The Hospital

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Hey guys since you guys love this story so far I have a surprise for you in the end of this chapter! Well Anyway let's start this story!!

Mono's Pov
I took Six in the hospital it looked abandoned and I saw mannequins patiences. I felt Six hug me feeling scared I went in a room to see more mannequins and a TV. I put Six down I looked at her leg seeing it was getting worse.

Mono: its getting worse.

Six: it hurts...alot.

Mono: Thats why we're here.

Six: W-what?...

Mono: I need to find some stuff to help the wound.

Six: your leaving me alone?...

Mono: Just for a little bit..

Six: .....but...

Mono: shhh...*hugs her* I promise to be back.

Six: *looks up at him * Promise?...

Mono: I promise. *kisses her head*

Six: *blushes red*

Mono: I'll be back *runs off to find the stuff for her*

Six: .....

Mono's Pov
I started to find the stuff we needed for her wound I was worried what if she doesn't make it. What if she dies I have to save her. A few minutes later after going through a few obstacles I found a first aid kit and I started to run back to where six was.

Hey guys ready for your surprise how would you guys like to play video games with me? Yes you hear me,me and yes I will give you my friend code oh by the way I play on Nintendo switch so yea we could play Animal crossing or lugi's mansion but I'll give you my friend code. Its...


Thats it bye lovelies!

Six's Protector  { Mono X Six} 《Little Nightmares 2》Where stories live. Discover now