Mono Has Had Enough

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Mono's Pov
I was laying on the floor injured on my chest feeling like I broke one of my ribs I got up slowly holding my chest while limping a little I then saw a shadow child that looked like Six, I slowly started to follow it as it started to guide me to a ladder as I did some climbing hurting myself alitte. I got to the ladder and started to climb up making it out of a Vent. It was still raining outside, I then saw something from a afar I saw it was the Thin Man. "Can't this guy give up already!?" I said.

Mono: .....*bends my head down slowly taking off my bag off my head as it floated away from him*

Previous Thin Man: *starts to walk closer*

Mono: You took the person I ever love!!!

Previous Thin Man: I had too...

Mono: I had enough of running. It's time I face my fears!

Mono's Pov
I looked up at the Thin Man as he got closer as I quickly put my right arm at him releasing my power to defeat him as he reached out his left arm at me trying to grab me as he moves his arm side to side trying to beat him and push him back. I used my powers to push him back one time then again, after the third time I pushed him he started to dissolve and disappear. I then put both hands in the air using my powers again to bring the signal tower's door to me. A few minutes later the door was in from of me as it open showing some purple light.

Mono: It's time to say my future fiance.*starts to run towards the door*

I know I said it will be out Monday but I  was busy spending time with my boyfriend.🥰

Six's Protector  { Mono X Six} 《Little Nightmares 2》Where stories live. Discover now