Chapter 5: The Aliens

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"How long will it take?" I asked after finding out the TARDIS is making a new key. He shrugged and I smiled. Great.

"I have a friend that knows I'm a Time Lord. She's near by here and she'll let us stay for a while." the Doctor said. I smiled and he led the way.

"Rose! Rose Tyler!" A lady from inside called.

"That's Jakie." the Doctor said. That explains a lot. A blond girl opened the door and saw the Doctor.

"Doctor! What are you doing here?" The girl asked. She looked at me and smiled. "Hello. I'm Rose Tyler." She said.

"Hi, I'm Harmony Flutens." I said. She pulled me in for a hug and I hugged her back.

"Well, Rose, uh, Harmony here is a new Time Lord. I don't know how or why though. But the TARDIS is making a new key and she regenerated and Harmony is still regenerating." The Doctor said. I smiled at him and then fainted again.


Harmony fainted and I immediately dropped beside her to help her. "Rose, can you help me bring her inside?" I asked. Rose grabbed her feet and I grabbed her arms. Jackie saw us as we were passing the front room.

"Who is she? What are you doing here?" She asked. I kept walking and so did Rose. We placed Harmony on a bed and walked out as she laid there peacefully.

"So, Jackie Wackie, I'm here because that girl, also known as Harmony, some how became a Time Lord and she is regenerating. She's changing faces. It's already done, but she must rest." I said. Jackie nodded.

"I'll go and check on Harmony. Rosie, come with me. Doctor, make yourself at home." Jackie said. Rose excused herself and went over to her mom.

After sitting there for a minute, Rose came back in the room.

"I'm going Christmas shopping. Do you need anything, Doctor?" Rose asked.

"No, thank you, Rose. Remember to be careful." I said. I watched her as she grabbed her keys and left.

I stayed on the couch until Rose came back in a panic with her friend, Mickey.

"Doctor, something tried to kill us! We need to go somewhere!" Rose yelled.

"What's this about going somewhere?" Jackie asked. She was holding a cup of tea with smoke coming off.

"We were attacked. We need to go." Rose explained. She suddenly looked behind us. "Where'd that tree come from?" She asked.

"I don't know. I have no idea." Jackie answered. We all looked at the tree and it started twirling.

"A killer tree! Everyone, run!" I yelled. Jackie, Mickey, Rose and I went to the back room, the one Harmony was in.

"Doctor, use your sonic screwdriver thing!" Jackie yelled at me.

"Harmony owns it! The TARDIS is making me a new one." I yelled back. The killer tree burst in the room. Jackie began screaming and Mickey was standing there, shocked.

"Help me, Harmony." Rose whispered into Harmony's ear. Harmony immediately stood up, grabbed the sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the tree, causing it to short circuit.

"Remote control. The real question is who is controlling it?" Me and Harmony asked at the same time. Harmony got out of the bed and went to the patio. There were three machines in Santa costumes. Harmony pointed her sonic screwdriver at them. They disappeared and we knew what it was immediately.

"Zygones." She said a bit shaky.


"Zygones." I said shakily. Zygones attacked me as a seven year old. That's how I met the Doctor. He saved me from them.

"Ow!" I yelled as I ran into the wall, holding my chest.

"Harmony, what's wrong?" Rose asked. I didn't know what was wrong. Suddenly, golden most came out of my mouth.

"She's bursting with energy." The Doctor explained. A pain ripped in my chest again and I threw myself to the other wall.

"Harmony, what do you need?" Jackie asked. I didn't know what I needed so I looked at the Doctor.

"I don't know. It's different for other Time Lords." The Doctor said.

"Rose, can you kinda get eye level with me as I tell you all something you need to know? Doctor, you already know." I said. Rose got eye level and another pain washed through me. I went to the wall I was at first and looked up at Rose, trying to keep myself from fainting.

"Something is... something's... Something is coming." I said through short breaths. I fainted after I said that.

Help Me, Doctor (Book One of Doctor Who: Be Mine series)Where stories live. Discover now