Chapter 4: Helping The Doctor

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I woke up to the sound of the TARDIS crashing.

"What's going on?!" I asked in shock.

"I am also regenerating with you. Because of it, I stopped for a second. While I try to regenerate, you and the Doctor can go exploring." The TARDIS said. I nodded and got out of the bed I must have been put in.

"I don't know my way around. How do I find The Doctor?" I asked. I heard a snicker beside me and saw the Doctor.

"Ello." He said with a nice smile.

"Oi! You scared me!" I exclaimed. Whoa! British accent alert! "What? I have a British accent." I said, pointing out the obvious.

"New body, new voice, new everything." He shrugged.

"Right. Anywho, what are we going to do today?" I asked excitedly.

"You are going to get some rest. Since you are regenerating, anything can happen. Sorry, Harmony." He apologized.

The Doctor took my hand and helped me to the main room.

"You need to eat and drink, though. How does coffee sound to you?" The Doctor asked. I nodded and he took me to a coffee shop and we sat down at the table.

"I am your waitress, Elizabeth. What would you like to get?" A lady asked.

"Two chocolate cappuccinos, please." The Doctor said. I smiled. I love chocolate cappuccinos. The lady smiled and walked away.

"Harmony, I need to help you. You also have to help me. Could you help me with something?" The Doctor whispered. I nodded and he smiled at me.

"Here is your cappuccinos. Enjoy." The waitress said. I smiled at her and she left us two together.

"I'm giving you this." The Doctor said, holding out a sonic screwdriver. I hesitantly took it and he did something to it.

"Put your thumb right here." He said, positioning my thumb a certain way. It's scanning my thumb print.

"Release." the Doctor said. I lifted my thumb and smiled.

"Only you can use this. It now only knows your thumbprint." He explained. I nodded in understanding.

We finished our cappuccinos and he payed for them.

"Okay, allons-y!" The Doctor exclaimed along with me.

"Can we visit my friend real quick?" I asked the Doctor. He made a thinking sound, but it was obvious he was going to let me since this will be the last time I'll ever see her.

"Okay. I'll come with you." He said. I nodded and I led the way to Connie's house. I walked up to The door and knocked on it.

"Coming!" Connie's voice called. I realized I look different, so I decided to say I'm someone else.

Connie came out and gasped.

"Harmony? Is that you?" She asked. WHAT?! How did she recognize me?

"Yeah, it's me. This is my friend." I said, pointing to the Doctor.

"Hello, Connie. I'm John Smith." He said, shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you, John." Connie said. She gave me a hug and I returned it.

"Harmony, uh, someone you haven't seen since you were born is here. Would you like to see her?" Connie asked. I nodded because I like meeting people I haven't seen for a while.

"Mel! Come here!" Connie called. Mel?

"Yup?" A girl that looks like me, or the old me, said.

"Harmony, this is your twin sister, Melody." Connie said. I gasped and so did the Doctor.

"Melody? Mum's always told me about you." I said.

"Uh, I'll let you two catch up. John, would you like to come inside?" Connie asked the Doctor. He nodded and left me with Melody.

"I've heard a lot about you, Harm. Connie said if I ever meet you, call you Harm." she said. I nodded and smiled.

"Melody, can you tell John we need to go? I will try to come again soon. I promise, Melody." I said. She nodded and called for the Doctor.

"Yes, Harmony?" He asked. Connie came out with him and smiled at me.

"I'm kind of feeling sick. We really need to go right now." I said. He looked at me confused until I have him a glare for him to know what's going on. I felt like I was going to faint.

"Alright. It was great meeting you both. Allons-y!" He said as he grabbed my hand and we walked to the TARDIS.

"Oh no. The key was rebuilt. We have no way to go in until she makes another." he said.

Are you serious! We can't go home! What'll we do?

Help Me, Doctor (Book One of Doctor Who: Be Mine series)Where stories live. Discover now