An Accident

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{ In The Morning}

Mono's Pov
I woke up to see that Six wasn't on me and then I got up and panicked I went out hole and saw the sunlight and I looked around the woods saying "Hey" but nothing. I walked some more to hear someone say " Ow!!"  I started to run to where I  heard the scream and then I saw Six I ran down the hill and I saw her stuck, her leg was stuck under a giant tree.

Mono: Six you had me worried!!!

Six: I'm sorry I went out for a bit...

Mono: For what!!?

Six: I wanted to get you food....*looks down*

Mono: ....*looks at her and gives her a warm smile* its fine just let me know next time when you wander off .

Six: ok..

Mono: Your leg is stuck...

Six: its twisted and broken...

Mono: Jeez...ok I'm gonna get you free.

Six: Ok...

Mono: *tries to push the tree* its too heavy to move. I guess I have to pull you out.

Six: O-oh..

Mono: I know its gonna hurt but we gotta get you out.

Six: ok...

Mono: on the count of three. 1..........2..........3! *pulls her out*

Six: ow!!! *was out*

Mono: you ok?..

Six: .....

Mono: Can you try to walk*stands up*

Six: *stands and tries to walk but felt her leg hurt* ow *starts falling*

Mono: !?*catchs her*

Six: *had her arms around his neck by accident blushes red and was close to his face*

Mono: can'nt walk...

Six: no..

Mono: ....*picks her up bridal Style*

Six: *turns red* !?!?!?

Mono: I guess I'm gonna have to carry you all the way to the city.

Six: ....uh...0///0

I love my book so far!!

Six's Protector  { Mono X Six} 《Little Nightmares 2》Where stories live. Discover now