Chapter 4: The Loss of a Friend

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After Francis' death or should I say not-death. Life at court has been pretty boring. Charles and I have been spending time together which has been lovely. We've been getting a lot closer.  He has also been stealing a lot of kisses which I for one, do not mind.

Mary and Francis has left to go to on a trip to celebrate the fact that Francis came back to life.

Right now, Charles and I were with Catherine as she wanted to explain the details of our wedding that will be happening in two weeks time. To say that I was excited and nervous was an understatement. there was a sudden knock at the door. Bash came in with a sad expression, I instantly knew something was wrong.

Catherine did too as the said, "What is it?" When he didn't speak, "Speak to me."

"It's Fr-Francis."

My heart stopped. He was alive wasn't he? Delphine brought him back to life?

Catherine uttered broken my, "No." and Bash nodded slightly while having tears in his eyes. I pulled my eyes from Bashes and looked at Charles. He looked as broken as the rest of his family did. I instantly pulled him to me as he cried on my shoulder. I smoothed his hair and spoke soothing works to calm him down.


We all walked sombrely and stopped as we saw Mary frozen, sat hovering above a deceased Francis. Tears stung at my eyes as I held onto charles' hand tightly. Catherine walked forward looking as if the wind had been knocked out of her. She then crouched down beside Mary and held her as she finally dropped Francis' hand. Bash and the guards all went and held Francis and carried him away. While Mary sat sobbing into Catherine's arms.


Two weeks passed, it was the day before my wedding. Most people were still in mourning but we decided to go through with it for francis. He wouldn't have wanted us to postpone it for him.

As Charles and Bash came through the castle gates, I went over to them. Charles greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and I smiled at him brightly.

"Francis' horse is magnificent." He states to Bash, while petting it. I'm glad that Charles has francis' horse because I know it makes my betrothed feel a lot closer to his brother that has now passed.

Bash agrees. "Yes, he is."

"It's been weeks, but I still have to remind myself each morning that he's gone and I am king. I envied the bond you two shared."

"I came to Francis as a brother, free from politics or agenda. A king needs that kind of support. I'd like to be a brother to you too." He kindly says, whiles placing his hand upon his shoulder. Charles smiles at Bash before they are interrupted.

"Bash" A voice calls. I turn to see a man that is quite old, strut towards us.

"Lord Grenier" Bash greets back. "How's the harvest season treating your grapes?"

They go into a conversation that I zone out of because it is boring. I feel a slight nudge in my side and look to see Charles nod his head in the direction of a dog. I quietly awe and Charles and I make our way to pet the dog. Charles looks to the Lord, "What's his name?"

"That's entirely up to you, a gift from the council." He replies with a smile. You can tell Bash is not happy by the way he is looking at him. And Charles pays no mind as he just continues petting the dog.


I walk into Mary's chambers to see her, Greer and some servants going through Francis' things. Mary looks heartbroken. I go to them.

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