Chapter 15

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Is this my life now?


The sun had just started to rise, George tossed and turned in bed, groaning; trying to get more sleep. It was cold, which was something unusual for his house. He pulled the blanket off of himself; expecting a reaction from Dream, expecting anything from Dream. He recalled last night, or this early morning. It felt horrible; it made him sick. George didn't know whether Dream was being forced to say that, or if he meant it. Either way; Dream was gone. George considered trying to find him, but it was late; he thought about doing it today.

The sun had just started to rise; not that Dream could tell. He heard the humming and singing from the kitchen upstairs; alerting him that Fundy was awake again. He sighed, he was so tired; but tried to stay awake. He hadn't been able to sleep, being tied up to a chair. It was uncomfortable; it was painful. Painful thinking about George, what he said to him.

George could have gone to find Dream, he could have called the cops. Maybe it would have been for the best. But after what felt like an hour, which was only fifteen minutes; he thought about what Dream had said. Was it really him? Did he really mean it? It stung, he laid in bed; maybe Dream did mean it. Maybe it was a dumb idea in the first place. Maybe it would be better off to leave him.

Dream tapped his fingers on the chair, he was bored. It was early morning, he was starving, but George was more important. George was more important than anything to Dream. Dream wanted George to live the best life with him, to make up for living a shitty life before. How could he do that now, he was separated. It stung, he sat in the chair; maybe George didn't care.

Maybe he wasn't going to do anything; just because I said that.

I didn't mean it.

Something he wished he could have said to George. He didn't expect this to happen; he didn't think Fundy would do this. Speaking of the actual devil; footstep neared the basement, as the young man entered the room. Fundy smiled; acting like it was a normal day, like this is what he does everyday; kidnap the love of his life.

"Hi baby," Fundy had a plate with two eggs and some bacon, placing it on the small table in front Dream; moving the gun and knife to have space for the food. He took a fork out, along with a small kitchen knife. He slowly cut the egg into several pieces, Dream glared at him.

George stayed in bed for the next few hours. He didn't do anything, he couldn't do anything. He had gotten up to make himself some coffee, but that was it. He could barely walk; he couldn't ask for help, it all hurt. After he had finished the call, he had thrown his phone outside, listening to it crack and shatter as it hit the pavement on the hill.

Fundy held the fork up to Dream's mouth, Dream started eating it. It didn't taste that good; Dream didn't really like plain eggs, but he ate it anyway; it was better than dying. Fundy smiled as he took a photo of him and Dream, while Dream ate the egg on the fork. He cropped the top of Dream's head, hiding the cut that he had given him yesterday. He went to twitter.

Hi everybody! I just wanted state a couple things:
Dream and I have been dating for a couple months now
We are engaged now!

He quickly posted it, still feeding Dream. Dream hated every second. But he complied; hoping that Fundy didn't lie, that he would get to see George again. That was all he wanted now. To see the shorter, just once; one last time. Tell him it was fake, tell him it was a lie. Tell him anything to get them together again, one last time.

George got up out of bed, not to do much. He organized some stuff on the table in the living room, he called for someone to fix his window. He washed his dishes. It felt horrible being this lonely. He couldn't talk to Dream, he would never be able to talk to him again. It was over, Dream had broken up with him; he lost the one thing he needed. The one thing he wished he had cherished more; a relationship, someone that cared for him. He lost him; he lost Dream.

Fundy and Dream weren't engaged, it wasn't even official; until now. People went wild on twitter. Some hated it; most loved it. They didn't even know what was happening on the other side; what was happening to Dream.

"Do I get to see George?" Dream asked as Fundy threw the plastic plate away. Dream hated doing all of this, he hated it. But maybe seeing George would make up for it.

"If you do what I say, yes. By the way, we're getting married tomorrow!" Fundy said as Dream glared at him.

"I didn't agree to that,"

"You do what I say, unless," Fundy pulled the machete out once more; placing it against his neck. "Unless you don't want to see George at all."

Dream sighed, he couldn't believe this. Was it even going to be worth it?

George rubbed his forehead as he considered calling the cops for the tenth time this day. It felt so tempting; he missed Dream. He missed it all; and to think he only had him for a couple of days. He felt so lonely, it was completely silent in his house; which was abnormal. All he could think about was what Dream said. If he meant it; if Fundy forced him to do it. But why would Fundy force him to do it?

George had thrown and broken his phone the day of the call; he didn't bother buying a new one or even picking up the shattered pieces of it on the street. He hadn't checked twitter; he hadn't seen what Fundy had posted. Countless phone calls rang throughout the house; George ignored them.

It was nearing noon, George heard his stomach rumble loudly. He hadn't eaten in a while; but he didn't want to cook, mainly because he didn't really know how. He sighed as he picked up the keys and started his car. The sound of leaves falling onto the ground was all he could hear; it was pretty much silent. He drove to the nearest fast food place, ordering before noticing something.

Fundy had started to place posters near George's town, just in case he missed the tweet; which he did. He thought it would be good to spread the word, and it would add salt on the wound; which it did. George swiftly walked to the wall on the building. A couple of posters surrounded the bland brick wall. George slowly tore the poster off the wall, trying not to rip it.

Tears formed in his eyes as he walked back to his car; the poster still in hand.

Dream and Fundy wedding tomorrow, February 6!

The rest of the poster had the location, which George quickly jotted down on a notepad. Tears slowly fell from George's eyes, landing on the poster. He wiped the tears of his face, and started to drive back.

He didn't know what to think, whether Dream agreed to this or not. He arrived at the house and quickly ripped the paper poster in small, little pieces. He dropped them into the small trash bin near his bed.

Dream watched as Fundy showed him what he was going to wear. A white dress; a typical one for marriages; even if it was fake. He didn't know if George was going there, or if anyone would go there. He didn't want George to see him like this. He didn't want George to think he didn't love him anymore.

George fell asleep rapidly. He had to wake up early for the wedding. Dream stayed up all night, not that he could sleep tied up to a chair. Fundy had explained he would wear a small white mask, resembling the one on his minecraft skin. He would still be able to see, but Fundy claimed it would look cool. He complied, of course; he had to with the thick knife still daring to penetrate his neck.

Why did this have to happen? I need George, I can't deal with this lunatic.

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