Chapter 11: The Child

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So. Many. Damn. Contractions.

"Doctor. I need you. I'm in labour. I know you aren't a real Doctor, but um I'm in labour." I said, gasping from hyperventilation.

"Oh. Oh! Yes, uh, right. Pregnancy thingy. Uh, excuse us, Daleks. We need to go into the TARDIS for a quick second. Then, we will help you. Promise." The Doctor said. He quickly picked me up and brought me into the TARDIS. He put me in a hospital bed looking thing and held my hand.

"Doctor, don't help them. I'm sorry about earlier how I said to help them. Please, listen to me. The Time Lord science... Bigger on the inside. The Genesis Arc holds over a thousand Daleks. The prisoners of the Time War. We can't touch the Genesis Arc. Whatever you do, don't touch it." I said. Another contraction came and I did what I knew I should do.

I pushed.

The Doctor was my midwife, helping to deliver our baby. It didn't take as long as a human birth would take, which I was glad about. Our little one.

"She's beautiful, Doctor and Harmony." A voice said.

"Rose? How'd you get here?" I asked. She looked behind her and moved enough so we could see a second TARDIS. A TARDIS in a TARDIS? Is that possible?

"Hello, me." A voice said. I looked up and saw a ginger male looking at the Doctor.

"Oh, Trenzalore, this is so wrong on so many levels." I whispered. I looked down at the child in my hands and kissed her nose. She looked up at me with the brightest grey eyes I've ever seen. I looked at her eyes carefully and noticed the impossible.

She had something practically covering her eyes, but it looked natural.

Her pupils were a different color. Not black. Grey.

She's blind.

“Doctor, she's blind. Her eyes... she... she's blind." I whispered.

“We can help her. I understand you feel horrible because she is blind, but she'll be fine. Remember, she is full Time Lord. She can regenerate and get sight back." He whispered. He looked into our child's eyes and I peered into them as well.

“Rose, can we talk alone? And keep your... me away. And your her. What do I say?" The Doctor said, obviously confused. So was Rose.

“Rose, keep your Doctor and the other me, the one you came with, away. These are spoilers for them and it's rewriting things. Keep them away. Go home with them. Do whatever it takes, just get them out." I said. Rose nodded and got everyone out, including herself.

“Harmony, what should we name her?" The Doctor asked. I knew he was meaning Galifreyan name, but I just don't know.

“I don't know any Galifreyan names except my own." I said. He nodded and had his little thinking face on.

“Mralyallysisalia? It's a beautiful name. It means bold and courageous." The Doctor suggested. (BTW, I actually looked up what this name meant and it really showed this.)

“It's a beautiful name. Mralyallysisalia. What about an Earth name?" I asked. He smiled and nodded for me to pick one. I thought through all sorts of names.




Definitely not.






Yes! Or... no... never mind.


Nope! Definitely not happening!

How about Lyric? It means music.

Yes! Oh my goodness yes!

“Lyric? It's Greek for music. I've only met one person by that name." I said. The Doctor smiled and nodded.

“Lyric Flutens. Both music related. I love it. Our Lyric." The Doctor cooed.

Lyric began to laugh, it sounded so melodic. I knew then that she was meant to be here. Our song. Our Lyric.

Okay, so chapter done. I just have one thing to say. I know you are wondering, hey, what's with the cat picture. I can explain. My cat Joey died recentky and that was the last picture I got of him. In case this phone or kindle (I switch what I'm using) ever gets messed up, I have a way to get it back. Makes sense now, doesn't it. Well, that is all I needed to say. Thank you! ALLONS-Y!

Help Me, Doctor (Book One of Doctor Who: Be Mine series)Where stories live. Discover now