Chapter 8: The Battle For The World

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The battle begun with the Zygone thrashing his sword at me. I deflected him and almost knocked the sword out of his hand. He thrashed towards my head and I put my sword up to save me from it.

Clash! Clash! Clash! That's all you heard. The sound of swords touching violently. I was backing up a great deal.

"Mind fresh air?" I asked as I ran outside. The Zygone followed and so did everyone else. After a great load of swords clashing, two things went missing.

My sword...

And my hand.

"You cut off my hand. And now I know what kind of a person I am. I'm lucky. You see, I'm still in the middle of my regeneration cycle, which means I can do this." I lifted my arm up and my hand grew back.

"Harm!" Rose called. I looked over at her and she passed me a sword.

"Another lucky thing. This isn't just a normal hand. It's a fighting hand!" I exclaimed. I got the sword out of the Zygones hand and pushed him down. I put my sword tip at his throat.

"I win." I declared. The Zygone looked up at me.

"Then kill me." He spat. I shook my head at him. Worthy opponent, indeed.

"I never would. I'm not that kind of person." I said as he stayed there breathing heavily. I put the sword in the ground and walked over to the friends.

"Harmony, this is Mickey and Rose. By the way, I noticed you stole my words. Anyhow, we should go." the Doctor said as he walked beside me.

I looked at what I was wearing and put a hand in the nightgown pocket and pulled out a tangerine.

"That sums up Christmas, ey? Miracles and love and helping. Letting others live." I paused when I heard the Zygones running. I threw the tangerine at a button that was a trap door.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not giving a second chance. I'm not that sort of girl." I said coldly. We went to where the Zygones waited and I spoke up.

"You will leave this planet and never return! You know why? Earth is defended!" and to that, we were all beamed safely at home. Everyone but me and the Doctor cheered.

"Wait a minute before celebration." Me and the Doctor said. The ships left and that's when we celebrated. I noticed a woman say in a walkie talkie to fire. A huge green beam went up where the ship left and exploded.

"You killed them." I said to her.

"Well, they are dangerous. You should be happy, right Doctor?" the woman asked. I looked at the Doctor to see his face red with anger.

"That was inexcusable!" He yelled furiously at him.

"That was saving my country!" the woman yelled back.

"But that was murder! They were fleeing back home! They were not going to come back!" I yelled. She smiled.

"And who are you to declare that?" She asked. My triumphant smile returned.

"I'm No one. I have a name, I just don't think you would like it. I'm a new Time Lord and you have nothing to say about that." I said. She stared at me in shock and backed away.

"Oh well, what's done is done." She said. I looked at a guy who must help her and smiled.

"I can take you down in one word." the Doctor said at the same time as me.

"Impossible." the lady said, smiling. I laughed at her and so did the Doctor.

"You're right. Six words. Just six." We said. I looked at him and he looked at me. He knew sign language, so he signed "What words can take her down." I knew he wanted to make sure I didn't have the same as him. "Doesn't she look tired to you." I signed back. He nodded and signed same.

"You sir! May I please ask you a very quick question before we leave?" I asked the helper guy. He came over and I smiled.

"Doesn't she look tired to you?" I whispered. He nodded and that's when me and my friends left to Roses apartment as the lady yelled what did I say.

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