Chapter 2: An overwhelming night

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I stand with Lola at the festivities. And I see Francis and Mary walk in. They look very extravagant. I can tell that Francis is trying to put on a brave face. The go to walk to sit down but they get stopped by someone announcing that they should share a dance.

As I watch them dance. I feel jealousy go through me. I'd love to be loved like that. I think I could have that with Charles, if he could stop being such an asshole.

Narcisse comes beside Lola and whispers in her ear. I already know what they're talking about as Lola confided in me earlier today. After the conversation he storms off and I give Lola a sympathetic smile. She manages to give a small one back.

The festivities got a bit boring after so I decided to departure to my chambers. I sit on my bed and recall all the memories I have in this castle and smile to myself.

I then hear a desperate knock on my door. I tell them to come in. I was quite surprised to see my soon to be husband come in frantically.

"I need your help!" He says quickly. "Why what have you done?" I reply.

He takes my hand and rushes us into a room with Claude and Narcisse. I then look to the floor and gasp. Constance is on the floor. Is she dead? I panic and look to Charles, "what the hell have you done?" He does not reply to me and just solemnly looks to the ground.

Narcisse interrupts, "I will not help you with this."

"Why not? You have to." Claude exclaims.

"The king mistrusts me enough as it is. I can't get involved in hiding the death of a noble girl." He explains to us. "She is actually dead, isn't she?"

Charles replies, "Her eyes rolled back in her head!"

Narcisse then checks and says that she is still breathing and still alive. We all sigh in relief. Even though I dislike her, I do not want anyone dead.

"Charles fetch me a bucket of water." He orders.

Charles looks outraged. "You want me, the Dauphin, to get you a bucket of water?"

I turn and roll my eyes at him.

"You want to save her life, then we need to flush the drug from her body before her heart stops. Now fetch me that bucket!" Narcisse screams. "And some type of tube" Charles then actually obeys and goes to get them.

When he comes back, Narcisse then gives another order. "Open her mouth, hold the tube in place." As I go to do it, "Not you, Charles."

"Why me?" Charles protests.

"Because you are responsible for this. She took something you have her because she trusted you, so now you're going to make this right. Now put the tube in her mouth!"

I kind of agree with Narcisse but Charles is just a boy. He didn't know any better. And surely she should have been more careful. It's not all Charles' fault.

We all do as he says and Charles puts the tube in her mouth. She then starts choking. My eyes widen. "Narcisse!"

"Not yet."

"Is this supposed to happen?" I can tell that he is panicking more than me. Constance then keeps on choking. Until Narcisse tells us to stop.

Constance then gasps, sits up and throws up. Ew. I jump back trying to not get any on me. Narcisse checks to see if she is alright and she starts shrieking and crying. Charles looks mortified and it makes me let out a giggle. He then turns to me and playfully glares at me and nudges my arm. I just smile back.

He then proposed to walk me to my chambers. I instantly accept.

As we are walking, he randomly stops. I turn to him. "What's wrong?" He has a peculiar look on his face and I can't tell if what he is going to say is good or bad.

"I'm sorry." He states. "I never should of left you when Constance came. I just wanted you to be jealous. You see, when you left to go into hiding I really missed you and thought about you everyday. And these past few days with you have proven to me that I really like you. And I didn't think you thought the same so —"

I interrupted him by planting my lips upon his. He froze at first. He seemed rather shocked. But he then cupped my face and our lips moved sensually together. I never understood when people said they saw fireworks when they kissed. But now I understand.

Our lips slowly unattached from each other's. We rested our heads together. We both smiled at each other and I chuckled.

"I like you too." That was a lie, I knew I loved him. But he didn't know if he loved me yet and that was okay. For now. We carried on walking to my chambers, sneakily glancing at the other quite frequently.

As we got to my chambers we said goodnight. But not before he laid a chaste kiss on my lips. I then closed my chamber doors and smiled to myself. I got undressed and got into my bed and dreamt of Charles.

I don't know if I want to continue this story. I've never actually written anything before and I don't think it is going to well. Let me know if you want me to continue or not.

Also I'm not a very romantic person so it is hard for me to write romantic scenes but I hope I'm doing well. And I'm really sorry if it is not up to your standards

But please let me know <3


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