Chapter 7: She Wakes At Last!

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"Rose, the Doctor vanished!" My mum cried. I ran into the room Harmony was in to see the Doctor was missing, as my mum said.

"Where did he go? What were the last words he said?" I asked in control. My mum didn't even think before answering.

"He said they are after him after looking out the window. He saw ships." mum answered.

"It's the Zygones. Lets get Harmony to the TARDIS. We should stay in there. It's the safest place now." I said as I got everything we need. Mum made some tea and Mickey helped me with everything.

"I have her arms. You get her feet." Mickey said. I nodded as mum opened the door for us and we carefully took Harmony to the TARDIS. That's when I noticed many people I knew on top of buildings just standing there.

"Lets hurry before anything happens." I said as mum and Mickey hurried inside. Mum poured us some tea and Mickey gladly took some.

"I'll be right back. I left something." Mum said as she walked out. I stood there awkwardly with Harmony lying on the ground and Mickey holding his tea.

"This is very British. The possible end and we are having tea." Mickey laughed.

"Yes, very British. Maybe we could get a crumpet!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"Are you just going to be a pain?" Mickey asked. We know what's coming right.

"Yes." I nodded while talking sarcastically. He sighed and I realized mum hasn't been back for a while.

"I'm gonna check on mum." I said. I walked out to be snatched. Before the alien grabbed me, I screamed and Mickey ran out.

"Shut the door!" the Doctors voice yelled. Mickey quickly shut the door and was pushed towards us.


I smelled... tea? Tea. Sweet tea. My eyes slowly fluttered open and I realized I was in the TARDIS. I stood up and looked around. I heard voices outside and that's when I remembered what was going on. I heard people and then a rough voice.

"He's speaking English!" Roses voice yelled.

"I ONLY SPEAK ZYGONIC!" The rough voice yelled. That's when I decided to walk out.

"Harmony?" the Doctor asked. I smiled and have him a hug.

"AGH!" the Zygone yelled. He threw a wip with sparks coming off of it at me and I caught it and took it from him.

"I am in the middle of something! Be patient!" I yelled in his face. He took a wooden thing and tried to hit me over the head until I snatched it and broke it over my knee.

"Shut up! I am busy! Wait!" I yelled at him.

"Doctor! Rose! Jackie! Random person I don't know!" I exclaimed as I hugged them each. The Zygone behind me growled and I remembered him.

"Oh, yes, right. Uh, where were we?" I asked him. He looked at me with a disgusted expression.

"Who are you?" He asked. I smiled and rocked on my heels.

"Well that's an excellent question." I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"I DEMAND TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" The Zygone yelled. I looked him straight in the eye and felt like laughing, but kept a straight face. It almost broke to laughter so I did something hilarious.

"I DON'T KNOW!!" I yelled while waving my hands dramatically. "You see, that's the thing. I really don't know who I am. Am I smart? Am I stupid? Am I left handed? Right handed? Ambidextrous? Sexy?" I asked while walking around. That's when I saw a big button.

"And what am I to do when I see a big button that must not be pressed at all cost, right?" I asked. He nodded and that's when I walked up to the button and opened the inside.

"What are you trying to control?" I asked. The Zygone stared at me and I looked at the doctor and saw him pretend like he was gonna put his finger in it and lick it. He looked at me and his eyes said to do it. I examined what it was and looked at the Zygone.

"Human blood?" I asked. I tasted it.

"Definitely human. A positive. Too much iron though." I said.

"So what is this for, hm? Blood control? Blood control! Oh, I haven't seen this before!" I exclaimed.

"Anywho, when I see a big threatening button, I know what I'll do. Maybe I'll do this!" I yelled as I pressed the button.

"You killed them!" Rose and Mickey yelled.

"Did I?" I asked. The Zygone looked at me.

"We allowed them to live!" He yelled. I burst into laughter.

"Allowed? It's like voodoo. Blood control is to scare the pants off you. Like with hypnosis. You can get someone to do many things as tricks, but you can't trick them into death! The human mind can do that at least!" I exclaimed.

"Now we have no choice but to kill you and your friends! And then take the world!" the Zygone yelled.

"No." I said sternly. I walked up to him and stood inches from his face.

"What would you do?" He asked. I laughed in his face and quickly ran back to the front of the room and grabbed a sword up there.

"I challenge you!" I exclaimed. Everyone but my friends laughed and I looked around. "Well that struck a nerve." I whispered.

"Such a puny human!" The Zygone yelled. I laughed at him and looked at the Doctor.

"Can you believe this guy? He thinks I'm human!" I exclaimed.

"Challenge me, unless you are a salcara shnick!" I said. The Doctor gasped at what I called the Zygone in Zygonic. I called him a worthless alien left to die.

"Challenge accepted!" The Zygone yelled. "For the planet?" he asked. I held my head high and looked in his eyes.

"For the planet." I agreed. And so the fight began...

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