Chapter 14: Sleepyheads

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Mia woke up with a groan after hearing her mother call her name from downstairs. Rubbing her eye she lazily reached a hand over to her phone. Looking at the time Mia let out another groan. She had only been asleep for an hour before her mother had called her. Dragging herself out of bed she made her way to her bathroom. Exiting ten minutes later, she felt refreshed but knew she would most likely take a nap later in the day. In the kitchen she found her Mom drinking green tea. "Good morning Mom," she greeted.

"Morning sweetie." Her mom pushed a plate full of food towards Mia. The scent of fresh blueberry pancakes, crispy bacon, and scrambled eggs shook some of her sleep away. Starting on the pancakes Mia heard her father walk into the kitchen. He was dressed in khaki shorts and a white polo shirt with a golf bag and clubs slung on his back. Giving her a kiss on the head, he stole a piece of her bacon. Today was his last day of work before he went on the Thanksgiving holiday, except it wasn't actual work. The firm had organized a day of golf, claiming it was "team-building" and "helped to focus skills" but everyone knew the truth. They just wanted to golf. Luckily for him, the company was providing a luxury buffet breakfast there.

He held his arms out wide, asking Mia for a hug. "Can my favorite daughter give me a good luck hug?" She immediately got up and hugged him tightly.

"I'm your only daughter. But beat those white men at their own sport, Dad!" she exclaimed before going back to her breakfast. Her Dad moved over to her Mom and held his hands out once again.

"Can I get a hug from my favorite wife?"

"I better be your only wife or you're sleeping in a hotel," she warned before giving him a hug. With a laugh, he said goodbye to them and left. It was only after they heard the car peel out of the driveway and go down the street that her Mom finally addressed Mia.

"So. How was sneaking out?" she asked with an eyebrow raise. Mia choked on her eggs.

"What?" she managed to sputter out. "I didn't sneak out."

"Yes, you did sweetie. What did you do while you were out?"

Mia let out a nervous laugh. "Mom, I didn't sneak out. I don't know what you're talking about."

Her Mom sighed. "At around four in the morning, I got the urge to drink a glass of water. When I passed by your room, it was abnormally cold. So I opened your door and saw that you weren't in bed and the window was open-"

"I was in the bathroom," Mia interrupted.

"Actually, the bathroom door was open and it was dark. The light wasn't on."

"I was peeing in the dark?" she hesitantly tried to explain. Her Mom gave her a look.

"Mia. The McDonalds and Crystal's Crystals purchases on my bank app seem to disagree that you didn't sneak out." Mia forgot that her bank activity was linked to her mother's since she was a minor. Curse you bank app.

"I am SO sorry Mom. I promise you it was the first time and it won't happen again."

"Hold on," she said in confusion. "That was your first time sneaking out? I didn't realize I raised a loser." Mia's mouth dropped open in shock.


"Well I don't think you're actually a loser sweetie, you know I love you. I just can't believe that was your first time sneaking out. I for sure thought you would have snuck out at least a handful of times by now. Am I safe in assuming you didn't sneak out with Hazel considering she would have just walked in even if it was four a.m?"

"Yeah, I snuck out with Nathan. Don't worry, I promise all we did was talk and walk around. No drugs or sex. Wait, are you not disappointed I snuck out?"

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