Chapter 5: We Are One

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It was today. The day of the wedding. I had been waiting for this day for ages. I feel sick, but in a good way. I smile to myself. I called in the maids. I had hours to get ready but I wanted to look perfect. Catherine and Mary both walked in to help me get ready.

"Mary, I feel sick." I state as she was helping me do my corset. "That's quite alright. I felt that way before I married Francis, it's completely normal." She replies to me. I sigh. I'm sad that francis isn't able to attend the wedding, as he was my friend. But it just wasn't meant to be. It was his time to go. He cheated death already once. And he just couldn't do it again. Mary seemed to understand where my thoughts were leading me so she places her hand on mine and says, "Francis wouldn't want you to be upset on your wedding day and you know that if he could be here, he would be. And I bet he is watching us all from heaven, telling you to grow a backbone."

We all laugh.


I am now ready. My dress is on, my hair is done and I have a little bit of makeup on. My palms are sweaty and I am heavy breathing. Lola, Greer and Claude come in. I asked them to be my bridesmaids alongside Mary because they are my only real friends here and I love them a lot. And I know none of my family are coming, seeming as I only have my mother and we simply do not get on.

"You look absolutely amazing." Claude says to me with a heartwarming smile. "My brother is very lucky to have you as his wife." I feel my cheeks grow red and I dip my head down to the floor.

"Shall we?" Greer asks. I take a deep breath and smile. "Yes, we shall."


I see the doors of the chapel. I grow impatient. All I want to do is run to Charles. But I can't. I am a queen and must act proper. As the doors open, the girls all smile at me in encouragement. I then start walking and was revealed to everyone, while the girls are following me behind. I could feel everyone's eyes on me practically burning into me. But none of that mattered to me as I locked eyes with my lover. Charles was looking at me in awe. I feel a small smile grace my lips. My eyes never strayed from his. I picked up my pace a little to get to him quicker.

When I finally got to him, he offered me his hand and I instantly took it. We both kneeled down. The bishop was saying the blessings and we were handed a contract to sign. My hands were slightly shaking as I took the quill from Charles and he smirked at me. We both stood up, put the rings on to symbolise that we were now married and he gave me a chaste kiss, as we couldn't do anything too drastic because everyone was staring at us intently.

I smiled to myself. I am now Isabella de Valois.


When my husband and I came back, we decided to go have a picnic by the lake, to celebrate. So we grabbed all the food the servants made for us and made our way down there.

And a few minutes later we were there, sat laughing, playfully shoving each other and eating the strawberries. I pause and stare at him, admiring his beauty. He seems to catch my gaze and he chuckles confusingly, "What?"

"I love you." I breathe out.

He seems shocked, "What?" He repeats again. I sigh internally. I climb onto his lap and grab his face in my hands. I stare at him right in the eyes, "I love you so much." I whisper slowly to him. He then suddenly smashes his lips to mine, which I don't object to. As we part, he states, "I love you so much more." I blush and shake my head. There is no way he could love me more. I don't believe that anyone has ever loved anyone in the way I love him. I passionately kiss him again and then we just hold each other watching the sunset.


It was now time for the bedding ceremony. It is bittersweet. I want to do this with Charles. More than anything. But having everyone staring at you both while you're trying to make love to each other doesn't seem very romantic. But Charles said that the maids have hung up a sheer curtain around his bed so that they won't be able to see much. Only our shadows, which I am incredibly thankful for.

Charles and I stand close to the bed. I begin to feel overwhelmed and start to look at everyone that is watching me. Charles then gently caresses my face, for me to turn to him and calm me. He mutters, "it's just us."

"It's just us." I whisper back to him. "I love you."

"And I love you." Bringing me onto the bed slowly, he places me down and hovers over me. And then we passionately made love. And as soon as everyone left. We smiled at each other and then started to have fun.

(I have no idea what I'm on about lol)


The sunlight creeped in through the window and I groan. I turn in my bed and hit something hard. I grow confused, I open one eye and see Charles. I instantly blush and my mind replays last nights activities. I know it's time to wake up so I poke him.

(Poke) "Charles!" (Poke) "Hello!" (Poke, poke) "ugh I know you're awake!" (Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke) "you know what, fine, no kisses for you today." I huff. As I go to get out of bed, two warm arms are placed around my waist pulling me to them. I smile to myself. I turn around to see him looking at me with a smirk across his lips. I roll my eyes "I knew it." I mutter to myself. Charles points at me making me playfully sigh and kiss his lips.

~ I don't know how I feel about this chapter. All of this one was self-written and I'm not really confident about that yet. So please don't criticise to hard!*Nervous laughter*

~ And I didn't write smut simply because I am really young and do not think it would be appropriate. (I just turned 16 the other day lol.)

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