The People {Part 1}

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Mono's Pov
I got up and I looked at the stairs that we were both about to climb. I looked over at Six.

Mono: Are you ready?...

Six: *looks at the stair* *gulps* y-yes.

Mono: ok. *starts going up the stairs*

Six: *does the same but was getting tired quickly while panting*

Mono's Pov
We got to half the way up as I saw a door and I opened it to see someone fall down to the floor that we were on. But something didn't seem right,the person didn't have a face nothing just skin. I got freaked out as I saw it run to the next room and smashed into something  as I slowly went across the room and went in the new room to see the same guy but his head in a TV. Weird what city is this? I thought for a second as I saw Six kick the person.

Six: yep he's dead.

Mono: yep.

Six: I burn it? (Yes I am a Rico fan)

Hey guys sorry for not posting I always forget to post until if 3 days pass I'll try to remember the next one promise.

Six's Protector  { Mono X Six} 《Little Nightmares 2》Where stories live. Discover now