Chapter 13: Reunited

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My worst nightmare came true. Charles has gone missing. He's been kidnapped. When the boys had come back and told me, I froze. I faintly remember the tug at my heart as I collapsed to the ground in tears.

It has been some days now. I feel numb without him. Like I'm a walking corpse. I sit in the throne room while Catherine gives her speech to the nobles.

"The king has gone missing. Why did you not come to us before about this threat against the Crown?" One of the nobles ask.

"I believed these attacks by the Red Knights were a personal vendetta against me, and thus, I tried to handle this threat alone, but I see now they seek to bring down the entire Valois family. They cannot succeed." She stops and locks eyes with a man from across the room. "And that is why I am calling on you noblemen to help fight this threat. Find King Charles and bring him home safely." Catherine tells them. Just the mention of my lover, creates a pang in my heart.

Another nobleman stands up and declares, "We will do everything in our power to find your son and crush these traitors."

"The king shall be in your debt." She sighs. The noblemen nod at us and leave the throne room. A man is still here. We both turn to him.

"You were staring at me during your speech. Must be like seeing a ghost." He says to Catherine. I just remain confused.

"Martel de Guise." She greets. "You have your fathers eyes and his candor. This is Queen Isabella."

He nods over at me. I'm not emotionally stable right now, so I just repeat the action.

Catherine continues, "Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"Yes I was surprised to receive an invitation to court now, so long after my father's murder. Did you ever find the Protestant rebels responsible?"

She shakes her head. "Then assassins covered their tracks too well, I'm afraid. I am confident, though, they will be caught. Martel, I'm sorry you weren't invited to court sooner. It's been difficult since Francis died. I have been alone, trying to keep the realm from falling apart." I narrow my eyes at her. I guess I am no help to her then. I hold my tongue from saying something.

"You are still alone my queen. If you expect the nobles to help save your son, don't hold your breath."

I glare at him and walk out of he room. I will not lose hope. I know he is alive and we will get him home and back to me.


After sitting alone in my chambers, wallowing in self pity. I had been called to the study with Leith and Claude by Catherine.

She points at Leith once we've entered. "This is your fault, kitchen boy. Following after Charles on some misguided plot to take down the red knights. And then you go and lose the king of France in the process."

"Your Highness, I am-"

"-useless!" She interrupts him. "That's what you are. I swear, if any harm comes to my son, I will have..."

Claude then gets desperate and stands up for her lover. "It's not Leith's fault. It's mine. I asked him to help Charles."

I disagree with her. It's no ones fault. Leith and I told Charles not to go through with it and he didn't listen. And it's not Charles' fault either. He just wanted to do the right thing. And protect our family.

"Why on earth would you do something so foolish?" She looks towards her daughter.

"I wanted Leith to gain the King's favour. In return for his help, Charles promised to make Leith a Duke, so that we could marry."

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