Chapter 6: Don Carlos

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I walk into the throne room to meet Mary, her ladies and my mother in law, as we needed to speak to Cardinal Morel.

"Majesties, it is with great honour and solemnity I bring you the vital organs of King Francis II for consecration and entombment here." My face is full of disgust. Is this still a thing? You give the organs back? I swallow the bile that comes up my throat and order myself to not say anything.

Catherine speaks up, "This will be the final vessel for my son's remains. Commissioned in keeping with the Valois tradition."

"Because that's not weird at all." I mutter.

"Thank you, Cardinal Morel." Mary kindly thanks the man. He just nods his head and walks away. With the organs might I add.

Lola goes up to us, "Mary, we're so sorry." And hugs her.

"It's such an awful tradition to endure." Greer hugs her as well.

"Disgusting might I add." The girls look at me with an 'are you serious' look. "But I'm sure Francis' organs are really nice and attractive." I try to joke. It works as the smile and breathe out a chuckle. "Is there anything we can do."

Mary hugs me next, "No. Thank you, for being here with me." We all smile back at her.


I walk with Mary and Catherine through the halls and I see men are bringing a lot of belongings out. I ask Mary about it.

"Those are Don Carlos' belongings from Austria." She answers.

"He doesn't travel light, does he?" Catherine says. I scoff. That's an understatement. They're carrying about 5 suitcases!

Mary states matter-of-factly, "well he has been travelling for some time. He'll return to Spain once he receives them."

I stop and look at her, "You speak as if he's leaving without an engagement to you."

"Mary, Scotland needs Spain. Did you even try?" My mother in law backs me up.

"No matter what you two might think, I can't just force men to fall in love with me." Mary says with an attitude.

I grin, "you sure? Francis, Conde, Bash... oh and Gideon Blackburn!" Mary quickly shushes me. "Oh be quiet Isabella." As I quietly giggle to myself and Catherine smirks at me.

Catherine goes back to the conversation at hand, "Did he tell you why he wouldn't marry you?"

"No, he was so vague. I can only think of one thing that might..."

"What?" I interject.

"He seemed to dislike that I didn't want to play a-a courting game. When men chase women through the woods."

"That is..."

"Freaky." I interrupt.

"I was going to say... a rather odd request." Catherine glares at me. I simply just smile back. "But Mary, he would have no idea that a game like that-"

Mary interrupts her this time. "Where men hunt women like prey."

"Ending with...?"

"A kiss" Mary states quietly. I frown. That is a rather odd game. I've never heard of it myself. We've never played it in Germany. (I changed where she was from, she's from Germany sorry :( )

"It's a chasing game. A game, nothing more. I think what he also seeks is some certainty that you will try, if only a day, to let your grief over Francis pass. To give him a chance to warm your heart, if not to win it."

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