The People {Part 1}

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Mono's Pov
After I got off the clothes hanger I went to the door and unlocked and open it until I heard a weird noises and a light I hid behind the couch and peeked to where the noise was coming from and I saw a woman having her hand out to a turned on tv. I ran passed her knowing that she can not hurt me since the tv is on and distracting her. I was now in the kitchen but it did'nt look like a way out until I had an idea which was risky. there wad a tv outside of the kitchen window which means I had to turn off the tv in the living room where the woman was. So I turned on the tv that was outside and I ran back to the living room and hid behind the couch and I used the conttroller to turn off the tv in the living as for the woman she went straight into the kitchen staring into the outside tv. I ran to the tv and turned it back on and I put my hands on the tv and teleported outside where the tv that was outside. I was now on a small roof and I walked over a plank to the other side. I then got to a small medium like roof and i saw a chinese looking frame I climbed up on it as I got to the top I saw a man looking at a blank grey and black and white screen. I hid behind a large thick metal pole. I looked around my surrounds and I saw on the other side of a building  a Tv I took out my tv controller and aim for the tv and press the power on button on the controller as I saw the other tv turn on as I looked back to the man and the tv and I turned off that tv. As I saw the man looked at the other the tv on the otherside as he started to walk but he ended up falling straight down making a thud.

Mono: Ouch that's gotta hurt. Meh I don'nt care. *turns around and points the tv controller to the the tv that was off and turned it back on and was runs over to the tv and went in and was on the other side of the building*

Mono's Pov
Once I got to the other side of the building I burst out of the tv breaking it and I was hanging onto the edge for dear life. As I pulled myself back up as I calmed down a little, I looked around as I saw a huge crack in the wall and it had an entrance and I went in and I saw a bathtub and another medium crack hole on my right as I went out and I was standing on a small but long roof as I walked and  I saw a bed sticking out of a wall as I jump on it and I jumped again to get ti the otherside of the small roof. I saw a clothes hanger and a room that goes down to another roof, I jumped up and hanged onto the clothes hanger as it went down as I let go once I got to the other roof. I looked around as I walked and I saw people on the edge of the building looking at the Signal Tower. I walked slowly behind them as I saw one of them fall off the buliding as my eyes widen as I thought "Why are they doing this?" More then started to fall off the building.

Mono: Stop falling off their's a number to call for sucidal promblems!

Me: Cut!

{ Please Stand By!}

Me: No Mono your not suppose to say anything!!!!

Mono: B-But!

Me: No!

Mono: T^T

Hey guys sorry for not posting for sooooooo long like one month or more. I been busy to find job and I have'nt found any Job yet and I not having any luck. Anyway I'll try to post more often sorry to keep you waiting.   

Six's Protector  { Mono X Six} 《Little Nightmares 2》Where stories live. Discover now