Chapter 12: I'm Regenerating?

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Doctor's POV

I looked into me and Harm's little girl's eyes. She looks so beautiful. Her grey eyes shine as if they were silver, her tiny nose is just so adorably small and her cheeks are at that cute chubby shape. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

“Lyric. She's so beautiful. Reminds me of the Galifrey suns when they set. The fire like meadow reaching for the sky, the flaming red leaves bristling in the wind and the reflection the red lake gives off in the day time. Such a beautiful place." I said. Galifrey brings back my good memories and some bad memories, but mostly good.

“I'm trying so hard to remember what Galifrey looked like. I remember the dome around the senate and the super tall buildings around it, along with the cliffs me and my best friend hung out at, but nothing else. I don't remember the colors." Harmony said sadly. I came beside her and kissed the tip of her nose.

“The Doctor and Harmony will come out now!" A dalek from outside screamed. Wow, is a dalek loud.

“Doctor, remember, don't touch the Genesis Arc." Harmony said. I smiled at her as a reassuring way to say I won't.

“They said the both of us though. I have to come with you, don't I?" Harmony asked. I nodded slowly and she sighed. She tried to get up and succeeded when I held Lyric. Our little girl.

Lyric began to laugh and I understood perfectly.

“No, Lyric, it's nice. My hair looks... no, don't call your mother that!" I scolded. Lyric laughed, knowing she is in the wrong.

“Did she call me big milk thing?" Harmony asked, laughter about to spill. I smiled and nodded at her.

“The Doctor will be exterminated!" A dalek said as soon as I gave Lyric to Harmony. I quickly whipped around in time to be shot in one of my hearts by a Dalek. The only thing I heard was Harmony screaming and Lyric crying...

Harmony's POV

It was too fast. A dalek appeared behind the Doctor after giving Lyric to me. The dalek shot the Doctor in his left heart. Always the left one... I screamed and Lyric began crying.

“DOCTOR!" I screamed. Lyric was crying with me and since I speak all languages, I knew she was saying, 'No! Don't kill my daddy!' She knows how to say these things?

“Harmony and the infant will touch the Genesis Arc!" The dalek concluded. Tears streamed down my face.

“No. You killed the Doctor. You killed the only man I ever loved! You will never get me to open the arc. I don't care what you do. You will never get me or Lyric to touch that Arc!" I yelled. The dalek pointed his laser towards Lyric.

“Touch it, or the infant dies!" The dalek screamed. Now he's gonna kill the only thing I have left? I looked at the Doctor's body and since he was slightly facing me, he quickly opened his eyes, winked and closed them. It was as if he never died.

“You can't do this! No one is that heartless! But you, you aren't a person. You never have been. You never knew Lyric. Lyric is not any child and I'm not either. You see, I'm not what you think I am. Neither is Lyric. I'm not the bad guy here. I'm not the good guy either. You see, I have one thing for ou to do. Check your records on Harmony Flutens." I said, grabbing a gun. The dalek froze, checking my records.

“Harmony Flutens is human from Earth." The dalek concluded.

“Check my heart beat. What do you hear?" I asked, cocking the gun. The dalek froze again.

“Two hearts! Two hearts! Time Lord! Mercy!" The dalek called.

“Say that again?" I said, aiming at the dalek.

“Mercy!" The dalek repeated.

“One more time." I said.

“Mercyyyyyyyy!" The dalek practically begged. That is when I shot it, killing it instantly. The gun was a hyperactive energy killer, obviously the best weapon for a dalek.

“Doctor! It's gone, I promise." I said as I got by the Doctor's side. The Doctor opened his eyes weakly and lifted his left hand, which began glowing.

“Harmony, get Lyric away. I'm regenerating. And, by the looks of it, you are too." The Doctor said, looking at my left hand. I looked down and saw the same glow.

I grabbed Lyric and put her safely on a bed in another room. I came back to the room the Doctor was in and he came over to me. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. He quickly locked lips with mine and than the regeneration energy burst through us at the same time. We stayed kissing as we changed and then, it all stopped. The regeneration and the kiss.

“Wow. Doctor, you look great!" I exclaimed. He had floppy brown hair, deep green eyes and a pretty big chin.

“So do you. You're stunning." He said, admiring me. I gave him a quick peck on the lips. He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me deeply.

“Just in case you are wondering, no, you are not ginger." I laughed. He pouted and laughed.

“So, I've got hair... two eyes... a nose... a really big chin..." he said, checking off a mental list.

“Wait a second... oh sweet Galifrey, no!" I exclaimed. The Doctor immediately looked at me. My eyes were watering.

“Harmony, what's wrong?" The Doctor asked. I closed my eyes and listened to anything my ears could hear. Thump... thump... thump... thump thump...

“One of my hearts aren't working as well as the other. Three from the left and then one from the right." I whispered. “How do people survive like this?"

“Sweetie, are you sure that one of your hearts aren't working well? I could check." The Doctor said.

“No, I'm positive. Let's go check on Lyric." I suggested, taking my mind off my heart.

“Okay, let's go." He whispered.

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