Chapter 1: Sparks

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"Harmony?" Mr. Blackmore called. We were introducing ourselves to the class and I immediately stood up in front of my peers.

"Hello, I'm Harmony Melody Flutens. I plan on playing my flute, which is very puny due to my last name. I hope we all can be good friends." I announced. None of this was a lie. I want to be friends, my name is Harmony Melody Flutens, I do want to play the flute and it is a pun.

"Good. Now, let's get our instruments ready and get to work!" Mr. Blackmore said, excitity radiating off of him. (BTW, I know excitity isn't a word.)

"Yes sir." I beamed as I grabbed my brown flute case and put my line green flute together.

"Ms. Flutens, please come into my office." Mr. Blackmore's voice said. I went into his office and waited for him to come in.

Did I do something wrong?

"So, uh, I have a few letters for you. But I must tell you a huge secret." He looked at me a few moments, looking me up and down.

"Sir, I can keep a secret. You could ask my friends, I'm good with secrets." I promised him. I looked into his eyes for the first time and my heart melted at the sight of his ocean blue eyes.

"I think I love you." He said slowly for me to understand. What? He only just met me. How would he know if he loved me? Another thing clicked in my mind. He's my teacher. My band teacher. I'm a student. His student.

"Sir, I'm your student. I think I love you, too, but it's illegal. I'm sorry." I whispered, putting my head down. He put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up. My God, did his fingers make sparks when he made contact with my skin. What happened next made my body explode.

He kissed me on the lips.


I was exploding, but I didn't know how to kiss someone. He probably knew after a while and he slowly moved his lips a certain way and mine matched his. Sparks flew everywhere.

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