Chapter Fifteen

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After we finished eating, Rachel and Jack decided to make up for their lost sleep and went to bed. I cleared the table, and started to wash dishes while Andrew took Lola for a walk since I never got to it.
    I smiled as I watched him walk back in with Lola, and rub her belly after unhooking her leash. I couldn't believe that it was only yesterday morning when I insisted to Andrew that we were just friends and he should date Dani. I was so convinced I didn't deserve love, but it less than twenty four hours, Andrew changed that.
     "Hey" he called out, breaking me of my reverie. I looked up as he came over to me by the sink. "You okay?"
     "Yes!" I responded cheerfully, I didn't want him to worry. I'm sure he's still walking on egg shells, waiting for me to start pushing him away again.
    "I have to go into work for a little bit" he sounded sad.
    "Um, okay!" I tried to maintain my cheerfulness, although I really wasn't looking forward to him going.
     He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. "You're not gonna get inside your head while I'm gone, right?"
     I smiled, "no, I think I'll be okay."
     "Good, because we are going on a date tonight" he stated.
     "Really?" I was genuinely surprised.
     "But why?"
     He laughed, "because traditionally that's what you do when you want to be with someone."
     "But you already have me" I pointed out. I didn't want him to have to go out of his way for me when he's already done so much.
     Andrew leaned down and kissed me, "don't be stubborn."
     "I just don't want you think you have to, you know take me out. I'm happy just being here with you."
     He kissed me a second time, "me too, but I want to do things the right way."
     "But I—"
     He kissed me a third time. "I'll pick you up at six, wear something comfortable."
     "Wait wha—"
     He kissed me a fourth time.
     "You can't keep—" This time he kissed me deeper, pulling me closer to him. His hand reached to the back of my neck and he intertwined his fingers in my hair. Shivers raced up my spine in response. His kiss slowed and then he pulled back.
     "Okay, so I'll see you tonight" his voice thick.
     I cleared my throat, "okay."
     He gave me one more dazzling smile and then left. I looked at Lola who was curled up on the couch. I sat down with her and she immediately climbed onto my lap and nestled.
     "Good girl Lola!" I crooned.
     I grabbed my phone off the coffee table. I missed a text from my mom, letting me know her and Peter landed safely in Hawaii. A picture was attached of them with leis around their necks, smiling blissfully.
     "Look Lola!" I showed her the picture. She just sniffed my phone and laid back down.
     I laughed at how much my mom considers Lola her "grand puppy." After Scott, I didn't think I would ever have kids, seeing as I planned on being alone.
     Next, I saw a missed message from Rachel. That's weird, why would she have texted me when she was home. I opened her message up to find a picture. It was of Andrew and me sleeping on the couch this morning. My head was laying on his chest, his arm was around me. We both looked peaceful. I stared at the picture for a while, admiring it and smiling at how I ended up in his arms. I set it as my phone background, and then went back to text my mom. I couldn't wait to tell her the news about Andrew. I decided to forward her the picture as a way of announcing it.
     My phone immediately rang.
     "Casey Rae Miller, I'm so happy for you!" she shouted.
     I laughed, "mom you're supposed to be on your honeymoon!"
     "Oh don't you worry, Peter's happy for you too!"
     "Hi Casey!" I heard Peter's voice in the background.
     "Hi Peter!" I blushed.
     "Oh sweetie, it's about time you find yourself some happiness" she expressed.
     "Thanks mom, I know you were worried"
     "I just didn't want you to end up like me Case. I spent years feeling hurt, and that's no way to live!"
     "But now you have Peter!"
     "Yes, and I have to admit, he was worth the wait."
     "Aww baby!" I heard Peter again.
     "Go enjoy your honeymoon! We can talk all about it when you get back" I exclaimed.
     "Okay sweetie, I love you!
     "I love you too, bye!" I ended the call and stared at my phone's background.  "He was worth the wait" I quoted my mom.
     I tried to keep myself calm waiting for six o'clock to roll around. I cleaned my room, did some laundry and took a shower. I grumbled when I saw I still had two hours left. I was relieved when Rachel finally woke up so I could at least have someone to talk to.
     "So, you're first date?" she yawned, "isn't that kind of backwards?"
     "What do you mean?" I asked as I straightened a piece of hair.
     "Well did you guys like, you know?" She raised her eyebrows.
     "What? Why would you think that?" I set the straightener down, shocked.
     "I don't know, you guys are all over each other this morning. Plus, it's been years in the making" she said, taking over my hair.
     "I didn't think I would feel this way again" I said quietly.
     "I'm happy for you Case! I'm really happy for you. It was hard watching you in so much pain and feeling like I couldn't help" Rachel was solemn.
     "I'm sorry Rach, I just didn't know how to be."
     "Don't apologize, you went through something traumatic" she reassured me.
     "It doesn't excuse my behavior, so for that I'm sorry" I insisted.
     "Well you already know I forgive you" she smiled, "okay, all done."
     "Thank you Rachel, for everything" I hugged her. Then a knock sounded at the door and I jumped.
     "He's here!" my heart started racing, why was I so nervous? I checked myself in the mirror, "how do
I look?"
     "Amazing!" Rachel admired. I hugged her one more time before leaving the bathroom. I let out a deep breath and opened the door. I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw him standing there. He wore a gray long sleeve shirt and dark denim jeans. He was holding a bouquet of sunflowers in his hand.
     "Hi" he said softly as his perfect brown eyes took in my appearance, "you look amazing!"
     I blushed, "so do you." He handed me the flowers and then leaned into kiss me on the cheek. I smiled at the sweet gesture.
     "Let me put these in water, I'll be right back" I turned but Rachel was there.
     "I'll take care of it, have fun tonight!" she said, grabbing the flowers from me.
     "Thank you Rach!"
     "You better have her back by ten!" Jack teased Andrew from the couch.
     "You ready?" Andrew held his hand out to me, ignoring his brother.
     "Definitely" I placed my hand in his. Andrew walked me to his car and held my door open.
     "So where are we going?" I asked once he sat down in the drivers seat.
     "It's a surprise"
     "I don't like surprises" I explained.
     "I know" he smiled then leaned over and kissed me before starting his car. I spent the whole car ride trying to figure out where we were going, but Andrew wouldn't budge. I loved how he held my hand as he drove, and smiled every time I pouted because he wouldn't tell me what he had planned.
     "We're here" he finally said as we pulled into a parking lot of a Family Fun Center.
     "What is this place?" I asked.
     Andrew didn't answer, he just got out of the car and opened my door, "come on!" He continued to hold my hand as we walked inside. There were arcade games everywhere, and parents chasing kids.
     "Is this place for kids?" I was confused. Why would we come here? He pulled me over to the front desk.
     "Can I get two passes please?" he asked the woman behind the counter and handed her his credit card. She handed Andrew two bright green wrist bands and a cup of coins.
     "Thank you!" he said, as he grabbed the items, along with his card and walked to a nearby empty table.
     "We're really doing this?" I asked
     Andrew looked up and smiled, grabbing my right wrist and wrapping the bright green bracelet around it. I grabbed the other bracelet and did the same for him.
     "You ready?" he finally spoke up.
     "I guess?" I was still unsure. He went back to the front desk and came back with a baseball bat and two red helmets.
     "Here you go!" he handed me a helmet and led me outside. There were less people out here, which I was thankful for. It felt weird being on a date where there were a bunch of kids running around.
     "Okay, you can go first" he gestured to the batting cages, "put on your helmet."
     "Well now the baseball bat make sense" I laughed putting the helmet on my head.
     "What did you think we were gonna do with them?" he smiled.
     "I don't know, I've never been on a date to a place like this" I laughed.
     "Come on, I'll show you what to do" he guided me into the cage. Andrew stood behind me and held the bat up in my hands. "Okay, the ball is gonna come out of there" he pointed to a machine in front of us.
     "Okay" I acknowledged, but it was hard to focus when he was standing so close.
   BbHis hands gripped mine around the bat and he slowly guided me through a swing, "just watch the ball." We did a few more practice swings. "You got it?" he said quietly in my ear.
     "Yeah, I think so" I sounded hopeful, still not one hundred percent sure of what he just explained.
     Andrew stepped out of the cage and put one of the coins into a machine, "get ready!" he shouted.
     I waited for the ball but nothing was coming out. I relaxed and turned to Andrew when a ball went flying in front of me.
     "Ahh!" I screamed and ducked down.
     I could hear Andrew laughing behind me, "you gotta stand up!" he exclaimed as another ball flew by.
     "You know, if you're goal was to maim me on our first date, I think you nailed it" I teased.
     "Come on on Casey, just like I showed you" he laughed. I stood up and adjusted my feet on the line and watched intently for the ball. Once it shot out of the machine, I followed it and swung as hard as I could. I felt the resistance as the ball made contact with my bat and land a few feet in front of me.
     "I did it!" I jumped up and down. I mean, it didn't go far but at least I hit the ball.
     "Way to go!" Andrew cheered for me. I lined up again and did the same thing, this time I hit the ball a little further. With each turn, the ball went a little further than the last. This was surprisingly exhilarating, and cathartic. With every crash of the ball against the bat, I felt empowered.
     "You did amazing!" Andrew complimented as I walked out of the cage.
     "That was so much fun!" I exclaimed, handing Andrew the bat, "your turn!"
     Andrew added another coin, then stepped inside the cage and adjusted his stance. The first ball shot out and I flinched as it came near.  A loud crash sounded and the ball went flying in the opposite direction. Much farther than any of my balls went.
     "That was amazing! Why are you good at this?"
     "I played baseball in high school" he answered while waiting for the next ball. I pictured Andrew in a baseball uniform. I blushed at the thought. Of course my image of him is as an adult and not what he would've looked liked eight years ago. Andrew was a thicker built guy, not the scrawny type at all. It was one of my favorite things about him. When he holds me, it makes me feel small in the best kind of way.
     "You okay?" he came up to me from inside the cage.
     "Yeah! I was just picturing you in a baseball uniform" I teased. Andrew blushed and looked down, then walked out of the cage. He pulled me into him and kissed me, our helmets clicking into each other.
     "What was that for?" I asked once he pulled away.
     "For giving me a chance" he said quietly.
     I smiled, "I'm just sorry it took me so long."
     He shook his head, "none of that matters, we're here now."

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