Get Spooked

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"You don't have to wear it if it's uncomfortable," Doc insisted when Bdubs once again fiddled with the mask on his face.

"It's not uncomfortable," he protested. "I just- there! It was sitting a bit weird with the glasses but this is good."

The couple was walking amongst their friends to the Halloween carnival. It had been open every weekend in October, but Keralis insisted instead of a party at his place, they would go to the carnival instead. Of course, this meant they were going at the peak of the event's foot traffic, but they were all excited nonetheless.

As for costumes, Bdubs had picked them out. He had the hybrid dress as Batman and he was the new iteration of the Riddler. Admittedly, Doc found it hysterical to watch as his fiance covered his hair with plastic wrap for the 'authenticity'. Unlike him, Doc had opted to not wear his mask, rather stick with the heavy eyeshadow beneath his eyes. Once he was confident Bdubs was done making tiny adjustments, he finally took his hand. "You know what I don't like about your costume?" He asked.

With great amusement, he spotted the other widen his eyes. "What? What's wrong with it?"

"I can't kiss you easily," he quietly teased when he leaned down. Letting go of his hand for a moment, Bdubs lightly smacked his arm.

When they finally arrived at the carnival, Doc was reminded of his low-horror tolerance when he saw the scare actors prowling around.

In the corner of his eye, he caught someone shaking Bdubs' shoulder and for a second he almost jumped out of his skin. Thankfully, it was just Keralis in his Prince Bubblegum costume. "There it is; the haunted house! Let's go!" He eagerly pointed out.

"Don't you want to save that for later?" xB laughed from the other side of Doc. To match his partner he was dressed as Marshall Lee.

As much as the hybrid wanted to agree eagerly, Keralis shook his head. "No, there's no line right now!"

Gem, who was dressed as a fairy, clapped her hands. "Sounds like a plan to me!" She agreed. Everyone else seemed fairly excited, and although he knew they wouldn't mind if he sat out, he figured it was about time he started growing tolerance for horror and scary things. Besides, haunted houses aren't always that scary anyway.


At first, Bdubs was terrified just walking into the building. He shared a tight grip with his fiance as they entered the dark, cobweb-infested hallway.

Immediately someone jumped from the closet, screaming at the group who screamed in return. Bdubs practically jumped himself as he backed up into Doc. With a hand over his thumping heart, he felt Doc squeeze his hand. "Heh," he breathed. "That wasn't so bad."

"Well, coming out of the closet can be easier for some people compared to others," Etho commented, which caused him and other friends to laugh.

The hybrid seemed to be too spooked to join in.

As they pushed further on, although each jumpscare sent his heart racing, Bdubs found he wasn't so paranoid about turning each corner. What made it better was he found it fun when an actor jumped out. Occasionally he'd predict them coming, but an excuse to scream regardless was something he wasn't going to pass up.

"I want to go home," Doc muttered after a zombie clown chased them up from their spot on the second floor to the third.

Sacrificing the perfect placement of his mask, Bdubs pressed a comforting kiss to his cheek. "You're being so brave," he teased.

He scoffed. "Don't be condescending." Yet before he could pull the mask back up, his fiance quickly returned the favor to his cheek.

When an actor dressed as a murderer stepped out of the master bedroom and silently beckoned them in, the half-creeper uttered a curse and grabbed the back of Bdubs' jacket.

"Well I guess we have to, don't we!" Hypno declared, leading the group into the room.

"I mean, we don't have to," Keralis countered. However, he followed behind and so did everyone else.

Suspecting there would be someone under the bed, Bdubs switched sides so if anything were to jump out, it'd be closer to him. Sure enough, a woman lurched out from beneath, causing another chorus of screams. Doc grabbed his side whilst dropping a few curses.


When they finally got out, Bdubs started talking to Mumbo and Xisuma about the building and little bits they noticed of how they hid secret rooms and spots for actors to hide. As much as Doc wanted to chime in, he was far too busy being taunted by Etho, xB, and Pearl. They kept trying to spook him and he was less than amused. "For the last time, I'm not that easily spooked. It's just horror I can't handle," he reiterated.

"Doc watch out there's a ghost behind you!" Pearl gasped, grabbing his arm and pointing behind him.

He rolled his eyes as the three continued to snicker. "You guys want to get some apple cider before we do something else?" Tango piped up.

What followed after was one of the more strange experiences of Doc's life.

While some of their friends chose to sit down at a picnic table as they enjoyed their drinks, Bdubs and Doc were the few to stand alongside X, Tango, and Beef. He had an arm over his fiance's shoulders and was looking around at the other people dressed up. He then made eye contact with a woman dressed as Catwoman, who smirked at him. Immediately feeling uncomfortable, he looked to Bdubs who was busy engaging in a light-hearted argument with Etho and Iskall, and dropped his hand to his waist, holding him just a little closer.

Despite not saying anything, Bdubs crossed an arm over his body to touch his hand, acknowledging that he knew something was wrong.

Once the conversation faded away and everyone began discussing what to do next, Bdubs looked up at him. "Everything okay?" He quietly asked.

The stranger had long since walked away. So, he sighed into a smile. "It is now, yeah."

"Hey, you know what we should do after we're done here?" His fiance suggested, his eyes suddenly lighting up.


As tired as he felt from all the carnival games and rides, Bdubs was still excited to return to the graveyard once again. They sat in the same spot as the year prior and he took off the mask with a yawn.

"Can you believe this time last year I was asking about your thoughts on marriage?" Doc whispered, his hand atop his,

"And now we're set to marry next month," he sighed, leaning against his shoulder.

The hybrid lightly laughed. "If I remember correctly, I believe you said you would wait for me to propose."

"Ah, right." He laced their fingers together. "Well I figured since you were the one who confessed, who planned our first date, I should get to do something big too," he explained.

Doc helped him take the plastic wrap off his hair. "You're really sweet, you know that?" Bundling it up, he stuffed it into his pocket before combing his fingers through his hair.

He yawned again. "I can't help but feel like we aren't ready for the wedding. It's such a big deal and I feel like we aren't nearly prepared enough."

"But we are," his fiance insisted. "Everything is planned out, everything is booked, and once it's over, we can relax. And then come April we'll have our honeymoon!" Nodding, he laid down to rest his head on Doc's lap.

"I love you," he murmured, taking off the fake glasses as he gazed at the night sky. His fiance's hand continued to comb through his hair, though he seemed more interested in Bdubs' face than the sky. He gently took one of his hands and lifted it to kiss his ring.

When he let go, Bdubs took a moment to graze his fingers along his jaw. "I love you too," Doc whispered. "I can't wait to marry you."


Sorry if this feels too rushed, I've been very sick and I just wanted to get this out before the day was over :')

Swing Set AU; A Bdoc Oneshots CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now