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The two stared out the glass sliding door separating them from the snow-covered balcony.

"I can't believe we're starting off the new year with a blizzard," Bdubs laughed, nudging the male standing next to him. With his eyes still glued to the snow, Doc reached over to smooth back Bdubs' hair.

"If we lose power then we won't have to work," he pointed out.

"Or we could just lie and say we lost power," the shorter half-joked, looking up at the other and grinning.

"Why would we do that?" The hybrid raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Because you deserve a longer break," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"So do you," Doc whispered, kissing him back.

They jumped as all the lights in the apartment went out. Even though it was only late-morning, the heavy clouds outside completely blocked out the sun, leaving them in complete darkness. The darker brunette felt his roommate tense up and grip his arm. After giving him a reassuring forehead kiss, he felt around for his phone and turned on the flashlight. With Bdubs still gripping to his baggy grey shirt, they made their way to the bedroom closet and pulled out a battery-powered lantern.

Once set on the coffee table in front of the couch, it illuminated the living room.

"Oh no, the food!" Bdubs realized, letting go to check the fridge and freezer. "Come help me," he beckoned his boyfriend over to the kitchen.

"What're we doing?"

"My mom used to do this whenever we lost power in a blizzard. Even though the fridge will still stay fairly cold, it's best to keep the raw meat and anything that needs to stay refrigerated cold. So we'd put them out on the balcony in the snow. " Doc slid open the glass door, and they placed the mandatory items outside.

"And they won't blow away?" he worried once they finished.

"Nope! It's not super windy anyway, so don't worry."


With nothing better to do, seeing as how they had no electricity or internet, the two sat on the couch, Doc rereading one of his books. Bdubs had started reading, but quickly grew bored and instead leaned on his arm and closed his eyes. However, the relaxation didn't last very long, as the apartment began to grow cold from the lack of heating. Lightly shivering, the freckled one got up and gathered as many blankets as he could carry. He dumped them onto the couch and Doc put his book down so he could help his boyfriend make a nest out of the blankets. The hybrid suggested they switch back to pajamas, because if they're not going out why not be comfy?

The book now pushed to the back of his mind, the tall male pulled Bdubs into his lap and wrapped the blankets around them both. He idly played with his hair while the shorter stared at his face.

Normally, Bdubs refuses to take off his bandana, except at night, in the comfort of the darkness. It hadn't crossed his mind in years as to why he always wore it, he had seemed to have forgotten. So with one hand, he pulled at the knot and slid the red bandana off. As his hair fell in his eyes, he placed the bandana on the table. He looked up at Doc, whose hands moved to his cheeks and froze.

This is why he never had it down. Because people hate it.

"Babe, leave your hair up it looks awful when you leave it down. Trust me, you don't want other people making fun of you, right?"

A familiar voice echoed through his mind and he didn't know what to do. Why did I do that? I'm so stupid! He hates it, doesn't he? He hates it for sure. Bdubs looked away, wondering if it's too late to put it back on.

Swing Set AU; A Bdoc Oneshots CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now