[̲̅s][̲̅i][̲̅x] - pretty blue eyes

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tw: mentions of rape

jahseh helps me onto the car, then gets on after me, setting our things down into a corner.

"get comfortable, 'cause we don't have another stop until tomorrow night. and that's the only stop we have." he says, sitting down and letting out a deep exhale. "yeah, i'll try." i respond, sitting down across from him. "what's the plan tomorrow?"

"the plan?" jahseh asks. "honestly, i haven't even been thinking about that. i'd been so worried about getting to this train on time." i snort. "i thought you'd been thinking of the plan the entire time, fearless leader?" jahseh shoots me an annoyed look, his dark brown eyes piercing into mine. "don't push it."

"but seriously, what's the deal?" i cross my arm. "don't rush me, you're tagging along with me, not the other way around." he rolls his eyes. "for now, we can just ride until our next stop, and then..." he trails off and sighs, running his hand through his dreads. "do you want to stop at another motel for tomorrow night? you know, instead of spending the night on the train. not gonna lie, it was nice to sleep in a bed." he says. i let his words sit in my head, as i try to come up with an answer. "yeah, we should stop at a motel. the bed was pretty nice. but do we have to share a bed?"

"we literally broke into a room, i can't possibly know how many beds are in a room. besides, it's a motel, you take what you can get." he shrugs. then his face turns into a devious one. "what, did sleeping in a bed with me make you nervous?"

my face instantly heats up at his remark, and i quickly shake my head. my neck tics, but you can't tell because of how quickly im shaking my head. "of course not. don't flatter yourself." i say, trying to regain my composure. "don't lie, i know i made you nervous." he laughs, leaning back a little. "its fine." he says in a lower voice, one that's quite panty dropping. "you'll be spending a while with me, you might as well get used to it." he shrugs.

it's a comfortable silence for a few minutes, the only sound besides our breathing being the rushing sound of the train and its grinding gears.

"seh." i say quietly, and jahseh looks up at me from the floor. "hm?"

"should we watch the stars?" i suggest in a whisper. jahseh's eyebrows raise slightly at my words. "that's- that's not a bad idea. yeah, i'd love to." he says, holding his hand out to help me up, and walking with me to the car doors, sliding it open. i forget how close we are to the edge, and the scenery rushing past us puts fear into my heart. i take a step back and clutch jahseh's shirt out of instinct. he looks behind him at me and notices how freaked out i am, and chuckles. 

"relax." he says lowly, his voice deep for only being fifteen. "i'm not gonna let you fall out."

"you better not." i grumble, still holding onto his shirt. i can practically feel jahseh rolling his eyes, but he pulls me away from him, and sits down, bringing me down with him. our legs dangle out of the car, as the wind whips against them. i stare up at the sky, observing the stars. i asked jahseh to do this, because it's rare to see stars in la, and i wanted to take advantage of this time here to see some.

i look beside me at jahseh, to see him staring up at the sky intently, as if he's deep in thought.

"i don't think i came from earth." he says, almost as if he'd read my mind. instead of being taken aback from his question, it really piques my interest. "what makes you say that?" i ask.

jahseh shakes his head. "there's no way. i'm different. i know i am." he pauses, sliding his tongue out and swiping his lips with it. the sight makes me want to close my legs shut, but i don't move, not wanting him to catch on. "i'm different, in appearance, i'm different intellectually-"

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