Chapter 6: Zygone Abduction

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Harmony fainted again and I helped her back to her bed. Harmony looked weaker than earlier as I stared at her beautiful face. I looked at her facial features and saw her nice red lips. I love her so much. She has the most beautiful green eyes.

"Harmony is very kind and beautiful, isn't she?" Rose asked beside me. I nodded and smiled at Harmony. Rose looked down at Harmony's face.

I stroked some red hair behind her ear. Her pretty red hair. If only I were ginger...

Rose left from beside me and Jackie came in.

"Harmony is a sweet little girl." She whispered. I nodded in agreement and Mickey saw me with Harmony.

"Uh, what's her name?" Mickey asked. I looked over at him and realized they haven't met each other yet.

"Harmony Flutens. A new Time Lord." I said. Jackie and Mickey looked at me confused.

"I think he was meant for you. Look at it my way, she is a Time Lord, you are too. You are the last ones. You can repopulate the Time Lords!" Jackie exclaimed. Repopulate my kind? That would be, as my old self said, fantastic!

"You're right. But still.. that can't happen. Gallifrey is the rightful home of the Time Lords. It doesn't feel right without our home." I whispered. Jackie and Mickey looked at me sadly. That is when I looked out the window for the first time.

"Oh my Gallifrey! They are coming for me!" I yelled when I noticed the ships. The Zygones were in them, I knew it.

They somehow beamed me up and I didn't know what to do. All I could do was yell.


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