Chapter 9: The Coronation and a Surprise

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I am with Catherine and we are organising everything for Charles and I's coronation that is happening in a week. So everyone was rushing and moving things into the throne room, where the coronation will take place. I am really exited for it because it will make things official. I will be the Queen of France, alongside my husband, the King.

But I have been feeling quite unwell these last few weeks. I've been constantly throwing up. And I have my suspicions that I am pregnant. I know I need to tell Charles, but I want to wait until after the coronation because he is already shaken up enough. As I ponder my thoughts, Catherine's voice brings me back to reality.

"The coronation is in a week. The surrounding villages are all planning celebrations in honour." She says, as we walk into the throne room. "I want bread and wine delivered to every town as a show of our new King and Queen's kindness and generosity." I think she is going a bit over the top. And surely we don't have enough money for everything.

A Lord replies to her, "As master of coin, I must inform you, the cost for the coronation festivities has grown quite high. With coffers still low from the Scottish war, we must be sure..."

"To show the world that the king and queen are forced to be reckoned with. I agree, Lord Fluret." She says ignoring all words he just said and I grin at the both of them. "Now that the mourning period has passed for Francis, it's time to see the House of Valois in all its glory. And in order to do that, we need to put on a show."

A voice speaks from behind us. I turn to see the newest guard. "Your highness. I believe this belongs to you." He opens his hand and I do not see what it is.

"Your new guard uniform suits you well." She flirts and I automatically leave the conversation. Catherine thinks that she is being sly, but nothing gets passed me. I know what's going on with her and that guard and I think it's repulsive.

"Butcher, where are we with the menu for the coronation feast?" She asks once she finished her conversation. "Five hundred tiny pink piglets await slaughter." He replies.

My eyes widen. "Those poor pigs." I mutter.

Lord fluret walks over and engages into the conversation. "The extravagance. That cost is unnecessary!"

Catherine just simply rolls her eyes and states. "Not for a king and queen. Suckling pig it is."  I then have enough and practically drag Catherine over to the side. "Don't you think that this is a bit much. Five hundred pigs!"

"You can never have to much pig." She grins. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that mind of hers.

"Okay, do what you want." I scoff and go to walk away but she catches my arm. "Have you told Charles?" She quietly murmurs to me, as she discreetly looks down to my stomach.

"About what?" I act oblivious. She then rolls her eyes and says, "I know you are pregnant. I have your chamber pot checked." I gasp at her and sigh. "I will tell him after the coronation." I promise.

She nods at my promise and walks off as another woman calls her. As I leave the throne room, I see Charles talking to Mary. So I decide to walk over to them.

"Hello. What are you talking about?" I ask as Mary looks quite conflicted. "Charles just asked me to take a position of honour in your royal procession." She answers. I smile at her. "That's a really good idea! Why do you look so conflicted?"

"Well it's very kind of you. But it would be breaking from tradition to have the widow of the late king in your procession."

I quickly make my point. "Yes but it will show the world that France is behind you, that we are behind you. I can think of no better way to honour Francis than having you there with me as Charles and I are crowned."

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