Chapter 21

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Everything felt perfect. Dream placed the ring on George's finger, slowly pushing it on. George was crying; tears of happiness, of course. Dream smiled as he held his hand with the new ring. People were giving them disgusted looks, some standing up and leaving.

"C'mon George, lets go," Dream sighed as he strolled towards George, stopping next to him. George stood up, and they left. They held hands most of the walk. George pushed Dream, one hand holding Dream's hand, the other pushing. It was what they both wanted. Everything felt perfect, because it was perfect.


George walked along the path towards their home. It was fairly quiet, none of them spoke words; it was more of a comfortable silence, not an awkward one. George hummed a simple melody as they entered the house.

"Dream, I need you to take a shower." George looked at him, speaking in a serious tone. Dream looked at him confused. "Don't worry, I'll help." He added, Dream's face went red as George pushed him to the shower.

George lifted up the wheelchair slightly, placing it in the large shower. He took off Dream's clothes; it felt weird. It was awkward, George tried looking away; he didn't want to make Dream feel weird about this. Dream blushed as George took off the final piece of clothing, underwear.

"I know what you're thinking George. You shouldn't be thinking about doing that, I don't feel it anyways." Dream said, George giggled as he took off his own clothes, besides his boxers. He gave a small smile as he closed the door, pulling the curtains. Dream sat in the wheelchair and sighed; annoyed that this was his life now. But he would do anything to be with George.

George took the soap and washed the visible parts of Dream, before noticing what he had to do. George blushed slightly as he took Dream out of the shower, and placed him onto a towel; laying down on his stomach, using his hands to support him.

"George, just do it. I don't fucking feel it, it shouldn't be weird." Dream said. George nodded in response, slowly bringing the soap bar near Dream.

"I can't do this, Dream." George sighed as he started getting up. Dream used one of his hands to grab Georges, pushing it down. George gasped loudly, while Dream moved his hand in an up and down motion. George was speechless, Dream lifted his hand up.

"Help me up now, please." Dream said. George took out the wheelchair, drying it slightly before placing it near the bed. He pulled out a yellow t-shirt, and some shorts. He lifted Dream up and placed the new clothing on him. George slowly dragged Dream onto the bed. He laid next to Dream, pulling his hands around the blond's body.

"I love you, George." Dream said. He heard very light, soft snoring emitting from the brunet, he closed his eyes and smiled. It was perfect.


Dream woke up first, groaning loudly as he tried to move around. He would always do that; think it's a normal day, then remember he can't move. George was in a deep sleep, Dream annoyed that he knew he would have to stay there for a while. Dream shook his shoulders lightly, trying to wake him up.

"George, please wake up." Dream groaned, as he playfully slapped the brunet's cheek. George inhaled sharply, before opening his eyes to Dream, who was right in front of him. "Thank you, George. Can we go somewhere?" George shook his head, causing Dream to frown.

"We have to go to the hospital, so they can make sure you'll be fine staying here." George said before yawning loudly, sitting up and stretching. "Is it okay if I drop you off there, you call me; and I pick you up? I have some errands to run." George didn't want to leave Dream, ever. But it was important.


Dream had fully woken up by now, it was 11 am. They were walking to the hospital. George knew he would have to go back to get his car, then drive to do the errands, but to him it didn't matter. He enjoyed his walks with Dream, they were relaxing. Something that George hadn't felt in a long time.

"Remember Dream, if you have any problems; call me." George told him for the tenth time. Dream nodded as they entered the large building. It was quiet, like most of the time; it was a hospital. Dream looked directly to the floor. He didn't like that George was leaving him alone, but he knew he had to do it. The only way he was going to get used to it is for it to happen. He worried for George, the nightmares still came and went randomly.

"I know George, don't worry. Shouldn't you be leaving now?" Dream asked, George nodded in response. He placed the phone in Dream's hand, while he quickly left the room. The door swung open for a while before closing shut, causing an obnoxiously loud noise to be emitted.

The doctor left and closed a door, before walking to Dream, who was sitting down in his chair. The doctor signaled for the room, moving back; allowing Dream to enter first. He strolled inside, holding the door for the man in the white suit.

"Hi Clay. We're going to try and keep this short. In my professional opinion, you should be free to go; but we're forced to do this, just in case." The doctor started saying, Dream nodded.

They moved him into a different room. The tests they did were straight forward. They did take a while, but they were simple.


"Clay, after the results of the test, we have a definitive answer for you." The doctor started to say. "You are free to leave! You are doing great, at least for getting shot in the spine." The doctor gave him a sympathetic smile. The doctor scooted Dream into his wheelchair. Dream started rolling towards the door, opening it and leaving.


Can you pick me up?


U there?

No answer. Dream called him, still nothing. He sighed as he headed to their house. It wasn't that far away, but it was still annoying. He really wanted to see George.

Dream walked up the pavement that was near George's house, slowly going up the hill.

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