Chapter 11: The Generals

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The next day, my husbands mother has informed us about her history with the Red Knights. Once we have heard the story, Charles says in disbelief, "You and father executed thirteen knights on the trumped up charge of heresy, simply because you could pay them?"

"How could you believe that was your only option, Catherine?" I continue on angrily, running a hand through my hair.

Catherine explains herself, "Not the only one, the cleanest." I roll my eyes at her.

"Me and my wife have already made the unwelcome move of deposing Lord Narcisse- a popular regent- so that you may rule by our side. I cannot have your past sins affecting our reign." He looks his mother in the eye. She sighs sympathetically and quickly states, "You won't." She stand up and comes closer to us. "This vendetta is against me, and I will handle it."


We are still in the study, when Bash walks in. "Catherine, an update." He stops and looks at us and then back at Catherine.

"Charles and Isabella have been apprised in the situation with the red knights." She tells him.

"Your assailants were last seen riding east from the castle. My men have searched the nearby villages, but they seemed to have vanished." He says disappointedly.

Catherine grows impatient, "Well someone threw a poke at me."

I come up with an enquiry. "Is it possible the families of the original red knights are involved?" Catherine then turns to me and answers, "They have no families. Henry only recruited orphans, training them as boys to ensure their loyalty. And once they came of age, they had to take oaths of celibacy."

I angrily grumble and walk to sit down on the study chair, as I've been having back pains from the baby.

"Well you couldn't have expected them to uphold these vows." Bash observes. Catherine narrows her eyes, "I didn't." She tells us. "Which is why I discreetly incentivised them with sex."

My mouth drops open, "Ew." I mutter. Charles was the only one who heard me and nods at me, giving me a slight grimace of his mother's actions.

Catherine continues on, "For every battle won, the knights, they had their choice of my finest courtesans. Trust me they won often." I continue to silently gag at her explanation. Charles catches on, "So it is possible, one of them fathered a child?"

His mother sighs heavily. "I suppose it's worth investigating. And I know exactly where you can go to find out."


After the very stressful morning I had with Catherine and Charles, I decide to see Claude. I find her in the gardens, looking as if she is waiting for something. "Hello Claude." I smile at her. "What are you doing?"

She turns to me and gives me a genuine smile back. "I'm waiting for Leith at the gates." She says simply. I mentally, "Ahh." As I catch on.

A few minutes later, we are greeted by Leith and his horse as he comes through the gates. Claude quickly goes to him and I follow. "Well..." She says looking at him expectantly.

"The wool merchant turned me down." He replies giving me a smile and a slight bow, which I smile back at him for.

I tells them both positively, "I'm sure another opportunity will come along."

"I'm sure it will." He smiles at me.

Claude then tells him happily, "In the meantime, we have a romantic getaway to Paris to look forward to." Her lover then looks down and says he can't go. I quickly excuse myself as I don't want to get involved in their personal business.

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