Chapter Seventeen

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I filled Jenny is on all that had taken place the last twenty four hours. We stayed up late while they asked me for every detail.
     By the time my alarm sounded the next morning, I was exhausted. Even when we went to bed, I still couldn't fall asleep. My whole body was buzzing as I replayed the night for myself. I didn't have enough time to shower after snoozing my alarm more than once. I sprayed some dry shampoo into my hair and added a little mascara so I wouldn't look too washed out. I checked the time and saw I had a just few minutes to make some coffee before I have to leave for work. I walked out and headed towards the kitchen when Andrew came in.
      "Hey! Good you haven't left yet" he smiled. Butterflies raced in my stomach as he flashed me those dimples of his and I began to wonder if I'll ever get used to that.
     I didn't even notice he had two coffee cups in his hand, I was too busy admiring how he looked. I spent so much time trying not look at Andrew. Now that I finally l allowed myself to be happy, I can't help but sigh at what I've been missing.
     "What?" he looked at himself to see if there was something wrong. I guess I didn't realize I was just staring at him.
     "Nothing" I adjusted my gaze and smiled.
     Andrew smiled back and handed me one of the cups. "I wanted to surprise you before you left!"
     "You did! I was running late" I took a sip, savoring the white mocha latte, I shouldn't be surprised that he knew my favorite drink. "Thank you!"
     "You're welcome" Andrew replied softly.
     "What are you up to today?" I asked as I sat down on one of the bar stools at the breakfast bar.
     Andrew stood against the counter next to me, "I'm going into work in a couple of hours. One of the plus sides of owning a bar, I get to go in late" he bragged.
     "Yes, but I have weekends off" I countered.
     "That's true" he conceded. "So will you come by after work?"
     "Do you want me to come by after work?" I goaded. Andrew looked down and smiled. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him to me.  "I'll be there" I breathed and brought his lips to mine before quickly pulling away. "But I have to go to work now!"
     "That's not fair" he protested.
     "Not all of us can be late to work Andrew" I lectured and headed for the door. He strode across the room quickly and pulled me to him, kissing me intensely.
     Once he let go I was lightheaded. "Talk about unfair" I complained breathlessly.
     He smiled mischievously, "have a good day Casey." I backed away from him, unable to look away from the sly grin he had. I'm really enjoying this side of Andrew. He's usually so reserved.
     Once I backed into the door I turned around, "see you tonight" I smiled and left for work.

     I couldn't stop smiling the whole drive. Concentrating on work was even harder. I scrolled through my phone to look at the pictures Andrew and I took last night on our date. I jumped when Devon popped into my office. "Hey boss, can you take a look at these?" he handed me a file.
     "Sure!" I smiled and set my phone on my desk.
     Devon sat down in one of the chairs in front of me. "So you're awful smiley today, you have a good weekend at your mom's wedding?"
     "I did actually, how was your weekend?" I asked as I looked over the file.
     "It's was alright" he shrugged. "You gonna come out with us tonight?"
     "I'll be going to Lucky's actually" I responded, not sure what to call Andrew so just decided to leave that part out.
     "Well maybe we'll join you. It's been a while since we've been" he stated casually.
     "I thought you said Lucky's was too crowded" I raised my brow.
     He shrugged again. "Okay, I'll see you guys there!" I smiled.

     Devon, Riley and Josh all followed me to Lucky's after work. I was disappointed to see Devon still hadn't made a move on Riley. "What's going on with you and Devon?" I whispered to her as we were walking in.
     She rolled her eyes, "that guy can't take a hint! I mean, one minute he's flirting with me, the next he acts like I'm just one of the guys."
     Devon held the door for us as we walked in. I immediately scanned the room for Andrew but didn't see him. Josh grabbed a booth in the back and we all sat down.
     Amber came by a minute later to take our order.
     "Where's Andrew?" I asked after Devon ordered a pitcher of beer.
     "Um, he's around here somewhere, I'll tell him you're here if I see him!" she cheered and walked back to the bar. I wasn't too excited about how jealous I felt. Amber was really pretty and she worked close with Andrew.
     "So Casey had a big weekend guys! She's been smiling all day at work" Devon so kindly pointed out to Riley and Josh as he nudged me in my arm.
     I couldn't help but blush.
     "Aw Casey! Look you're blushing!" Riley joined in. "So what happened?" I looked up and saw Andrew standing behind the bar looking over at our table. I smiled, but he didn't return the gesture.
     "I'll be right back guys" I said and walked to the bar.
     "Hey!" I exclaimed to Andrew.
     "Hey" he responded, less enthusiastic I noticed.
     "What's wrong?" I worried.
     He stood with his hands on the counter top, "I don't want to talk about it here."
     "Talk about what?" I pressed.
     Andrew sighed, "come with me."
     I followed him behind the bar and back to his office. He closed the door behind us.
     "So what's going on?" I started to get annoyed. It's been less than two days and he was already upset.
     "I just didn't expect you to come with—" he gestured out and sat against his desk.
     "Oh, well I wasn't planning on it. I told them I'd be here and they invited themselves" I explained. Andrew shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down. "Why does it bother you so much?" I asked as I came closer and pulled his hands out of his pockets so I can hold them. I've missed him all day.
     "I just didn't like seeing my girlfriend come in with another guy" he still looked down.
     My heart skipped a beat when he said "girlfriend." I mean, I know we're together, but I didn't know how this stuff worked. Scott had asked me to be his girlfriend, specifically.
     "What, why are you smiling like that?" he asked.
     "You called me your girlfriend" I twisted from side to side like I was a kid who could barely contain their excitement.
     Andrew laughed, placing his hands on my hips and pulled me to him, "I thought we established that yesterday morning?"
     "I know, but it was still nice to hear" I admitted.
     He smiled and lifted my face to his, brushing his lips against mine, "I love you" he breathed.
     "I love you too" I replied. There was a knock on the door but Andrew didn't respond.
     "Andrew are you in there?" I heard Amber's voice.
     "You should get back to work" I said softly, Andrew's lips still grazed against mine when I spoke.
     He sat up and sighed, "yeah you're right. Will you be staying for a bit?"
     "Of course! I can tell my friends all about my boyfriend behind the bar" I teased.
     His smile grew bigger, "you're right, it is nice to hear."
     "C'mon!" I laughed. Andrew helped Amber while I returned to my table.
     "Everything okay Case?" Riley asked as I sat down.
     "Yeah, I just um, well I had to talk to my boyfriend" I smiled as I said the word "boyfriend."
     "What? Since when do you have a boyfriend?" Riley squealed.
     "Yeah seriously" Devon added, not as excited as Riley.
     "It's kind of a long story" I answered, not wanting to have to explain it all. "Do you wanna meet him?" I asked, hoping that would distract them.
     "Yes!" Riley exclaimed while Josh and Devon said "no" in unison. Ignoring the guys' protest, I waved Andrew over and he smiled. I stood up as he walked to meet me and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
     "Guys, this is Andrew. Andrew this is Riley, Devon and Josh"
     "Nice to meet you" Josh reached out and shook Andrew's hand.
     "So nice to see you again Andrew" Riley winked, and I completely forgot that she tried to hit on him weeks ago. Andrew just nodded and politely smiled.
     "Hey" Devon reached his hand out next.
     "Nice to meet you guys" Andrew said and then turned back to me, " I have to get back" he smiled and quickly pecked me on the lips. I sat back down once Andrew left.
     "Casey! You let me hit on him when you guys had a thing?" Riley was shocked.
     "Um, it was not like that" I clarified, "it's a whole thing. I'll have to tell you another time."
     "So, you and the bartender?" Josh asked, his brow raised.
     "The owner of the bar" I corrected, "yes."
     "Don't be jealous Josh" Riley teased.
     Amber came by and set a bottle of Smirnoff in front of me. "Andrew said your order is on the house" she smiled.
     "Thank you!" I replied and smiled at Andrew who was serving drinks to a customer. He winked and I swear I actually swooned.
     "He might be okay" Devon finally spoke up. I laughed at Devon's reluctance toward Andrew. Suddenly I heard Dani squeal.
     "Casey!" she called out.
     "Hey!" I waved her over. She came and squeezed into the booth with us.
     "Hey Dani, these are my friends from work: Devon, Riley and Josh."
     "Hi! I'm Dani, Casey and I were college roommates and now she's one of my best friends. It's great to meet you guys. She's told me all about you" Dani spoke quickly and with little to no breathing in between. I chuckled at her usual excitement.
     "It's so nice to meet you Dani!" Josh flirted.
     Riley and I stifled a laugh at Josh's sudden change in behavior, "Josh you should buy Dani a drink" Riley encouraged.
     "I'd love a drink!" Dani smiled.
     "I think I'm gonna head home" I decided to give Riley some time with Devon now that Josh was thoroughly distracted. I stopped by the bar to tell Andrew I'll see him later. He gave me a quick kiss and went back to work.

     When I got home, I decided to go see Caleb. I never got a chance to talk to him since the wedding.
     "What's up cuz?" he said from the kitchen when I walked in.
     I hopped up on to the kitchen counter, "not much."
     "I wouldn't say not much" he raised his brow and started making himself a sandwich. I blushed and took a chip from the bag he had next to him.
     "It's about time you know" he added.
     "What do you mean?" I took another chip.
     "Don't play dumb Case, Andrew's been in love with you for a long time" he explained.
     "He told me" I looked down again.
     "You mean you didn't know already?" he asked, taking his plate and chips to the living room.
     I followed him, "I didn't know he felt that strong."
     We both sat down on the couch and he offered me half of his sandwich, "but you love him too?"
     "Thanks!" I grabbed the sandwich half, "yeah I do. I was just too scared to admit it."
     "You went through a lot."
     "Everyone keeps telling me that, but it doesn't excuse me from pushing him away"
     Caleb laughed, "or shutting doors in his face."
     "I never meant to do that!" I argued, "he just always surprised me."
     "Whatever you say" he continued to laugh with a mouth full of food. We were quiet for a moment while we finished eating.
     "I'm kind of scared of all this. Is that normal?" I asked.
     "It depends, what are you scared of?"
     "All of it!" I blurted out.
     Caleb laughed again, "all I know is that Andrew is a pretty great guy. And you deserve to be with a great guy Case."
     I was speechless, Caleb's words were surprisingly thoughtful. "Thanks Caleb" I choked.
     He smiled at me, "don't mention it."
     "So when are you gonna propose to Jenny?" I decided to ask.
     Caleb just smiled and pulled out a small red box from his pocket.

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