Chapter 16: Replaced

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It has been two weeks since Charles ran away. We've searched for hours on end for ages and yet there is still no sign of my husband. I can't help but feel annoyed at Charles. He had me here, to help him but he rejected my help. I couldn't help but think I had done something wrong and if I should of helped him more.

I can tell that Catherine is concerned for her son as well, even though she doesn't show it much, just as Claude is worried for her brother.

"Put down the pastry."

I am brought out of my thoughts when Catherine tells Claude off for eating. I snort in amusement and go join the conversation.

"You know your sister will riot if you start without her." She says to her daughter.

Claude swallows the rest of her pastry and turns to us. "So... have you found Charles yet? It's been weeks?"

"No." I say quietly.

"No, we haven't. And lower your voice. You know that your sister mustn't find out that the king has fled his post." She looks back as Narcisse's son and asks Claude, "Does Luc know?"

"Narcisse told him. Leith knows as well, but we can trust him." She says quickly, as we both notice a hesitant look on her face.

"I'm surprised that Leith has decided to stay in court, now that you are wed to another." She tells her. She's stirring the plot again, just as she always does.

Claude looks at her mother with a grin, "Actually, we settled on a practical agreement between the three of us." Catherine looks at her oddly. "Don't give me that look. It's working nicely so far. By day I appear as Luc's wife and on select occasions we will try to conceive an heir. By discreetly, I spend my nights and mornings with Leith."

I voice my opinion. "And how long until Leith decides that he doesn't want to do that anymore, that he doesn't want to share you with another?"

Catherine agrees with me. "And how long has this been going on? Two weeks? I was in a similar arrangement with your father for years. It was about as much my choosing as it is Leith's. My dear... watching someone you love share their bodies with another poisons the heart."

As she says this, Claude looks conflicted and goes to say something but can't as her sister, Leeza greets us all.

"Hello, my wonderful family!"

Catherine looks at me and rolls her eyes. I giggle at the fact that she does not particularly like her daughter. But she greets her nonetheless.

"Leeza, welcome back."

Leeza then drops her smile and looks around the room in confusion. "What's this? It seems the royal family is one member short."

I answer for the family, "Well, Charles has retired to a monastery in Reims, for a period of seclusion and prayer." The lie slips off my tongue easily.

"Would this retreat have anything to do with the rumours I've been hearing? Something about baby-eating and so forth?"

Narcisse steps forward and explains, "Vicious lies speed by poisonous peasants. We all know that Charles has been having a difficult time, but nothing it of the ordinary. He's just getting some rest and the spiritual comfort in that he needs."

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