Chapter 14: Pain

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Harmony's POV

“Davros? Isn't he dead from the Time War?" I asked. Davros looked at me.

“Such pretty flowers, Doctor. Tell me, how did you find them?" Davros asked.

“Oi! I am no flower and he didn't find me basically! The TARDIS did!" I exclaimed.

Davros does not want to mess with a cross girl who just regenerated and had a baby.

“Harm, calm down. You need to relax, okay?" The Doctor asked. Oh, relax?

“Relax? How can I relax when he has Lyric! All he wants is us to touch the Arc." I said.

The Doctor looked at Davros with a horrified expression.

“Oh, Doctor and young child, I shall get what I want! You will touch the Arc!" Davros yelled.

“No. We won't do anything." We said. Davros gaped at us and we smiled.

“Do you know why?" We asked at the same time. Wow that's creepy.

“We are too smart. We know all there is in there are imprisoned daleks." We said.

“How are you two doing that? It's really weird." Davros shivered.

“Agreed." We said. “Stop! Stop it! Ugh!" We exclaimed, getting aggravated.

“Cages free!" Davros commanded. These electric cages capsulated around us.

“You may want to keep up. Don't want to be shocked, do we?" Davros asked.

We walked as the cages moved. Davros held Lyric as we walked out.

The cages led us to the outdoors and the Doctors cage stopped by Davros, but mine didn't.

“No. No, no, no, no! That could kill her!" The Doctor yelled. Kill?

“Then let it!" Davros screeched. My cage was getting smaller and I resisted, not wanting to go to the Arc.

“Gah! No! Ugh! I can't!" I screamed as I began getting shocked. The cage made an electricuting layer on my skin.

“Harmony!" The Doctor panicked. I screamed in pain and tried to stay where I was. No way was I going to have the universe die in a dalek war.

I would rather die.

“Doctor, it's... gah! Its... fine! I'm... ahh!... fine!" I screamed. Davros looked at me, impressed by my actions.

“Why do you resist? It hurts, doesn't it?" Davros asked. By now I was getting used to it.

“No. Not much. And I'm not going to touch the Arc. I'm... used to the pain." I announced. The pain was eliminated and I looked up. I saw the Doctor's cage getting smaller. No.

“Touch the Arc, or he gets shocked." Davros wagered. No!!

“Harmony, don't!" The Doctor yelled. I looked at his cage which was so small now.

“I... I have to. I have to save you. Doctor, there's an importamt secret about me!" I said. The Doctor looked up shocked.

I touched the Genesis Arc shamefully. The Doctor's and my cages were destroyed and I began crying. I woke the daleks. I'm a monster.

“I'm sorry, Doctor." I cried. He looked at me in shock. I looked at my skin to see it torn up and cut. The electric circuits clinged to me because it had barbed wires.

“Sweetie, it's fine. The daleks won't win though. They can't. But this reminds me of something." He whispered the last sentence.

“Doctor, we need our friends to help us. Davros still has Lyric. You know what makes that dangerous?" I asked confidently.

“What?" The Doctor asked in confusion. I chuckled at what I was about to say. I felt my eyes glow a big bright color.

“He's messing with me. He doesn't know I'm a Time Lord, he doesn't know she is, he has no idea what is to come for him. And, the secret is too. Doctor, the myths you heard as a child about the warrior Time Lords where there was a Princess of them? The special ones with the special mark? I'm the princess girl. I'm the warrior." I said. I lifted my shirt a little to show the battle axe with a crown over it.

“You aren't myths? But... I never met one." He said, not getting what I was saying.

“We're special. Another life living with us all the time. When my eyes are this color, I am my other me." I said in a different, harmonious voice as my eyes turned bright green.

“What's your name then?" He asked, knowing it was the other me.

“I am... I am... I am Emeraldiniadaria. The pain she is inflicted with is soaked up by me. I take her pain." My other voice said.

“Emeraldiniadaria. Pretty name." He complimented. I quickly turned, hearing an extra heartbeat.

“Rose?" I asked. Suddenly she was running and then, a deafening noise.was.heard and everything went black. All I heard was one word from two people.


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