Chapter 3: Death or Not

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I am outside in the gardens with Mary and Greer, watching as Charles lazily blocking all hits that the trainer we're sending his way. Francis was watching as well. Charles then eventually grew tired and said, "That's enough for today."

"Pick up your sword Charles. You're not done yet." Francis then challenged Charles.

"Why do I have to take these lessons, kings don't fight." Charles seemed to be having quite enough of his brother and just wanted to go inside.

"Well God willing, you'll never have to draw a blade in battle, but I did. And our father did. And a king must master skills in order to gain the respect of his subjects."

They had a small sword fight. As Francis has more experience he won and Charles was quite annoyed by that.


My wedding day was coming closer and closer. My soon to be mother in law had been fretting about me not having my dress fitted for days now, it was quite tiring. So I finally agreed to have it fitted for today.

As the time came I tried the dress on. The dress was lovely and elegant. The top had lace and the bottom it flowed out. It wasn't dramatic, which I was thankful for. As I gazed at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but feel beautiful. It fit me perfectly without any work on it. Catherine then walked into my chambers and stared at me in awe. "You look gorgeous, my dear. I have no words. I can't wait for my son to see you."

"Thank you Catherine, I am quite nervous. Were you nervous when you married."

"Not really, I did not love Henry as you love Charles." I went to say that her point was false but she then said, "No need to lie dear, I can se it."

"Do you think he will ever love me?" I say with my head down.

"Only time will tell, my dear."


After I heard the news that Francis had collapsed once again I rushed to his chambers with Mary to see that Charles was already there and Francis was in bed.

Mary looked around his chambers, "Francis! Oh my God, what's happened? Where is the physician? Francis looked at us. He looked extremely unwell. He was very pale and it looked as if he was barely keeping himself awake.

"He sent them away. I told him- -" Charles states but Francis interrupts. "Charles, please, the physicians are powerless now.

Mary grew confused with that statement, "'powerless' - what do you mean?"

Francis looked so helpless. Like he'd given up. I can't have that for him and his family. So I say, "Then we must find another healer. Or Nostradamus or that woman Bash was searching for, Delphine."

"You can't die. I'm not ready." I felt bad for Charles. As soon as his brother died he was supposed to rule the country. And he believes that he can't do that yet. I grab hold of his hand. No matter what I am going to help him.

Francis looks to Charles, who look distraught. "Charles, I know that your scared. But you are ready. As ready as I was.

Charles then dropped my hand and walked out. I have Francis and Mary a smile. "I promise you I will look after him." And then took my leave.


I knew Charles was up to something. I ran up to him as he looked like he was about to leave the castle. "Where are you going?"

He then explained his plan to me. I didn't want him to go off alone so I decided to I insisted that I was coming.

"No Bella. The woods are dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt." I smiled at his concern for me. I lightly cupped his cheeks and gave him a passionate kiss. When the kids ended I looked him in the eyes. "We're going to be married soon. I go where you go."

He eventually agreed and we went off into the woods.

As Charles, the guards and I went through the woods we finally found Bash. "Bash!" Charles called.

"Charles? Isabella?" Bash replied, utterly confused. "Why are you two here?"

"Your deputy told us where you'd gone. We have come for Delphine. We know her gifts are real. Charles has seen their effects on you. And now we need you to save the king of France."

"No Isabella." Bash refuses. "I want to save Francis as much as you two do believe me. But you must understand. There is a price to be paid for her healing."

"I don't care! As the Dauphin of France, heir to the throne, I command you to obey." I felt slightly bad for Bash. But this was Francis we're talking about. Something must be done.

As we walked towards francis' chambers. We heard Mary crying desperately to wake up. We open the doors to see that Francis has passed. I stumble slightly and Charles catches me.

"He's gone!" Mary broke my cries to us. I quickly pull her into a hug as she grabs a hold of me tightly.

"This is Delphine, the healer. I-I've brought her here for Francis." Charles stutters, not tearing his eyes off of his now deceased brother.

Mary quickly shakes her head as she exclaims, "it's too late!"

I try to calm her down, by running my fingers through her hair as she cries.

"There's no guarantee that she can help him. Even if she can there might me a price." Bash spoke calmly.

Mary lets go of me and looks over to Bash, "What do you mean a price?"

Bash spoke instantly, "A price of someone else's life."

Charles has tears in his eyes as he spoke, "you can't be sure. And even if there is, he's your brother." He then looks to Mary, "Your husband. The king of France."

"And what's the cost of a kings life Charles? Your life? Mary's? What about Isabella's?" Bash spoke to his half brother. I couldn't believe what bash just said. Using my life as a way to convince Charles. Charles just put his head down and didn't speak.

Mary then grew desperate, "If the price is my life for his, I will give it. Bring him back."

"Are you certain." I made her look at me.

She quickly nods. "Yes I am. Delphine do it now, do it. Please hurry."

Delphine then went to Francis and told us all to back always. Charles grabbed me and delicately pulled me back, into his arms. I grasped onto him tightly.

After she finished, nothing happened. We all sighed with tears in our eyes. But then we heard a big gasp. My eyes quickly went to Francis to see him up and awake. Mary tan to him and with relief she spoke, "Francis! Oh my God. You're alive! You came back to me." Clutching softly onto his face.

Charles and I smiled at each other in relief and he softly kissed my cheek as I gazed up at him. Then suddenly I hear a loud thud. I turn around to see that Delphine has collapsed. And that Bash just woke her up.

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