Chased By The Thin Man!

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{ With Monster Six}

Previous Thin Man: Well I guess it's time I let your little boyfriend see you for a few minutes.

Monster Six: .....

{ Back With Mono}

Mono's Pov
After coming out of a broken TV I started to wall down the hall until I got to some planks that looks like a latter but hammered. I jumped onto them and climbed up to them to the other side as I drop to the ground into a new room with a tv on, I ignored it and kept walking until I heard yelling like mumbling, I turn my head to see Six.

Mono: SIX!!!* runs to her *

Six: Mono help me!!!!

Mono: *puts his hands in the tv screen and grabs her hands and tries to pull her out* come come come!!!!

Six's Pov
I was so happy to see Mono ok, but it won'nt last too long, as Mono tried to keep pulling me out of the tv until something grabbed me and pulled me back in as I screamed.

Mono: What the!?

Six: Mono Run!!!*got pulled back more*

Mono's Pov
I looked more into the tv more to see 2 giant hands be placed on the tv!

Mono:*runs to the door and grabs a hammer and starts hitting the door to make an entrance*

Mono's Pov
I kept hitting the door til I was in as the Thin Man came out of the tv and started to come after me as I went in another room as I Ran as the Thin Man opened the door and I climbed up from a box and climbed up some latter planks til I made it to another room where the Thin Man can't reach me. I was in a small pipe room as I walked then crouched and I climbed up some more planks until I got to the other side,  and now I was under the floorboards as I crouched while walking,until I heard footsteps above me as I stop walking to let the Thin Man pass first, then I started walking again on a single plank until I saw the man looking in a gap on the floorboard. I stopped walking until he teleported away as I kept crouch-walking still until I got to the end and jumped down to some broke stones and I jumped into another stone hole and I landed on a small stoll in a room with a long hall as I dragged it to a window as I climbed up the stool and climbed onto the desk window and started to pull the planks as for the Thin Man slowly started to come down the hall quickly, I started to pull more planks quicker and went in the window. And I was now outside in the rain on the roof as I slide down the small roof then a train part until I caught myself to another train as I climbed up and started to run into the train, until I made to the end and jumped into another train as I used my legs before I fell flat to the ground I then saw a door open on my left open to reveal The Thin Man as I started to run straight. Then I turned to my left again and jumped into another caboose and did more running and climbing and until I ran up a small hill of a bag and jumped up grabbing and pulling hatch to open a door as I jumped off it and kept running until I made it to the end and did a slide to get to another caboose to see a lever as I pulled it to my right to make the caboose moved left as I saw the Thin Man stand on the other caboose.

Mono: *looks at the Thin Man while the caboose move*

Previous Thin: .....

Mono's Pov
As I got farther away from the Thin Man I felt the caboose move faster and faster and move like crazy until we crashed onto a strong stone wall making me fall off the caboose.

Will Mono be ok? Will it be the end of him? FIND OUT SOON!

Six's Protector  { Mono X Six} 《Little Nightmares 2》Where stories live. Discover now