered hoping it might be Andrew. It was Jenny instead:

     Jen: Hey! I don't know what's going on, but Andrew hasn't stopped smiling since he got home ;)
     Casey: Come over

     "Jenny's coming over" I let Dani and Rachel know just as our door swung open. Jenny was in her pajamas and slippers, her blonde hair pulled into a messy bun.
     "Okay" she said and squeezed in between us on the couch, "what happened between now and yesterday because the last time I saw Andrew, he said you were trying to set him up with Dani."

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