Chapter 11

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"I fucking knew it," Peter mumbles while loading his gun, Dream getting up and off of George.

"Clay, please," Dream watched as George held his arm. He quickly pulled his arm out before walking to Peter.

Peter aimed the gun at Dream, quickly firing; it ricocheted off the wall behind him, barely missing. Dream quickly ducked as Peter fired a second one. Dream got back up, punching Peter in the stomach, causing him to let his gun slip out of his hand, while pulling back.

He picks up the gun, aiming it directly at Peter's head, keeping his finger steady on the trigger.

"CLAY! Stop, please," George was tearing up, Dream glanced back at him before shooting, missing. Peter pulled a knife from his jeans pocket, running up to the Dream. Dream watches as Peter swings his knife towards him, ducking before dropping the gun, before snatching the knife away. He held it up to Peter's neck, applying slight pressure.

"You are going to do what I say, now kick that gun away." Peter complied, as Dream applied slightly more pressure on his throat. George was crying as he watched, he didn't know why. Dream eyed George, with a questioning look, George glared at him.

"DON'T, please Dream," Dream sighed before throwing the knife out of the room. He quickly jabbed Peter again, causing him to clench his stomach, allowing Dream to kick his ankle. Peter groaned in pain as Dream held his neck, delivering another swift blow to Peter's jaw.

He pushed him away, causing the man to land on his back. "Leave, and never come back; or else," Dream said, glaring at Peter. Peter walked back slowly, with his hands in the air; before quickly running out of the house.

Both men sighed, while George wiped the tears of his face. "I'm sorry, George. I didn't want him to hurt you anymore," Dream said with a worried face, sitting on the bed; next to George.

"I'm fine, Dream; I was just scared. I'm glad he's gone, thank you Dream." George smiled at him, his dad was gone, he was finally gone. Dream walked away and picked up the gun and knife, placing it on a table nearby. George laid down on the bed, exhaling loudly.

Dream sat down again, and rubbed George's cheek, wiping away the rest of the tears. Dream started playing with George's hair, smiling at him; trying to calm him.

"So, can you show me around England," Dream asked, placing his hand on George's face, eyeing him.

"There's not much to see, plus I can't really walk," Dream chuckled while sitting back up, rubbing his forehead before placing his hands around George, pulling him into his chest; carrying him again.

"Show me around, baby," He kissed George on the cheek while standing up and walking; George's face was a light pink. Dream walked out the house and started jogging on the sidewalk. George hid his face in Dream's chest, while Dream started walking around the area.

George lived at the top of a hill, towering above a small town. There was a church that dwarfed the other buildings, while a grocery store is to the left of it, a clothing shop to the right. The sun was shining brightly, the shadow of the tall church casting down on the two men. There was a fancy restaurant at the end of the town, some houses surrounding it.

The town looked very, very old; the buildings having a rustic feeling to them. Dream dropped George onto a bench, and sat next to him. "Stay here," Dream said while kissing his forehead, before leaving.

Dream was headed towards an ice cream stand, he jogged towards there, and pulled out his walled before talking to the man there. He picked up two of them, walking back to George. He handed him his, before starting to eat his own.

He sat directly next to George, placing his arm around George's shoulder, bringing him into a hug. George started to eat his own cone, while Dream kneeled in front of George, facing away from him.

"Get on, Georgie," Dream said while George blushed. George placed his legs onto Dream's shoulders while Dream grabbed George and hoisted him upwards, carrying him on his shoulders. Both of the men smiled as they slowly started to walk back to the house.

"Thank you, Dream. I love you," George nuzzled the side of Dream's face while talking, kissing his cheek. Some strangers were giving them looks, but they both ignored it. One man in particular, eyed them, you could see the anger in his eyes; if it was a cartoon, smoke would come out of his ears.

But they didn't care, they were happy. To George, it felt so good to finally relax, to finally breath; not having to worry about death every second. Dream was glad he was with George; keeping him safe, almost like a parent. Dream walked all the way up the hill, struggling as George kept giggling.

An old man with a camera around his neck noticed the couple and waved at them to get their attention. "Hey there, do you want me to take a picture of you two?" The old man asked while signaling his camera. Dream nodded while George smiled. It felt as if time halted; as if everything was perfect. As if it was finally looking good for George.

The old man sat down on a bench while holding the camera up, aiming at George and Dream; taking a picture. He walked up to both of them slowly, and handed them the picture. George was smiling, placing bunny ears on Dream while Dream was holding two thumbs up. The picture was very, very cheesy; but they loved it. Dream placed it in his pocket, and gave the man a 20 dollar bill in return.

Dream continued walking up the hill, finally arriving at George's house, he entered and laid George down on the bed. George smiled as Dream found an old picture frame, and replaced the picture with the one they had taken today. He placed it on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Was that fun, Georgie?" George hummed in response and patted his hand down on the bed.

"I love you, Dream. Thank you, for all of this." Dream placed his hands around George's back, pulling him into a large hug. Dream kisses him on the cheek, and slowly pulls the blanket on top of both of them; they both fall asleep rapidly, not having slept in a long time.

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