Chapter 1

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George sighs as he leans back into his chair. They had been streaming for two hours by now, but Dream insisted on continuing. He takes his headphones off and takes a minute to rest his eyes. He could hear the faint laughs coming through, he didn't focus on that.

George closed his eyes, this is the longest they've streamed. It was Dream's celebration for another sub goal, and George was happy for him. George was always happy for him. He sighed again and put his headphones back on.

"-eorge? Ya there bud?" Dream had been asking this for a minute by now, waiting for anything. Dream was like that, he always wanted to make sure George was safe; maybe for other reasons.

George smiled as he responded, "Yep. I'm here." He wasn't really there, though. He was focused on so many other things. He had to leave in a couple minutes to go to church, although Dream showed no signs of wanting to end the stream. Chat had been saying random shit; George never pays attention to chat anyways. But something caught his eye.

When will George visit Dream?

George cringed at the message. Dream had glanced at chat and had seen it too. "When will George visit me? Uh I don't know, George?" Dream didn't actually know. He didn't know if George wanted to visit, when he wanted to visit. Or most importantly if Dream wanted him here. On one hand, they had a good friendship, but Dream hadn't shown him his face yet.

Maybe this could be the time, maybe I should show him.

"I'm thinking about it, it's always up to you Dream," George said in a pained voice that nobody could tell. He wanted to see Dream, at least his face. At least something. Time and time again, he hoped. He never got what he wanted. He just wished that it could happen. But wishing wasn't enough.
The stream had slowed down a little. It went from Dream speedrunning to them talking about random things. Sapnap was building a house as a joke, making fun of Dream being homeless on the SMP. George looked at the watch Dream gave him recently, 7:32. He had about 30 minutes before he had to leave, but he was really enjoying the stream. Except for the time he glanced at chat; he knew looking at chat was a dumb idea.

"Alright, well it was really fun guys. Thanks for all the nice messages. Bye!" Dream held out the vowel at the end, as George kept moving around in his chair. Dream ended his stream as he leaned back on his chair, falling onto the floor again. George giggled as Dream struggled to get back up, cursing under his breath. Except George could clearly hear it.

The way Dream's voice could become so deep. He was talking directly into his mic, and it was just George and Dream; since Sapnap had left already. It was just them, private; alone. George wiped the sweat off his forehead while exhaling loudly. He wanted to see Dream, his face, his body.

Was that weird? Was it weird that I want to see those things? Was it too personal?

As Dream got up George was confused. Confused at himself, why was he having these feelings? Why was he like this?

"So, how about that trip to Florida huh?" Dream asked while George gets comfortable again.

"I want to go but-"

"But what?"

George sighs and exhales loudly into his mic, 7:44, he had to leave in a couple minutes. "I don't know. I want to see you, I always do. It's up to you."

"You always say that, you know I want to see you too." Dream answered. He was right; George did always say that. Mainly so he didn't feel guilt, so he didn't have to say it directly to his face.

"Do you have extra rooms?"


"I don't know man. I have family and things to do here. I have to pay rent for my bitch father." He was trying to avoid it, avoid it all. He knew he couldn't, but he stalled. He stalled. He couldn't believe what he was trying to do, avoid the conversation. Avoid the one sentence he never wants to say.

"Perfect. Maybe you could move in with me."

"I have too many responsibilities here in England,"

Don't do it George, don't ruin it.

"Just say it George, just fucking say it." You could hear how Dream was trying to hold back tears. It was true, he was holding back.

"Say what-"

"You don't want to see me, do you?" Dream said. Dream said it. The one conversation he tried to avoid, the one conversation that hurt George the most. It hurt because it was a little true. He didn't know what would happen, what could happen.

He had always lied to himself, saying it could ruin their friendship. It wouldn't, Dream would reassure him, but it didn't change his mind. He knew it wouldn't too, but he still denied.

"I can't go"

"You don't want to go,"

"I just can't,"

I can. I want to. Why am I saying this, why am I ruining it all.

His father bursted through the door, which led George to believe he had to go to church. Peeking at his watch, he was right, 7:53. "Sorry Dream I have to go, talk later?"

No answer, George sighed as he took his headphones off again. Dream had left the call right after he said that.

Talk later ig

Thank you
And yes

George got up and reluctantly greeted his dad, Peter. He considered not even talking to him, worried he would get angry again. George's eyes wandered to the bruises on his arm from the last fight.

"Church, right?"

"Yep" Peter responded while walking to the car.

George rubbed his forehead as he slowly walked into the van, annoyed. Annoyed that Dream had brought that up. He did want to go, he really did. But a voice in his head said no. The voice always lied, there was nothing stopping him from going. But he kept saying no. It hurt seeing Dream like that, because it hurt seeing him right. It hurt seeing him right about this of all things. He just wished he could go, he could go. Why didn't he? George didn't even know himself.

As the car neared the church, George adjusted his tie. He had put on a suit and tie for the occasion. He didn't consider himself religious, but he didn't want to fight his religious dad again. He opened the car door and walked to the entrance, waiting for his dad. Opening the door for him, he entered.

Word Count: 1130

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