Chapter 15: Family Day

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On Thursday Mia was trying her hardest to get Hazel's attention as they ate lunch. "Hello? You're super spaced, Hazey," Mia began as she ate a bite of her sandwich. It was just the two of them at their lunch table considering Nathan had skipped lunch in order to fix a car for a client. He was vague about what that meant but Mia believed it had something to do with illegal street racing.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to figure out what to do."

"About what?"

"Well," Hazel started as she pushed her salad around the plate with her fork. "My parents are leaving Friday afternoon for some business conference thing and won't be back until Sunday night. So I'm in charge of feeding Jade and me for two days. Do you think it would be bad to order take out for every meal?"

Mia thought about it for a few seconds. "Hmm, you could always just eat peanut butter and jelly. Maybe grilled cheese. Or just ask Jade to step into the role of the big sister for an hour."

"That might work," Hazel shrugged. After the bell rang, the two made their way back to class and tried their hardest to pay attention. One more class today, four classes on Friday, and then it would be winter break.

When Mia walked into the kitchen after school she dropped her backpack onto a stool and took the seat next to it. "Hey Mom, what are you doing here?" she asked as her Mom rushed around the kitchen.

"I forgot important legal documents here and I need to take them back to the office. How was school sweetie?"

"I had a quiz in one class, did nothing in another class since the teacher was tired, and ate a sandwich at lunch. Oh, Hazel also told me how her parents won't be home Saturday and Sunday. Nathan wasn't at lunch and that was my day." Her mother stopped rushing around the kitchen as she finally found her documents.

Shoving them into a manila folder she said, "Well why don't you invite Hazel and Jade to come over Saturday, and then they can sleepover? We haven't seen them in a while and they can come with us to the movies. I'll even make them macaroni and cheese."

"Really Mom? I'll go tell her!" she exclaimed before rushing up to her room. Flopping onto her bed, Mia called Hazel.

"Hey, Mia. Why do I have the pleasure of hearing your voice even though I dropped you off like twenty minutes ago?"

"On Saturday we're going to pick you and Jade up and go to the movies. Then you two can sleepover. This way you won't have to worry about food and we can hang out."

"I don't know. As much-"

"Actually my Mom invited you two over. She's going to make mac and cheese just for you. How can you turn down Anna's food like that? I'm not taking no for an answer Hazey," Mia remarked as she twirled a strand of hair in her finger.

"Well in that case count us in. See you tomorrow! Bye."

After saying bye to Hazel, Mia sprawled onto her bed longer. The sun shined through the window, illuminating the yellow walls of her room even more. For a few seconds, Mia enjoyed the quiet of her room. With a sigh, she pushed herself out of bed, reached for her backpack, and pulled out her notes. Winter break could not come fast enough.

Finally, it was Saturday. Mia sent Hazel a text telling her the Wilson's would be outside their house soon. The five of them would be watching a movie and then coming back home for dinner. Mia had settled on wearing a gray striped sweater and light wash jeans with white converse. Pulling into the Lowe driveway, Hazel and Jade came outside. They threw their backpacks into the trunk before getting in.

"Hi, girls," Mia's mother greeted them with a smile. Her Dad also said hi before reversing out of the driveway. Hazel and Jade greeted them back and thanked them for inviting them over.

"You two are basically my sisters, no need for the thanks," Mia teased.

"Some of us were raised to be polite," Hazel retorted before sticking her tongue out at her.

After her Dad paid for the five tickets, the girls made their way to the concession stand. Mia couldn't help but buy her favorite candy while Hazel and Jade settled on chocolate bars. Her Dad also bought two large popcorn buckets and drinks.

"Your family is just too cute," a lady said to Mia's Mom as she pointed to Brian and the three girls. Hazel and Jade, with their brown skin tone, did look like they could be his daughters, while Mia looked rather similar to her mother.

"Thank you," she replied with a laugh, not bothering to correct her. As the five settled into their seats, Hazel and Mia excitedly tried guessing how the romantic comedy would go. Jade guessed that amnesia would play a part in the movie.

As they exited the bustling theater out onto the chilly street, they couldn't help but gush over the movie. "That was so cute! I mean the grand romantic gesture at the end, I want that someday," Jade squealed. Hazel wiped away her tears as she nodded in agreement.

"Hey, Dad? Can we please get ice cream before we go home?" questioned a tear-stained Mia.

"I don't want you girls to spoil your appetites before dinner. So only if your mother says yes."

"Why not? As long as you all promise to eat what I made for dinner. That goes for you too Brian," she warned. He laughed and pulled her close to give her a kiss on the cheek. The girls cheered and all but ran towards the ice cream shop a few stores down from the movie theater. After he paid for all their ice cream they sat at a table and talked while they ate. Her mother was updating her husband about the latest business development at work. Hazel was telling Mia and Jade how her date on Friday with Violet had gone.

Fortunately, as they made their way home, they were still hungry enough for dinner. They sat around the dining table and laughed as they ate. Shortly after, the three girls were in Mia's bed after changing into their pajamas. Mia and Hazel laid back onto pillows while Jade lay at the foot of the bed. They silently scrolled through their phones, not wanting to go to sleep yet. Mia sat up and closed her phone with a smile. "So, Jadey. How's life? How's Amy? Any cute boys at Lincoln MIddle?"

Hazel sat up too, ready to hear what her sister had to say. "No, there are no cute boys at Lincoln. They're all annoying. I mean," she added, "there is one cute boy. But we're just friends. Drew doesn't like me like that." Mia and Hazel exchanged quick looks, having seen firsthand how Jade and Drew had interacted over the year of them being friends. "Anyway enough about me. Why don't we talk about your boyfriend Mia?" she said.

"I don't have a boyfriend Jadey."

Jade raised her perfectly arched eyebrows in disbelief. "I think you forget that people in my grade have siblings in your grade. The fact that you're dating a cool bad boy has been some interesting gossip at Lincoln these past few weeks. The fact that I know you has earned me some cool points, so thanks, Mia." Hazel started to laugh, even after Mia lightly shoved her.

"Once again, I had no idea my dating life was this interesting to people. I mean, honestly, Nathan isn't even that much of a bad boy. Like yeah, he wears a leather jacket and has a standoffish presence, but he's super sweet and always makes sure I'm comfortable."

"Maybe that's just because he only has a soft spot for you," Hazel teased as she held the back of her hand to her forehead like she was in a black and white movie. "Maybe you're melting his ice-cold demeanor."

"Oh shut up Hazel, you hang out with us all the time. You know how he is."

"You mean how he's only gentle with you? How you're the light of his life?" she continued to tease, dramatically clutching her hand to her heart. With a growl, Mia swung a pillow at Hazel, who yelped before grabbing a pillow to defend herself. They attacked each other for a minute before wicked grins spread onto their faces. They counted to three and then attacked Jade with the pillows who screamed and tried to grab a pillow. Eventually, they laid onto the bed in a fit of giggles. Content with the day they had, the girls said goodnight before Jade and Hazel made their way to the guest room. When they woke up, they would make breakfast and talk until the girls had to go home. Winter break looked absolutely fantastic. 

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