Chapter Nine: Leaving Earth

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Me, Rose, Jackie, the Doctor and Mickey all went back to Rose's apartment. We began chatting away like lightning.

"Well, we should head off. We have worlds and universes to save." The Doctor said. Saving worlds? Universes? I can't go. I can't leave here.

"Doctor, I've never been anywhere but here. On Earth. And I don't know what it's like travelling the stars." I said, worry lacing all throughout my voice. The Doctor help my hand assuringly. He smiled at me and I smiled a fake one to mask my worried look.

"Hey, it'll be fine. You are a Time Lady, born to save worlds and galaxies of the unknown. We can work together and save this planet and many more. We won't run from any Daleks or Cybermen unless truly necesary. I love you, Harmony." The Doctor whispered. First, it frightened me. Then, it sent shivers down my spine. He probably noticed and grabbed my hand while running to the TARDIS. Rose said she wanted to stay for a while, so we left her. When we stepped in the TARDIS, the Doctor shut the door behind us and he walked up to me. He snaked his arms around my waist and kissed me passionetly. I was first surprised and didn't respond, but then I kissed him back. He seemed like it was his first kiss. Aw! 900 years in existence and he's never kissed anyone! Honestly, I've only kissed someone once. Well, twice now. Wow, this is a long kiss. Can't breathe! We pulled away and gasped for damn oxygen. I wish we didn't have to breath.

"Wanna go to my room?" the Doctor asked as seductively as he could. Wait, his room? Like, a bed room? A room with a bed? Ugh, stupid fear of declining boys is going to win.

"Uh, um, uh, I, uh, think you're, uh, going kind of fast. I'm not saying that, um, I don't want to, but, uh, I'm sure it's illegal. I guess we, uh, could go in your room?" I said it more like a question. And my fear won. He held my hand tight and guided me to his room.

(Okay, it contains slightly mature content so please, if you are a virgin in the mind, don't read this.)

The Doctor kisses me as he strips my clothes off, and I do the same to him. He is finally in his underwear and I'm in mine.

"Harmony, I love you so much!" The Doctor said. I pressed my lips gently on his and he did the same. He stopped as he breathed in deeply.

"Harm, please know that if this hurts that I'm sorry." He whispered. He kissed down my jaw line and then slowly entered me. It hurt really bad, but I wasn't gonna ruin any of the fun.

"Doctor, I love you." I moaned. He slowly began moving and got faster as I moaned louder.

"Oh no." The Doctor whispered. What? What oh no?

"What's wrong?" I asked. He quickly got out of me and got clothes on.

"Harmony, trust me and come to the main room." the Doctor said. I nodded and we walked to the console room. The Doctor grabbed a screen thing and trembled. He showed the screen to me and I knew it immediately.

"I'm pregnant?"

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