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"Hello, sir." I said as I walked into the band room. There was a super hot man in the room, obviously the teacher.

"Good morning, miss. I'm the band teacher, Mr. Blackmore. What is your name?" He asked.

"Harmony Melody Flutens." I introduced myself. He held his hand out for me to shake, which I did.

"Very nice to meet you, Ms. Flutens. What instrument do you want to play?" He asked. Well, I don't know. People say I should play the flute and I love the flute. Should I tell him?

"I want to play the flute, which is seriously punny, due to my last name." I giggled. I giggled? Giggled? I've never giggled!

"Nice! Everyone has said they want to play anything but the flute and I knew there might be someone who wants to play the flute. Looks like you are her." He exclaimed. Interesting.

"Well, I have my flute with me, if that's alright with you, sir." I smiled. He seems so nice.

"Well, that's great. Everyone has their instruments then! We can immediately begin!" He exclaimed.

I smiled as I saw a seat in front of his that wasn't taken.

"You may sit there, if you'd like." Mr. Blackmore said behind me. I turned around to see him with quite a sexy smile on his face.

Wait a minute...

Did I just call his smile sexy?

Help Me, Doctor (Book One of Doctor Who: Be Mine series)Where stories live. Discover now