[̲̅t][̲̅e][̲̅n] - blonde isn't a color

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"you ever had one of these before?" jahseh asks as he pulls a brownie out of the bag. i shake my head. "why, should i be worried?"

"i guess not." he shrugs. "i just- i just wanna warn you... i get horny when i'm high." he says, glancing up at me, looking into my eyes. "i accept the risk." i shrug. "as long as you know." he laughs, handing me a brownie. i stare at the edible in my hand before taking a small bite of it.

"eat the whole thing." jahseh laughs, putting the whole brownie in his mouth and only chewing it a few times before swallowing. i take in a deep breath before eating the rest of the brownie, and swallowing it, reluctantly.

"when will it kick in?"

"it should kick in in maybe ten to fifteen minutes, actually." he says nonchalantly, putting the baggie of brownies back in his back. i push my hair behind my ear, waiting for the edible to take effect.

and for the next ten minutes or so, jahseh and i talk about little things, waiting for our highs to kick in.

and soon my body feels lighter, and all my stress is flying away. my past doesn't matter. nothing matters.

i look up at jahseh and his eyes look as dark as ever, and for some reason, this is funny to me.

i laugh, pointing to his eyes. "your eyes have no color." i giggle hysterically. he laughs lightly, "oh yeah? what makes that so funny?" i shrug, still laughing, "i don't fucking know."

"your hair doesn't have any color either." he points to my hair. i pout, picking up a piece of my hair and looking at it. "it does, it's blonde."

"blonde isn't a color." jahseh says, his words slowed. "whoever told you that was a dumbass."

"i told me that." i pout, looking up at him with sad eyes. "aw, you dummy." he says in a pitying voice, patting my head. "don't call me that." i frown, swatting his hand away from me. i lay down on my side and shield my face, groaning softly. "i don't feel anything." i gripe.

[̲̅j][̲̅a][̲̅h][̲̅s][̲̅e][̲̅h] [̲̅p][̲̅o][̲̅v]

"that's the point of being high." i tell her, tilting my head slightly. i can tell that she's completely out of it, and this lets me know that this is her first time being high. she's dazed and confused, moaning and groaning to herself, playing with the tips of her hair. i've been high plenty of times before, so this brownie isn't really affecting me as much. i feel a little light, sure, but not a full on high.

"how long is this shit supposed to last?" she asks, fiddling around with the ends of her hair. "i don't know." i shrug. "since this is your first time it might last longer."

she hums, closing her eyes. soon she begins to giggle to herself, sliding her hand under her shirt, and as she does so her large shirt rides up. a bully button piercing is exposed, and my eyebrows raise, becoming intrigued by the piercing she hadn't told me about yet. i'm not even gonna lie, it's really sexy.

she stops her hand just below her ribcage, and lets it rest there. she's now laying flat on her back, and she sighs contently, with a dreamy smile on her face. "this shit actually feels kinda good." she mumbles, laughing softly. "i might just try this again sometime."

"what does it feel like?" i ask her, desperate to know what emotions and sensations are running through her as a first-timer. "mm." she begins, sighing again. "i feel so light. nothing really matters. my past doesn't even fucking matter anymore. none of it bothers me. not even right now, nothing bothers me. i'm on the fucking run and i could fucking care less." her words start off soft, then begin to get angry, but she finishes of with a dry, sultry laugh. "i'm on cloud nine, baby." she whispers, closing her eyes.

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