Chapter 14

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"Oh Dream, you'll be so, so sorry," Fundy said to himself. He was driving towards them. George had given him his address a long time ago, but he kept it; just in case. They both lived in England, which made it easy to find them.

He accelerated while loading his gun. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and stopped at the red light. He placed it into his mouth, waiting for the light to change.

It was dark, almost midnight. Fundy had planned this perfectly. He expected they would stay up late, so he waited. The light turned green again. He glanced at a note he had written, with George's address. He placed his hand on the wheel, and turned. A couple minutes left.

The streets weren't that crowded, they were fairly open. Fundy threw the cigarette outside the car, as he parked in the town. He looked around, it was empty. Nobody was around, most people sleeping. He took a look at his watch, 1:07. He walked up the hill, it was cold. He decided to wear a black shirt and some shorts, he was freezing as he made it to George's house.

He noticed the broken window, and shrugged; it made his job easier. He had a bag, some rope and a machete. He left the gun in his car. He cut some rope with the small knife, and entered the house slowly. He had rested earlier so he could be fully awake for this.

Fundy slowly walked into each room, searching for them. Opening each door slowly, trying to lessen the creaking noise that they emitted. He slowly opened one of the doors on the second level, and widened his eyes as he entered.

Dream was hugging George tightly, they were cuddling; like most couples. Fundy's eyes boiled with rage, he tiptoed through the room with the large bag on his shoulder. He pulled out a long needle, and placed it onto Dream's arm, applying slight pressure.

He had the knife handle in his mouth, the bag and rope in his left hand and the needle in his right. He applied more pressure; the needle slipped into Dream's skin. Dream let out a small yelp, while Fundy tried to cover his mouth to muffle the noises. George let out a small snore, inhaling loudly. Fundy cursed under his breath, expecting George to wake up; luckily he didn't.

Dream was out, fully asleep. Fundy tied his hands and ankles together; smiling as he did so. He brought his knife to George's stomach, applying no pressure.

"Oh George, you're so lucky I'm only here for Dream," Fundy whispered, before swiftly leaving through the broken window. The cold air hit his legs, while he ran towards his car. He went down the hill as he entered the town, looking around for his car.

He found the red car as he pulled out the keys in his pocket, opening it. He placed Dream in the back, and sat him down. He removed the bag, and brought some tape to Dream's mouth. Dream was still asleep, Fundy expected him to wake up soon though; he was right.

In only 10 minutes of driving he started hearing Dream struggle. Dream let out muffled yells, struggling to escape the ropes.

"Shut the fuck up," Fundy warned him by holding the knife, spinning it in his hand before bringing it to Dream's face. Tears appeared at his eyes, Fundy pulled the knife back as Dream stayed silent. Fundy started the car, driving past the old-looking houses. He turned on his GPS as he drove towards his house.

He had already set up his basement as a mini prison for Dream, keeping him hostage until he knew what to do. He had plans, but it would take a while to get them ready. Dream watched as Fundy slowed down the car, stopping in front of his house.

The house was fairly small on the outside, although on the inside. The door was unlocked, making it easier as he carried Dream into the house. It was a struggle, considering he kept making it harder. He entered the house and locked the door, opening a small wooden door, which led to the basement.

The basement was very, very old. Dust covered the floor and most of the old furniture in there. There were dim lights that made the room visible. It was fairly crowded with furniture and equipment. In the center there was an open area with a chair. Dream kept struggling on the way down the narrow staircase, trying to escape.

Fundy pulled out his machete again, placing it in front of Dream's neck, slowly bringing him into the chair. He handcuffed him into the chair, using a thick rope (kinky). Fundy smiled as Dream moved his hands, thrashing around. He kept cursing at Fundy, not that Fundy could hear him with the gag.

"Oh Dream, you're finally here! Forget George, you're with me now!" Fundy's voice was ecstatic, he smiled and acted normal. Dream tried lifting his hands up, he kicked around; there was no escape. "Oh Dream, stay with me, c'mon." Fundy walked next to him, running his hand through Dream's soft, blond hair. Fundy brought his own chair from the surrounding furniture that laid across the room.

"I love you Dream! I want you to know that," Fundy said as he got comfortable on the dust-covered chair. He brought his hand to Dream's chin, caressing it gently. Dream jerked his head to the side, running away from the 'loving' touch. "Listen bitch, you will learn to love me!" Fundy said aggressively as he pulled out a pistol. Dream instantly stopped thrashing as Fundy loaded and aimed the gun at him, placing it on Dream's forehead.

Dream calmed down as Fundy threatened him, he closed his eyes. Tears slowly falling down his face, landing on his lap. Fundy smiled as he walked up and hugged Dream; Dream didn't resist this time.

"I know we're gonna get along great! You do what I say, and you don't die; those are the rules," Dream glared at him, while Fundy smiled again. He quickly pulled off the tape, Dream wincing in pain.

"YOU SON O-," Dream was rapidly cut off, literally; as Fundy delivered a swift cut to Dream's eyebrow, barely missing his eye. Dream cursed under his breath, as the blood flowed down onto his t-shirt.

"Say you love me Dream, say it," Fundy backed away as he came back with his pistol, once again aiming it at Dream. "Say it, bitch." Dream saw as Fundy's finger got closer and closer to pushing the trigger.

"I-I love you F-Fundy," Dream mumbled, still in pain from the cut. Fundy smiled ear to ear, as he backed away and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Here's what we're gonna do. I will call George, you will break up with him, tell him that the relationship was a bad idea. If you mess up, or don't say it; I will split your eyebrow in half with a bullet." Fundy said slowly, acting like he was talking to a child. He dialed George's number, and George quickly answered.

"FUNDY, do you know where Dream is? I lost him, I don't know where he went. I-." George was talking rapidly, he was crying, his voice making that evident.

"Calm down George, listen closely, okay?" Fundy said as he pulled the phone to Dream's face.

"H-Hi George," Dream started to say, trying to stop the overwhelming emotions from coming out. "I just w-wanted to say, I'm, uh, b-breaking up with y-you." Dream failed to keep a steady voice throughout his talking, but it worked. Fundy quickly hung up, and watched as Dream let out tears onto his shirt.

"Don't worry Dream, you did great! Just do what I say and you might get to see George again, you want that, don't you?" Fundy whispered while talking. Dream nodded as Fundy smiled again. "Behave, and you will see him sooner or later." Fundy added.

He left the room, Dream shivered at the cold air. He was freezing, but he didn't care. He cried, and sobbed. He looked up into the ceiling, and stared. He didn't know what to do. He was completely tied up, stuck; helpless. He heard the lightning rumble outside, it filled his ears.

Is this my life now?

Word Count: 1409

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