Chapter 13: He Can't Be...

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Doctor's POV

Being hit by a dalek laser hurt, I'll give you that. I knew the dalek grew impatient and wanted to have more daleks, but why us? Why did they need us to open the Genesis Arc? Daleks are immune to weaknesses. Especially human weaknesses. Why would a dalek want us to touch it? Oh. Oh, that's clever. The one thing a dalek can not do. Touch. Oh, sweet Rassilon! Yes! Harmony and Lyric will be fine! The dalek knows it can't touch and wants us, but Harmony is too intelligent. She's probably looking at me now. Wanting so badly to hear the conversation in my head. She doesn't even know if I'm alright. I should show her at least.

I quickly opened my eyes, saw she was looking at me, and winked. She saw and hid her smile.

“You can't do this! No one is that heartless! But you, you aren't a person. You never have been. You never knew Lyric. Lyric is not any child and I'm not either. You see, I'm not what you think I am. Neither is Lyric. I'm not the bad guy here. I'm not the good guy either. You see, I have one thing for ou to do. Check your records on Harmony Flutens." She said, grabbing a gun. The dalek froze, checking her records, I believe.

“Harmony Flutens is human from Earth." The dalek concluded.

“Check my heart beat. What do you hear?" She asked, cocking the gun. The dalek froze again.

“Two hearts! Two hearts! Time Lord! Mercy!" The dalek called.

“Say that again?" She said, aiming at the dalek.

“Mercy!" The dalek repeated.

“One more time." She said.

“Mercyyyyyyyy!" The dalek practically begged. That is when she shot it, killing it instantly. The gun was a hyperactive energy killer, obviously the best weapon for a dalek.

She made a dalek show fear! And admit it! She's one miracle I shall never forget.

“Doctor! It's gone, I promise." She said as she got by my side. I opened my eyes weakly and lifted my left hand, which began glowing.

“Harmony, get Lyric away. I'm regenerating. And, by the looks of it, you are too." I said, looking at her left hand. She looked down and saw the same glow.

She grabbed Lyric and put her safely on a bed in another room. She came back to the room I was in and I came over to her. She looked up at me and I smiled down at her. I quickly locked lips with hers and than the regeneration energy burst through us at the same time. We stayed kissing as we changed and then, it all stopped. The regeneration and the kiss.

“Wow. Doctor, you look great!" She exclaimed.

“So do you. You're stunning." I said, admiring her. She had the deepest brown eyes and longest brown hair I've ever seen in 900 years.

She gave me a quick peck on the lips. I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her deeply.

“Just in case you are wondering, no, you are not ginger." She laughed. I pouted and laughed along with her. Man, still not ginger.

“So, I've got hair... two eyes... a nose... a really big chin..." I said, checking off a mental list for regeneration.

“Wait a second... oh sweet Galifrey, no!" She exclaimed. I immediately looked at her. Her eyes were watering. Oh, no. Please don't cry for Rassilon's sake!

“Harmony, what's wrong?" I asked. She closed her eyes, probably taking in what ever was going on.

“One of my hearts aren't working as well as the other. Three from the left and then one from the right." She whispered. No. No way on Galifrey is that happening. “How do people survive like this?"

“Sweetie, are you sure that one of your hearts aren't working well? I could check." I asked shakily.

“No, I'm positive. Let's go check on Lyric." She suggested, taking my mind off her heart.

“Okay, let's go." I whispered. We walked into the room she put Lyric in and saw a man mixed with dalek in there, holding a crying Lyric, who, when she saw us, stopped crying.

“Hello, Doctor." A voice I hadn't heard in almost 309 years said.

No. It's impossible. He can't be.

“Davros." I said sternly. I showed no fear surprisingly.

“Hello, Doctor. Pleasure seeing you away from the Time War." He turned and faced us and Harmony hasn't seen anything yet.

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